Chapter 85 - A Royal's Plan

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"An intruder you say?" Lykos cocked his head to side, crossing his hands against his chest. The wind slightly blowing away the hair that hung down his forehead. Lykos didn't buy the words of the assassin since Neil already predicted about the Black Spades possibly coming to Ventus to seek of the Duchess daughter, Diana however Neil didn't have all the evidence to prove this and only told him the minor details.

The duke or the crown prince might have tasked these spades to do the job for them.

But there was also something Neil had said that brought uneasiness to the Drakon prince.

"If you would have come all the way from your homeland with high noble background to cure a prince from a different nation, would you disguise yourself and fake an identity to do so?" Neil's sharp stern eyes had glanced towards the blank expression of Lykos.

Lykos examined Neil's face, reading what was going through his mind. Something about Neil's mind sometimes makes Lykos a little uncomfortable to be around not because his terrified but what his mind contains makes Lykos question who Neil really is under all that introvert personality of his.

"Not if I was running away, I wouldn't" Lykos answered bluntly, his red eyes still on the thinking best friend.

The silver haired prince was sitting on a nearby sofa, his upper half leaning forward and arms resting upon his legs as his hands clutched together. Neil looked away from Lykos into the closed entrance of the room in deep thought.

Lykos just entertained himself by watching Neil suffer in thinking deeply into the situation that didn't really concern them as much even if the identity of Ben's healer was not an old lady from Isvand but the so called brutally arrogant and spoilt daughter of the duke who was rumoured to be dim witted and naïve princess.

Which Lykos obviously doesn't believe these rumours since he saw what Diana was really like just yesterday. He also found it funny seeing the pale face of Bedelia when she spoke of her in a terrified manner but got a disappointed look from his godmother, Arabella, for being rude and half hearted towards his younger sister.

"That's what I believe Diana did just to cure Ben" Neil stood up from his sitting position. Lykos eyes followed his every move, watching him pick up one of Lykos' dragon blades that lay on the table freely for anyone to pick up "I predict Diana had done something punishable that resulted her in running away and to disguise herself, in fear we would expose her to the Duke of Aureum" Neil's soft silver eyes examined the red metal, melted to carve out a dragon's wing.

"Or she might have had enough of Aureum's Duke's horrible treatment and decided to leave" Lykos suggested as he poured more black tea into his empty cup, watching in satisfaction of the maroon colour liquid drizzle down, filling up the once empty cup.

"No, I don't assume that's it" Neil shook his head then to pinch his chin in deep thoughts "If she had wanted to leave, she would have done so ages ago especially with the way the people in the estate treated her even her own blood father. Being the arrogant and cocky princess of the duke with ounce of money and the fiancée of Aureum's crown prince I doubt she would throw all that away to live among the commoners with nothing"

"That's reasonable to believe" Lykos said, his red eyes on his tea while he took a sip. "She probably did something stupid which resulted someone getting hurt and now she's on the run" He said with a scoff and a light chuckle.

Neil gave him a dead panned expression "Lykos, I wouldn't call her stupid. You too also did something stupid that nearly got your father killed resulting you to be on the run and taking shelter in my own room for 6 months until everything was settled in Lasair"

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