Chapter 89 - Air Head

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The morning sun beams hazy like shafts of light on to the very land of Taivas, it was a nice warm morning with the cool breeze nipping the very cheeks of mine. It wasn't like the warm wind of Lasair in Drakon where it was hot all year round with cold nights to cool down the scorching sand.

Sitting above the grass enjoying the lovely morning, I watched the two Ventus brothers duel each other with their wooden swords. Neil had held his position firmly, but Ben was a little sluggish however I didn't blame him since he had been bed ridden for the past month.

Ben went for a strike, digging his heel in the ground and pushed himself towards his older brother with a battle cry, swinging his wooden blade to the side to get a better angle strike at Neil. The silver air head had reacted quickly, sliding to the side and then to bring down his own wooden blade on Ben's.

The little brat lost his balance and stumbled but to quickly regain it again. "No fair big bro. Your supposed to go easy on me" Ben said, his violet eyes staring at Neil with disappointment.

Neil smirked, tapping the tip of his wooden blade on Ben's shoulder "A knight never duals in an easy manner" the air head explained, those silver eyes full of life again and not a single sight of emptiness and depression. "And beside if I wasn't going easy on you, I would have-"

The silver haired idiot pounced on Ben, putting him in a head lock and shuffling the little brat's shiny silver hair. Ben laughed hysterically enjoying the love and admiration from his air head of an older brother. "Had in you in this position" Neil smiled brightly.

A light chuckle left me as I watched the two have fun with each other again. It was nice to see them be like this again.

'Sorry Ariana but Neil isn't going to be one of your loyal dogs in the future. Neither would he join you to find the crystal that doesn't concern him anymore then to die because of your stupidity just like in the novel' the sudden words of the woman suddenly rushed back, ruining my mood again.

I felt my blood run hot from the frustration. What did she mean? Novel? Neil's death? Crystal?

It was sleepless nights that have had me up thinking of what that females voice has spoken in my head. I had brought myself to believe that it was Diana who spoke in my head after a whole lot of doubts and debating to myself.

It was the time I saw Diana in front of the giant doors of the palace that her eyes locked with mine and I felt that spark in my heart before it become more intense when she passed by but that time it had forced me to my knees, and I was able to read her mind for a couple of seconds.

That is what confuses me.

I had seen Diana a few times years ago at banquets and I was never forced on my knees. So why now? Why did everything happen now?

However, the trigger to the mind reading must have started with the spark. The same feeling of a dragons command that sparks a lightening feeling in the heart but the spark I felt was more overpowering like a dominance of an Alpha dragon over the smaller ones.

All this doesn't add up, it concerns me that maybe Diana possess an ability similar to mine. That also troubles me. No one except for the descendent of the first king and the Drakon's first emperor can possess the dragon's power and only one every lifetime.

There is no one but me, the dragon prince who is born with it. There is no such thing as an Isvandy from the lower class to be born with it, especially a title of Dragon princess.

My eye twitched from annoyance of not able to come up with a straight answer. 'Could she have used forbidden magic?'

I sat there dazed in my own thoughts when I heard Ben's voice call out for me.

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