Chapter 69 - Winter eyes

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~Bedelia P.O.V~

The princess sat patiently by the window; her chin rested upon her palm whilst her ruby like eyes gazed upon the white blobs of fluff that slowly pasted her window and admiring the exotic shapes they made. The sounds of sweet birds flying past window and the soft breeze of the wind against the glass was the only sound that was heard within her room.

Bedelia has stayed in the same position for the past hour, the clouds and the passing birds being her only source of entertainment. The scene she pulled a week ago was still fresh in her mind that she wished could go away but it had screwed itself in her mind without a way to unscrew it.

The burnt mark on her wrist that Lykos had left faded away thanks to the healing of the healers in the castle. His cold glare still sent shivers down her spine whenever she thought of it, not wanting to get on his bad side again. Lykos had told her to leave Ventus and return to Drakon, but she didn't want to go back not until Benjamin is back to health all healed and restored back to his self again after all Ben is one of a few that don't see her as an arrogant and spoil daughter of the Drakon Emperor who is ready to send her to a fat noble man with multiple concubines.

Her brother wouldn't know she hadn't left Ventus since he left with Neil to Azura that was months away from Taivas on foot but weeks away by dragon, but the time would have reduced due to the insanely fast Regius Dragons the two princes rode on. This means Lykos wouldn't know she left yet and can stay here a little longer before his return and slipping away unnoticed.

Bedelia's cloud watching was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door. "You have permission to enter" she answered politely, glancing towards the direction of the beautiful white decorated wooden door.

The door slowly creaked open and the person that stepped made Bedelia rise up from her seat in shock before bowing her head down in courtesy. "I must apologise for my ignorant manners, your royal highness Queen Arabella of Ventus" Bedelia did not lift her head to meet the gentle violet eyes of the empress in shame of her sudden rude courtesy.

"Raise your head my dear Bedelia. There is no need to speak so formally" Arabella's voice was a soft medallic tune, yet it was a beautiful gentle music that only tuned out a sad rhythm.

"I must not speak uninhibited towards the rulers of Ventus, especially to her majesty the Queen"

Bedelia took a quick peek and saw how pale the queen was, her violet eyes showed no light but a dull and gloomy colour, she had light purple bags under her eyes that revealed the lack of sleep she was getting. The queen looked sick however her gentle smile covered most of the tired and sick features that had rested upon her face.

"Your just like your mother, always so persistent at the smallest matters" Arabella gracefully walked towards the table and took a seat in front of Bedelia who had rose her head up, her hands fiddling with the lace of her dress and her ruby eyes locked with the violet orbs of the queen, the nervous sweat breaking out.

Arabella gestured the princess to sit with the same warm smile that calmed Bedelia's heart whenever she received the warmth of the queen. "Thank you" she bowed again, taking the same seat she had risen from.

"I apologise for my impolite question, but may I know why her majesty is here?" Bedelia asked with a slight hesitation. The queen continued to smile however it reflected the sadness that was bolted within her heart. "I must apologise if I have interrupted you, but I was at need to see someone to ease my mind. My little boy has been feeling worse by each passing day that I could not bear to stay in the same room without letting myself fall" Bedelia watched the teary eyes of the queen that had held so strong till now. Bedelia could see how much she has held on, the duty of a queen to her people and to her family and the blame for falling the other has taken a huge toll on her health.

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