Chapter 116 - Attack on Giant Centipedes

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"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!" Jackal's shriek of fear travelled for miles, his cry awakening slumbering beasts who went through hibernation but to be awaken early by a human child's screams of desperate cry.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" It was now Homura's turn to yell and wake the beasts. "I TOLD ARTEMIS NOT TO BRING YOU ALONG! NOW I HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE FOR IT!" Homura yelled angrily knowing that the human boy doesn't even understand his fox tongue.


Ear piercing whistling hisses pierced the very air, it's venomous screeches like crackling flints sent a jolt a fear of the two who ran for their life. It's millions of pointy chitin legs slamming and breaking everything in its way as it began to catch up with the two beings who disturbed it. It's poisonous claws clapping together ready to snatch it's prey into its tight grip and inject it's venom inside.

"AHHHHHH!" Jackal screamed from fright; his cries being heard even by the gods.

The human boy and the fox ran even faster, their lives on the line. The thief's eyes began to tear up with the salty waters of fear. Again, with a desperate cry he shouted "I'M SORRY MR BUG! I WON'T WAKE YOU AGAIN! GO BACK TO SLEEEPPP! PLEEEEAAASSSEEE" it was this that Jackal nearly tripped on his own feet, but he contained his balance, and this made him run more than he could ever thought he could.

It was the racing of his heart that drummed in his ears like a count down to his death. Short heavy breaths being exhaled and inhaled quickly as he felt himself beginning to get tired and his feet weakening from the amount of running, he is forcing his legs to commit.

Like a hurling tornado, fear circled his mind and the only thing that was laughing in the back of his mind was the grim reaper.

He should have listened to Artemis and not have touched anything that didn't belonged to him. But the glimmering of the ruby was far too valuable to be left behind on the scaly armour of this ugly worm legged bug. He fucked up big time when he had awoken a whole family of these giant bugs and now Artemis...

The thief doesn't even know if Artemis-Sensei is alive. She probably is being torn limb by limb by the horrifying centipedes and eaten alive while her flesh is being burned to crisps by it's acidic saliva.

No matter how skilled Artemis is, someone without magic and just a sword cannot take on a whole giant family of crawling centipedes that shoot out acidic spit.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Jackal whimpered. His breath was worsening, and his vision began to blur his surroundings. This was it for him. 'Please don't be dead.'

It was the sudden blood curdling screeches of cries that startled him back to consciousness. However, this last hiss was not one that was angry or hungry for a snack, but it was one that rattled in agony. The boy didn't have the energy to look back and just kept on running hoping whatever it was would slow it down.

It let another deafening screech before Jackal felt a wave of impact hit behind him and the momentum sent him and the fox flying forward. Both landed back to the ground of the forest. Jackal gasped from the hard impact he felt as both the human and fox began to roll swiftly among the leafy ground of the forest before they were stopped by a bush or a tree.

The body of the centipede had slammed dunk and onto the earth before skidding across the earth and creating a wide trail of crater as it crashed onto the ground, making everything around it fly in all directions.

Jackal gasped for air, his heart hammering inside his chest and the pain in his back just bearable. He lifted himself on all fours, his vision battling with the dirt in his eyes as it tried to focus on the whirling ground.

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