Chapter 110 - Harem Boy Part 2

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Elisaria had went back inside her little cottage beside the blue water stream with loud bang of the door that closed behind the dragon keeper in which had made Ciel flinch.

The orange haired keeper had forgotten about the shadowy figure he saw earlier in the woods and lifted his head up. His hand fetched to his head to block away the beaming rays of the sun that shone down upon him.

He had fixed the ceiling at the last minute except for the one nail that wouldn't budge, but that didn't matter. The planks of wood were already nailed down and secured enough to hold up for the next 20 to 30 years or so, depending on whether mother nature decides to be a dick for a day or two.

It was the sound of dry patter that instantly brought attention to the dragon keeper. The sense of something big and dangerous made Ciel's skin crawl and the hair in the back of his neck rise. He slowly turned his head to the direction of the dry patter when his body froze.

Ciel was face to face with a giant wolf.

The wolf was massive, far bigger than an average wolf he had seen in the woods. His whole head was bigger than half of he was.

Green fur came down like a V and finished at the tip of his black nose and grey colour fur mixed with the mixture of white looked like as if he would camouflage itself as a stone covered in layers of thick moss.

Those shiny coated green eyes like the forest in the springtime that held his reflection in them, stared back with intensity but just like dragons, those eyes Ciel could see held not but a vicious man-eating carnivore but a delicate and intelligent creature.

The wolf was close that Ciel could smell the aroma of the wolf, fresh grass after the rain.

Ciel felt his heart leap to his throat blocking the ability to breath. The dragon keeper couldn't believe his eyes. A wolf that had been said to gone extinct was standing in front of him, face an inch away from his and the wolf's green forest gazing at him.

He heard stories of the greatest wolf kin, the Toprakline wolf. Who knew one was residing with the witch of Aureum.

The wolf let out a warm huff of air that blew every strand of hair out of Ciel's face. It's breath smelled like the after maths of a rainy day in a forest.

Such beauty Ciel had thought, looking into those mesmerising forest eyes that had him captivated. The keeper rose a hand wanting to touch the wolf and feel it's beautiful, coated fur that it surrounded itself with.

The forest wolf stepped closer, head leaning down as a consent for the keeper to have a touch.

The second Ciel's palm had touched his coat of green, his hand disappeared into the fur. The touch was warm, sending waves of emotions through his palm. The feeling was like touching a ball of warm light that only brings happiness.

The fur was like fine silk, soft and valuable to the touch.

"His name is Alaric"

It was the sudden voice that made Ciel jump in fright, startled by the old screechy voice of the witch that came out of nowhere. He felt his soul leave his body for a second before returning back to his psychically body, even the beat of his heart had changed.

"Can you not sneak up on me" Ciel murmured, trying to calm his racing heart that jump up to his throat from fright. He didn't hear the woman walk up behind him neither hear the door open. So how she came about was a total mystery to the terrified Ciel.

Elisaria hummed bluntly, smacking her dried lips again. "Ya done with my roof" her 'f' sounded rough when she asked impatiently.

"Yeah." Ciel breathed out, the shape of his soul escaping his mouth. "But I can't guarantee it will stand against hurricane or any harsh weathers"

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