Chapter 75 - Memory in the Cell

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"OI you giant metal sacks of shit! LET ME OUT" I glanced over to Homura who was standing in front of the metal bars of the cell, his feathery black wings wrapped around two of the bars as he shook them furiously.

I rolled my eyes, placing my cheek on the palm of hand feeling overly annoyed and bored at the same time. "You do realise they don't understand anything you say except for your ear threatening squawks" I said.

Homura swiftly turned his little raven head towards my direction, his beady onyx eyes staring at me penetrating through my soul "This is all your fault!" he hissed.

"I never said it wasn't" I stretched out my hands and my legs, letting out an exhausted yawn as I did. Homura started to snarl at me, a low angry grumble echoed the empty cell room. I rose a thin eyebrow as I glanced back at the tiny black bird against the cell bars. "Why are you so worked up for? We are only staying here just temporarily until Ben wakes up"

I leaned against the cold stone wall, the cold touch penetrating through my thin clothing and cooling the back of my skin. "He wakes up! YOU OPENED HIM UP!"

"I'm a surgeon. That's what surgeons do."

"Surgeons?!" he questioned a shriek "I know nothing of this surgeon, but I do know that your all-psychotic FREAKS!"

I smirked with the intention of amusing myself with this bird brain. "We can even re-attach missing fingers too" I said wiggling my married finger in front of me "We can even replace someone's heart with someone else's if we wanted to" I watched Homura's face drop into a horrified expression. I couldn't help but cackle just by looking at him.

"What kind of cracked up world did you live in" his tone was sharp yet modified at the thought. I stretched my hands behind my neck as a cushion, resting upon the hard stone wall "An advanced one"

He slowly creaked his modified face back to the front "GET ME OUT OF THIS BAD MAN CAVE." He shouted, his squawks echoing the halls of the prison cells as he shook the cells bars violently "SOME CREATURE HELP ME. I'M TRAPPED WITH A PSYCHO WHO'S GOING TO OPEN ME UP!" I rolled my eyes, letting myself flop to the side landing with a faint thud against the cold tiles with my hands crossed. My icy blue eyes staring directly at the other side of the room without turning my attention away from it.

Homura was still shouting and screaming for help and freedom from this place while I laid on the floor recalling the scene from earlier.

~Flashback, NARRATOR P.O.V~

Ambrose and Arabella had rushed their way to their son's chamber. To their shock their royal knights that ran after the old woman were standing by the door behind the commander of the royal knights, Arthur.

Maids and butlers stood around obediently with worried expression across their faces as Arthur shouted at a knight that stood in front of the door seemingly refusing to move out of the way for some unknown reason.

"What is the meaning of this? Where is the old Isvandy I ordered you lot to capture?!" Ambrose rose his voice that startled everyone. The wind in the atmosphere changing to a bitter taste to the inhale of every breath.

The presence of the king made everyone weary for the woman inside the chamber who was doing something they had never heard or seen before that would defiantly get her arrested by the king and even executed for.

"Your royal Majesties" as Arthur spoke everyone in the room including him bowed at the presence of the Emperor and Empress of Ventus who jogged side by side towards them.

"Sir Garrick has forgotten his place and ignores my command to let us in to arrest the intruder" Ambrose glanced to the knight, who had respectfully lowered his head in front of him, his jet black covering his entire head. Ambrose realised it was the royal knight Garrick Steelbrook. A skilled swordsman that was on top in the academy. A strong and loyal knight assigned by Ambrose himself to protect his youngest son from all harm.

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