Chapter 94 - Memories of Water

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Damon felt the churn of his stomach tighten as an uneasy feeling began to grow. Now sitting down was just as uncomfortable than hearing the name that everyone have forgotten these years, whirl around his mind.

The crown prince stared at the little princess with a dismay look, his cold glance stirred up the little ice princess from her seat and she rubbed her bare feet together nervously.

"Your words do not make sense, young princess." He spoke. "How can you overhear a duke whose been dead for more than two decades?" his words had made the young princess' eyes widened, with a nervous expression look forming on her face.

Her mouth slightly opened but quickly closed, hesitant to speak as she glanced down to avoid eye contact. Astraea bit her lower lip.

Damon's thoughts began to rile up as many questions began to appear from each corner of his mind. 'Who did she really hear this from? IS she really worth to trust? Is she going to tell me the former grand Duke of Isvand is still alive? Does Diana got to do with any of this? What is the Emperor of Isvand hiding? What happened to the Mirror? What did he see?' it made his mind go crazy from all these questions he knew would not be immediately answered right away.

However, the question that stood out to him the most was 'How come a little princess come to this information and where had she heard it from?'

Gold eyes laid upon the red blaze in front of him to avoid making Astraea uncomfortable with his cold and determined stare. He watched the crackling firewood burn to embers, turning it to black as he waited for Astraea to speak.

Astraea clenched the material of her night gown tightly, her knuckles turning a pale white. She was hesitant to speak of the information she knew, afraid that if someone had find out of her betrayal, she will be punished or maybe executed by her father for telling a foreigner forbidden information.

".... Prince Damon" she finally spoke after a minute of silent. Her voice softer than before and the nervous tone that was very noticeable to the Crown prince of Aureum.

Damon hummed in response, turning his attention to princess again. "If I tell you something, can you please not speak of it to anyone?" Astraea questioned with a tremble of her tone and the shaken hands that gripped her dress even more so tightly.

Damon was shocked for a mere instant, but his cod gaze stayed the same and he nodded his head. "Whatever said here, stays here. You have a royal's promise, Princess Astraea" his gentle words brought an instant peace to the princess terrified racing heart, and her dark pupils outgrew with relief.

What a gentle and trustworthy prince, she had thought to herself. The rumours may have been true of Prince Damon's cold and distant manner towards anyone, but they never stated how gentle he can be at some point.

"T-Thank you" she said with a small smile that formed on the corner of her lips. "Princess Diana is very lucky to have good husband such as yourself" her words struck a core to Damon's heart as sudden guilt began to creep in his instant heavy chest. Gold eyes widened in shock and his throat went dry. He gulped down a spit of salvia to get rid of the desert in his throat, but it did not work.

Damon sat there, unable to speak. He could not take those kind words from Astraea since after all it was not true. None of it was true. He was not a good husband. Hell! he was not even a good fiancé to her. A cheating fiancé he thought of himself who fell in love with their fiancée's younger sister when he was already engaged with someone else. He could never call himself a worthy husband.

A cheater is always a cheater. How could he trust himself not to cheat on his new lover like he did with his fiancée?

Who was to blame though? Diana was never a future wife material or a future empress to his empire. She was spoilt and bratty, always so childish with everything and not to forget she was always so clingy that it bothered him, and he could never get any privacy from her. but Ariana wasn't. She was kind, never disrupting him when he was busy with the empire and always approachable, just like a queen should be.

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