Chapter 107 - A Fatal flow

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"You shitty brat. I'm going to kill you and feed your meatless, skeleton body to the wolves!"

Artemis had the little thief under a choke hold. Her long slender arms wrapped tightly around Jackal's throat, strangling the boy into a red gargle.

"ISBIAN'M IJSIJDOI SORRJNSJNY (I'm sorry)" Jackal had tried to say in his gargling and whispering voice. His skinny arms wailed as he tried to pry himself free.

"Sorry ain't cutting it, you little fucking shit but killing you will!" she hissed in a threatening whisper as she tightened her hold.

The colour of the boys face began to fade a shade of red.

"Kill him. Kill him. Kill him." Homura chanted, finding it amusing to watch the human boy suffer like that. He deserved it for nearly blowing their cover.


"That doesn't mean you could fucking peak your potato head out!" she growled under her breath. "You know what you could have cost me if that air prince caught me!"

"SPJDIJORRUY (Sorry)" he apologised again in his breathless voice. The thief had already began to feel the consciousness begin to fade away as her choke hold had become tighter than before. His heart pounded loudly in his ears like loud drums and sudden flickers of his life flashed before his eyes.

The barks of Homura he was hearing was starting to fade. The shade of red faded into a light purple and the oxygen was hard to inhale. There was no sign of Artemis letting him go.

It was fear that Artemis might actually kill him.

Artemis seeing the boy's suffer the lack of oxygen, she released the choke hold and released the boy in her grasp.

Jackal gasped heavily, feeling the rush of air go down his throat and into his lungs. It was relief that washed over him, and he fell to the ground landing on all his fours and his hand slapped to his neck for desperate air, coughing continuously as he did.

Homura's black nose twitched, and his lips twisted to a scowl, watching the human cub breath for air was not such an amusing sight than it was earlier. "Tch such a shame she kept you alive"

Artemis had crossed her hands against her chest and glared coldly at Jackal who continued to cough. She wanted to kill him for nearly getting them caught by that silver head, but she wasn't a heartless monster who kills children for such petty things.

She only just warned him about the consequences of doing stupid things.

One of the most important rules she told the little thief ages ago when he tagged along her on her journey home but to get it broken.

The assassin sighed in frustration; eyes closed as she rumbled the middle of her brow.

"I thought you were going to kill me" Jackal said in a breathless voice, the gasps of air lessening.

"I wish she did" Homura had said in utter disappointment. The orange fox had sat on his but with his paws stretched in front of him and his tail twirled around his body and an annoyed, expressionless look crossed his face as his amber eyes glared emotionless at the boy. Jackal's eyes began to shimmer in a glossy coat of water, the tears stinging the corner of his eyes and the tightening feeling down his throat that made it difficult for him to say something without making his voice tremble. He bit his lower lip to prevent himself from crying and making him look weak and hopeless in front of Artemis.

"I was tempted to" Artemis had said aloud not bothering to care who heard or not. Her face was turned away from them but from the side view of the beautiful lady was clearly seen especially with her thin silver eyebrows furrowed and her plump lips turned upside down.

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