Chapter 46 - Dragon Whisper

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"Have you heard" a sonorous male voice discussed among the group men sitting around the bench. His messy beard smeared with food crumbs and was moist because of his drink as he shoved a spoonful of his stew in his mouth.

"What nonsense are you going to spout out now? Jackal" another man spat out, slamming his wooden ale mug on the bench, spattering a few droplets of ale across the wooden oak bench. His wolf like eyes glancing at the brown-haired man with his messy beard that wasn't trimmed in weeks, in annoyance. Jackal a man no older than 40, with slick brown hair which he would always make sure was neat instead of worrying about his overgrowing beard was described by his peers as a blabber mouth that spoke about trivial matters that no one cared about or just complete nonsense that never made sense.

Jackal sneered at the messy red-haired man with a face that was smudged and stained in soot from the ashes of the dragon flame.

"What I'm going to tell you idiots is not nonsense but rumours that I heard from my own ears" he said pointing to his huge ears as his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets which he glanced at everyone.
"What could that be? Your mother came crawling out from the grave and ran around the town naked" another voice from the table mocked Jackal resulting everyone in laughter.

Jackal's face turned red from anger. "don't talk about my mother like that. She's in a better place now, no reason for her to come back to this cruel world"
His peers gave each other doubtful looks as they tried to keep their snickering to themselves but was heard clearly from Jackal.

"Guys stop being so cruel to the old man. Let him finish what he has to say about the rumours" a mocking tone came from another man sitting beside Jackal, leaning forward with a wooden mug in his hand.

Not knowing the intention of the man Jackal nodded his head. "Thank you, Zachary"

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" he glanced at the certain redhead. "The runaway noble-"

"You mean Lady Diana" another man sitting beside him cut him off.

"Yes, who else would I be talking about" Jackal shoved another spoonful of stew while looking at his peer in idiocy.

The man looked at him, "There are many nobles I was just making sure we were thinking of the same person" he grumbled taking a sip of his ale.

"Didn't she flee from her home yesterday while the grand duke was not present?" said Zachary, feeling a little curious of where Jackal's words was heading.

"Apparently the whole Glacies estate is searching for her and set a bounty of 50 gold if captured and returned to the mansion" Samuel a boy beside the red-haired man said joining in the conversation of the grownups. His small almond eyes, the colour of obsidian glanced around his peers not missing their sudden greedy expressions.

"Lies. The duke never cares about the arrogant lady from the very beginning she was brought to this world. Why would he suddenly want her to return? I would just let her run free and do whatever she wants. Saves me the trouble of dealing with an incompetent daughter like her" a man with long black hair reaching his neck spoke in a gruff tone getting the attention of everyone.

"You haven't left the barracks in three days. How would you know about what's happening in town these past days?" Jackal said twirling the spoon around towards the long haired man whose names was Edgar.

"Unlike you, I have witnessed what kind of despicable noble lady, Diana really is" Edgar hissed, arching his thick sharp eyebrows.

"That doesn't explain anything on the situations that's going on now" Jackal said, spitting out a bone that he felt in his mouth after the spoonful of the beef stew he placed in his mouth earlier.

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