Chapter 90 - Warning in the Wind

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It wasn't long when the three of us had fully got rid of our tracks and continued heading West.

We walked silently without saying a word to each other. I liked it that way, without a sound to annoy me and the only thing that was comforting was the forest birds and leaves against the gentle breeze. When I glanced down at the little brat his mouth was completely zipped shut but his cheeks were red as if he was holding his breath.

"You want to ask something go ahead. I'm all ears" I said coldly, turning my gaze away and back at the forest. I sensed his head turn my way and his mouth quickly opening into an o however before he could say anything I interrupted him.

"Listen kid, I have only little patience and a few brain cells left" I said giving him a side look and the little thief straightened up his posture, his expression changed into curiosity. "Thanks to some people and a certain fox" I said as I gave Homura a peeved look and he returned with confused eyes and a response that made my eye twitched.

"Huh?" the fox responded lazily. I composed myself with a irritated smile.

The orange fur ball glanced me up and down as if he was analysing a mere slave "What? Did something bite you in the ass or something? or am I that pretty that your eyes can't avoid my perfect body" his tail twirled in the air.

"So perfect I might just skin it and sell it for a good price at the market" I grumbled quitely. 'or maybe a I can make a scarf out of it for winter'

"Did you say something?" the two boys said in sync.

"No. What is there to say?" I dead panned, crossing my hands in annoyance.

"Well you were going to say something before" Jackal said skipping over a rock, his cloak flying in the air as he did. If it wasn't for the cloak I had thought the brat was some small kid for his age but closely looking at him, he looked rather taller than the average 12 year old.

"What was it?" the little thief asked, cocking the side of his head to look at me while his hands clasped together behind his back.

"Oh I forgot about that for a moment" I said bluntly, itching the side of my cheek wishing he hadn't brought that up so I wouldn't have to speak. "Anyway" I shrugged my shoulders up.
"Since I willingly cherish the last remaining brain cells I have left inside my skull. The number of question is limited to 5" I spoke watching Jackals face drop to a frown.

Homura snorted out loud. "What an unlucky human cub"

"That's no fair. How am I supposed to learn anything if I have a limit of 5 questions" he complained, his cheeks coming to pout.

I swirled a glance at the forest, tapping the end of my chin in a thinking manner "Your right. We should make it 3 instead"

Jackal gave me an annoyed expression, brows frowning down as his silver eyes examined my face "Your so cruel big sis Artemis. Can't you make it six instead?" Jackal mumbled quietly so in fear I would get angry.

"You know Artemis, A human cub won't learn if he doesn't ask question." Homura said suddenly starting to take his side which caught me off guard. "Everything needs to be asked to be learnt or their better off not knowing at all"

I frowned. That means drowning in Jackals hundreds of questions. What a troublesome thing. However Homura had a point there, the little brat wouldn't go anywhere if he doesn't questions that confuses him however I didn't learn by asking questions but to watch and learn from the people around, picking up anything that was important.

I glanced down at the troubled boy walking beside me, his silver eyes trailing the ground. Jackal is stupid and doesn't have the mind to do what I used to do.

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