Chapter 78 - Spark

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It was a quite and uncomfortable ride to Taivas with Lykos not saying anything to Neil who seemed out of place after leaving the witch's cottage without a single glance back. His dismayed expression had taken a competent home on his face not changing into any other facial expression except for that.

Lykos tried to comfort Neil with his words but his lack of knowledge of doing so failed miserably since whatever he said sounded insulting instead of comforting which resulted Neil to tell him that he sucked at comforting people and should stop before he blasted Lykos off of his dragon with his wind magic if Lykos uttered another word.

Lykos knew he sucked at comforting people and never did it, but he felt like a bad friend for not saying anything to Neil who seemed to be in the verge of tears whenever it was too quite.

In the end Lykos just watched the gloomy atmosphere around Neil grow, forming a shadow that rested behind him.

On top of their dragons, Daenerys the silver Regius dragon that Neil rode on and Cyrus the red Regius dragon that Lykos rode on, soared through the clouds with their mighty leathery wings cutting the clouds as they did so.

They could here the faint crowd below them. The empire of Ventus was just below with the bustling of people going on their merry way, the dragons stables weren't far just by listening to their growling roars.

As they flew, the clouds in front of them began to dispersed revealing the hidden arch roof of the Taivas palaces of the sky. It's glittering platinum colour shined brightly like the sun itself blinding them a little.

"It's good to be back" Lykos mumbled feeling the fresh breeze of the Taivas air brush past his face and cooling it down. "Don't you agree Cyrus" Lykos patted the side of the dragons neck resulting him to let out a rumbled pour of satisfaction. The warm feeling started to wrap itself around his heart, it was the emotion of his dragon that he could feel.

They soared down, the sound of wings cutting air was loud and the air rushed through the princes' hair, moving it away from their faces. Daenerys let out a loud roar that rumbled the sky when she saw the castle, she called home.

The second they were in sight of the town, Daenerys and Cyrus came swooping up before spreading their wings in the air and gliding through the sky towards the huge bridge of the palace.

Lykos glanced to the side where Neil rode silently on Daenerys the beautiful silver dragon whose scales glimmered like diamonds under the rays of the sun, her horns that shot dangerously into the air, those delicate sapphire eyes that resembled the depth of the ocean looked straight to its home that levitated in the sky.

It wasn't long when they reached the giant gates of the bridge, landing with the loud beats of the dragons wings creating a small hurricane in the air before landing on the stone slab.

Lykos gently patted the side of Cyrus neck to show his appreciate towards the dragon that he had done a good job for the whole flight to Azura and back.

A low grumble of satisfaction came from the dragon who turned his head to gaze it's golden eyes at Lykos red eyes before nodding it's head.

Lykos and Neil slid down their dragons, landing on their feet with a faint thud.

Neil averted his attention to the palace, yet his silver eyes laid at particular window. Lykos knew exactly which window Neil looked at however didn't mention anything except to place a hand on his shoulder.

"We still got time to look for a healer" Lykos comforted the gloomy prince who looked away and back at Daenerys whose eyes revealed the sadness she felt of her rider.

"I hope so" Neil said in a soft utter, finally speaking after a whole day of riding and resting. Lykos could tell that Neil's eyes had lost a lot of hope from before. It didn't hold the determination of finding a cure anymore as weeks ago. His face may have not revealed what he was thinking but his eyes exposed him more then what he thought.

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