Chapter 112 - Ciel's Little Hatchling

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In the night, the forest was like a peaceful echo of the ocean. The lushes leaves of the trees followed the wind like the calm waves of the sea, howling softly upon the blissful dark. The luminous glow of the white moon shone down stirring up the night creatures from their sleep to begin their nightfall roam while the creatures of the day took it as a sign to venture to their homes and rest for the night.

The night flowers created an enchanting pathway through the forest ground, leading the ancient wolf and the human with a fairy resting on his shoulder towards the cosy cottage that stood firmly upon the little hill as the smoke flew up from the chimney on the roof top. The orange light flickered from inside the cottage as seen from the windows.

The stream glowed a shimmering blue reflecting the dozens of the stars above it and the lonely moon. Tonight, the water was quite only the sounds of the water frogs and crickets chirped every now and then.

Each step was like walking through the heavens during the night.

As the three came upon the few cobblestone stairs lashed on by thin vines and moss that grew on it as it lead up to the cottage, Alaric had stopped.

Ciel felt the sudden stop of the ancient wolf's movement, stopped himself and turned around. His ocean blue eyes stared into those forest eyes that glowed a vibrant green and the keeper looked puzzled in his spot, titling his head to the side, and questioning the wolf. "Is this where we part ways for tonight?"

The wolf nodded his head, eyes blinking once but gentle to answer Ciel's question.

Ciel smiled in returned "I see". The keeper was grateful for the ancient wolf's kindness as well as the patience he had with the human. Ciel reached out a hand towards the ancient wolf and softly he asked Alaric for his permission to touch him. "May I?"

Alaric took a step forward towards the orange haired human and accepted the humans gesture, moving his head towards the palm that waited for his touch and letting skin come in contact with his fur on his head. With a touch Alaric could sense the kindness coming from those calloused hands that seemingly spent years on hard work.

It was the deep warmth of gentleness in the humans heart that Alaric could see that attracted him. It was similar to the female human who had come this way weeks ago. Her cold hands that would turn warm whenever she caressed the side of his head. The love hidden deep in in her icy blue eyes that inflicted any emotions that dared to come forward whenever who looked into her eyes. Ciel had the same look in his eyes, but the only difference was that his showed and hers didn't.

"I hope to see you in the morning Alaric" said Ciel.

The rings of sweet bells rang softly, and gold dust surrounded the ancient wolf. The blond fairy flew around the wolf whose green coat of fur glowed dimly in the night sky. The water fairy halted her fly in front of the wolf, her petit little body an inch away from Alaric head. The glow of her blue dress and wings dazzled the tip of Alaric's snout.

The blond fairy bowed gracefully showing her curtesy to the ancient wolf. Alaric huffed a warm breath to the fairy whose light tunes of bells rang out with glee.

With that, the fairy and Ciel watched the ancient creature turn around and gracefully walk his way to the dark outlined forest as his coat blended into the night sky before he disappeared into the forest, becoming one with it.

"Shall we get going too" Ciel asked the water fairy with a smile as he patted his shoulder. Her response was the ring of her bell like sound that was an indication of agreement. She plopped herself back on his shoulder making Ciel chuckle lightly and he walked off making his way up the few stairs with the fairy twiddling her hands shyly and her face flushing with a pink glint.

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