Chapter 39 - Diana

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The teacup shattered in his hand cutting his flesh open, exposing the crimson liquid to ooze out. He clutched the shattered pieces in his hands disregarding the pain of the sharp glass digging in his palm.

"HONEY!" Alice approached her furious husband, lifting her skirt to be able to walk without tripping.

Marcus was furious, his blood boiled hot, and his red eyes were as angry as a bull. He couldn't believe a weak and stupid girl had fooled him.

He had thought that giving her 100 gold coins would have kept her in the mansion but instead she had lied to him and taken the money for herself, running away when he was at the noble social circle yesterday.

"Hubby, Diana wouldn't have gone far. You know how she is." Alice cooed her husband, stroking his silky blond hair back. "She knows how repulsive the commoner world is. Diana would come running back begging to take her in. Now let's get you to-"

Marcus swatted her hand away, glaring daggers at his paled wife.

"I don't know whether you have been living under a rock this whole time but open your eyes! Diana hasn't been herself lately." He stated under the cold tone of his voice. Alice eyes welled up and she bit her lips to conceal her tears. Never has she been spoken coldly by her husband.

"She threatened my precious daughter with a blade. She stood up to a prince, the future heir to the throne of Aureum, without a hint of fear in her eyes then to sneak out of the mansion without a single guard spotting her. Don't you dare tell me that Diana would come crawling back to us" He slammed his fist on the table so hard that the papers stacked on his desk went flying and scattered in a mess, making Alice jump.

"Leave my sight before I decide to kick you out myself" a look of bitterness crept across his face as his thick words pierced through the shaken Duchess.

"Yes, your grace" obeying him with a bow of a head, she made her way to the door, eyes filled with salty tears. Opening the door and stealing another glance at her fuming husband, she stepped through, leaving him there all by himself to calm down.

Once the doors shut behind her, Alice's expression changed into a bitter and scowling face, clutching her hands so firmly that her nails dug into her skin.

"Diana, You evil little cockroach. By the name of the Gods, I pray you never come back." She hissed under her breath.

She prayed for many years for that wretched daughter of Mariana to leave and never come back. Yet amount of times where she wished that someone would kidnap her while she was out shopping and sell her off as a slave like she had been.

It never occurred to her that Diana's flee would result in her husbands fury. It didn't make sense to her. Why was the duke so eager to have her back? Was it because the Glacies family would be bad mouthed from behind or was it because Diana would do something out there that would ruin the family name?

She nibbled her thumb hoping it wasn't because of something that she feared the most.

"My ladyship" a familiar masculine voice interrupted her thoughts. Looking to the side she saw a man in the Glacies knight armour standing firmly with his well-built body and his helmet under his arm with a couple of guards that stood behind him.

"Sir Edgar. Any news about Diana?" Alice quickly changed her expression after seeing the second in command of the knights standing with his comrades behind him waiting for an answer.

Sir Edgar only shook his head. "We have another problem I must console to his highness"

"May I know the issue that my husband must know so urgently?" she questioned with her brows raised.

The brown man glanced around as if he was searching for excuse to refuse her enquiry.

"I'm sorry my Ladyship but...This is private matters with his highness" He bowed for an apology.

"I see" she fanned her red patterned fan already drowning with fury. "Excuse us for being disrespectful to her ladyship but could you move aside so we may enter" he said with courtesy.

Alice gazed at the brown man who seemed like he was in his late twenties. His brown eyes flashed with a little annoyance as he waited patiently for her to move. She clenched her jaw behind the fan feeling appalled by the man in front of her.

How impertinent of him. If it wasn't for his unique swordsmanship skills and his great services of leadership, she would have thrown the man back to the dirt hole where all his people came from.

How she despised his kind. How could Mariana have had the mind to bring him in the mansion, to train as a Knight, become her bodyguard and then leave him here after she passed away.

Alice knew that Edgar had never liked her or even approved of her as the duchess of Aureum and had kneeled before her. How he looked at her in hatred from behind and threatened to kill her if she laid a finger on Mariana years ago.

"My ladyship?"

"U-uh, yes" she snapped from her daze and slid to the side letting him knock on the door for permission to enter.

'One day, I will banish you from this mansion forever and you will know your place. Filth' She glanced at his back side as he entered the room before the doors shut.

'You left a lot of valuable things behind in this mansion, Mariana. However, I will make sure to get rid of them, just like I had with you'


Authors Note:

Hello lovelies,

sorry for the wait, been a little bit lazy but here you are the next chapter.

I want to say thanks to my great friend who kindly editored this chapter who wants to stay anonymous. Thank you for using your valuable time to edit this. Thanks

ok bye

from you lazy author Yuki

from you lazy author Yuki

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