Chapter 79 - Kaida

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"It's feels so nice to be young again" I stretched my hands in the air, a groan of pleasure escaping my lips when I hear the pop of my bones. I was able to return back to the small inn of the northern district of Taivas I rented with the a few copper coins I had with me.

It wasn't a fancy place; it was room that travellers from the medieval period would stay at. Walls made from dark oak wood, a single sized bed in the corner of the room, a single table with a bowl field with fruit of apples and bananas and a single candle lamp beside the wooden fruit bowl. A chest laid under the arched window that flooded sunlight in for any supplies that wanted to be sort inside it.

The room was small yet big enough for a person stay for the night.

"Says you" Homura's masculine tone was insinuating his annoyance. I glanced to where he sat on the small brown wooden table not far from the bed where I sat.

Homura was still a bird and was clearly frustrated and annoyed about it. His scrawny little bird legs were spread apart on the table and his feather wings crossed over his chest as his beady onyx raven eyes narrowed at me.

"Your not going to be a raven forever, Homura" I said collapsed on the hard mattress of the bed that felt like it was made from wood, all my energy seemed to have diminished. I wriggled myself to get in a comfortable angle of the bed before staring completely at the wooden ceiling above me that creaked and groaned faintly.

I already turned back to looking like the young Diana than the old one like Elisaria had instructed when giving me the direction on how to use the potion she brewed especially for me and how long it will last however for Homura, I had given him the mask potion the moment I stepped out the huge double doors of the palace in fear he would suddenly turn back into a fox in front of the whole crowd and expose me and to my luck, Neil and Lykos had already returned.

Imagining them seeing a raven turning into a fox would conclude on them believing I'm also under a disguise but the worst part would be that if I escaped safely there might be a likely encounter in the near future and the two would immediately recognise me because of Homura.

Then things will go downhill from there. I've seen and read so many scenes like that which resulted in the ML falling in love with FL and sticking beside her until the end.

I don't have the time or mood for that to happen to me. No thanks I'm good.

"Just wait a little bit longer" I yawned, placing a hand over my mouth.

"Do you think I haven't" he hissed with sass resonating from his voice. "It's been hours and I'M STILL A FUCKING BIRD" I could hear the muffle of his wings whipping the air.

"To be exact with you Homura, you only waited not even half the time period for the potion to disappear" I peeked my head up to glance at Homura who was fuming with anger, fumes could be seen escaping his non existing ears if looked close enough.

I plopped my head back on the hard mattress and continued to listen to Homura squawking and bickering.

"This is all your fault" Homura squawked loudly.

"U-huh" I answered sarcastically with another yawn. Last night's lack of sleep has find it's way back to me right now. My eyelids were getting heavy making it difficult to keep them open and I could feel myself nodding off a few times before regaining my conscious self.

However, with Homura's annoying bickering in my ears that made my ear drums rattle rendered it difficult for me to get some shut eye and rest for a little before I set off again.

"I wouldn't be in this awful-EEEKKK" the woosh of my shuriken slicing the very air of the wind was quick before thrusting into the very wood of the wall with a loud sharp thud right next Homura's little raven head that probably made him shrink back in a trembling manner, shutting him for good.

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