Chapter 49 - The Old books

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"From another world, Huh" Demarcus looked at me, thoroughly examining me just to make sure he doesn't spot any misleading information.

Demarcus had presumed I was from Isvand and when I opened my mouth to correct him and say I was from Aureum, Homura the little shit had to open his big mouth and say I came from another world.

Demarcus had listened quietly when I explained to him about my current situations and my quest to get home.

"This explains a lot about your lack of using magic" he mocked, turning his head back to the front. I glared at him 'What happened to your gentle and kind personality from earlier?'

I sighed. 'He is probably still mad about what happened. I don't blame him. I would be mad if I was forced to leave my home so suddenly without an explanation'

"She may be lacking in using magic, but she can beat metal humans without a scratch no ice magic needed" Homura suddenly spoke with confidence forgetting about how terrified he was from before. I stared down at him, baffled and shocked. 'Is he sticking up for me?'

Homura looked at me and bared his teeth, growling at me angrily. "Don't think I'm doing it because I like you. I don't like dragons and neither do I like you." He hissed. I rose an eyebrow in disbelief.
"And don't think you can get away with eating my meat. I still haven't forgotten about that."

I huffed out in annoyance. It really bothered me that I hadn't gotten any confession from this stupid fox when I had confessed a secret, I promised not to tell him. 'Remind me never to confess to him ever again'

"And neither do I like foxes" the dragon was eaves dropping on our conversation. Homura flinched.

"Who said anything about hating dragons? I like dragons" Homura was shaking again, his lie came out smoothly from his white little canine teeth. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Stupid dragon. I hope the humans kill you and steal all your golden scales" I heard Homura mumble under his breath so Demarcus wouldn't hear him. 'This stupid fox. Don't tell me your jealous of the dragons scales'

"Tell me Artemis, do you know where the mythical crystal of Alphyria is residing" he questioned.

Of course, I knew where it is. This is the world of a novel I read from my past life.

"No, I don't. That's why I'm going to look for it" I lied. I can't tell this dragon anything about the world of the novel. I don't know what will happen if I do.

"Do you know the crystal has never been found for more then a thousand years." Demarcus explained through his gentle tone again.

"Yet it concerns me on how you know about the crystal that was long forgotten by man kind when you come from a different world far more advanced than ours" he said suspiciously.

"Not even those books have any information about a legend that was lost through the ages of men"

I nearly chocked on my own words. Demarcus was very observant with my words. Yet I have Diana at my advantage "I don't" I started out my lie. "I can only remember vividly through Diana's memories when she was going through the old books in the castle" I had to lie about something that Diana never did in her lifetime.

"The old books?" he gave me a side look.

The old books are like ancient artefacts' in this world, just like how the hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt were symbols carved in stones containing the history of Egypt. The old books were like history books a thousand years ago containing every detail that happened during the war between the orcs.

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