Chapter 103 - A Silent Cry

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Cyrus glided gracefully through the clouds, his giant leathery wings cutting the fluffy balls of white in perfect half before it descended into the air. His rumble of breaths rattled under Lykos, his scales flaming red like giant rubies.

The red-haired prince narrowed his gaze at the endless sky in front of him, the rushing air zipping past him and he breathed in the cool air.

It has been more than 2 hours since they set flight from the Taivas palace in the sky and they have been riding their dragons since then.

The intense fresh air eased his mind for a slight moment, but the wandering thoughts of Diana's mysterious power still made him feel uneasy. It sent him to sit on uncomfortable position on piles of rough hay straw stacked by her.

He clicked his tongue subconsciously, the feeling of his power soaring through his veins made him realise that he was angry. Angry at the fact that so many mysteries are piling on top of each other, one after the other with no end and that he has to deal with all of it.

It all resulted him to go back to Lasair, Drakon's capital empire. It's not like the dragon prince has any hatred towards his empire, it was the one who sat on the empire's throne that he loathed entirely.

His father.

The scumbag of an emperor, Hakim.

A filthy man whore who has nothing better to do than to shove his dick in holes, the place where it shouldn't be in the first place.

It was the boiling range in the prince's blood that his father was a malevolent tyrant who killed many of Lykos' half siblings when they were just infants or newborns. The reason because the emperor believed the women he had slept with, were only trying to win a place and a title in his kingdom by falsely bearing a child of his.

However, Lykos knew that those newborns, infants the emperor had killed were in no other but Lykos' half siblings, Emperor Hakim his father's children. The emperor himself despised children, it was the force of the royal subjects that his wife, Empress Nerissa had to bare an heir, or the kingdom will go down without the next emperor.

That is where Lykos was born. The next rightful heir of Drakon and the future emperor.

However, Bedelia is a different story. She was nothing but an accident, a mistake made by his drunk father and Lykos' mother, Nerissa had to face Hakim's wrath in the end. All Hakim wanted was to sleep with as many beautiful women as he can, not wanting to take responsibility for his unlawful actions.

Empress Nerissa did not live through the punishment and Lykos was left all alone with a baby sister.

The anger and hatred of it all made him grip the scales of his dragon, tighter. The soaring of his hatred burnt deep and effected Cyrus as he huffed a rumbling groan. The dragon too felt the hatred and anger his rider felt.

Nevertheless, how many of those women were slaves who were once beautiful country women, living their lives with their family but to be captured from their homelands and sold to the emperor as sex slaves in order to please his lust.

He witnessed it all. As a kid, as a teenager and now, as an adult.

He didn't want to think what will happen if Hakim was to learn of Diana's power.

It didn't matter where or how she came to possess such power greater than his, greater than any magic to ever exist in the Kingdoms of Alphyria, Hakim will try in all means to have wrapped around his hands.

It disgusted the dragon prince to the core, making him shiver in pure disgusted.

Hakim will find a way to get that power for himself since he failed to do with Lykos. That bastard has his ways of shackling women to do his bidding, it's what his good at.

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