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Christian's POV

When we walked into my mom's house, the boys were playing on their iPads. "How were they the past few days?" Cas asked my mom.

"A lot better. Cam wasn't going to deal with all of their fighting and I think they realized that very fast." I heard footsteps come downstairs and then Cam appeared. He picked Cassie up and shook her a little. "He wouldn't shut up about how much he missed you two."

"He misses the money in his bank account," Cas said and we all laughed. "We had an awesome time, thank you."

He nodded and then we went to the couch. The boys finally noticed us and they hugged both of us. "I missed you guys so much," I told them and then took in every second with them. My mom set Brielle in the middle of us. "Aww my baby girl."

After a few minutes of giving all of the kids love, I looked at my mom and Cam. "So, are you guys done? Or do you plan on popping anymore kids out?"

I shrugged and looked at Cassie. She did the same thing and grabbed the kids. "Well they will be back in a few hours. Thank you again so much Alecia." She nodded and then we left with our kids.

When we got back home, Cas packed our clothes for Cleveland. "You go?" Noah asked Cas as she brought the suitcase downstairs.

"Only a couple more days, and then we are back home with you three. I promise baby. And the other vacations, you guys get to go as well." She came and sat next to me. "I feel guilty."

"Hey, it's alright. Think about the stuff we can do tonight." She just looked at me. "I mean I want to. Did you not want to?" She shrugged and then looked at me again. "Do you want to take them?"

"Kinda but then we can't go out and drink with Baker. It's up to you."

"Do you guys want to go?" I asked the boys and then Mason got an attitude. "You want to go to Grandma's again?" He nodded and then we looked at Noah. He nodded his head as well. "Whatever then."

Cassie's POV

"How long until they get here?"

"About ten minutes. So do whatever you need to do," Christian told me and I nodded. I changed into another outfit. "Damn C," He said and stood up. His eyes were locked onto my chest.

"So I take it I look good?" He nodded and then kissed me.

"You look beautiful." I smiled and then wrapped my arms around him. "I need help deciding what to wear."

I had already planned what I was going to give him to wear if he asked. I went to the suitcase and grabbed him a plain shirt because he never brought anything other than that. "We could go with the hoodie or the plain shirt."

"Hoodie," He said and I shook my head a little. "What?"

"I'm going to go buy you new stuff. That will be your birthday gift." He shook his head no. "Baby, you need more variety of clothes."

"Cas I don't need to be like you who needs an outfit for every occasion." I shrugged and threw it at him. I picked out a pair of jeans for him and then threw it at him again. There was a knock on the door as Christian started changing. I got up and checked to see who it was. Baker and a few of his friends. I opened the door and they walked in. "C really?"

"Christian everyone has seen your body issue, it's not a big deal." They laughed and then looked around. I was confused and looked around too.

"No twins, no Brielle?" Baker asked us.

"We didn't invite them at first. And then earlier when we asked, they didn't want to come." Baker put his hand on his chest and pretended to be offended. "They've been fighting a lot lately, so I think it's best they didn't come," Christian said.

He nodded and then laughed a little. Christian finished getting dressed and then grabbed his wallet and my cards. "What are we feeling?" Baker asked as we got into the car. No one said anything and then Baker looked back at me. "Cas you're the picky one, so really I just want to know what you want."

"I'm fine with whatever." Christian whispered something to him and he nodded. He started to drive and we ended up at the restaurant from the last time, we came and watched him play. I thought about Christian being super drunk last time.

I can't even imagine how he was going to be today. All the guys looked at me as I got out of the car. "So can we drink tonight and you drive again?"

"I wanted to drink too." I knew I wanted us to get home safe, so I just shrugged. "I'll drive." They got all excited and Christian picked me up and started shaking me. My boob slipped out of my shirt and all the guys saw it. "Christian!" I yelled and hit him as I covered myself.

He made sure I fixed it before he put me down. He mouthed to me that he was sorry and I nodded. We got sat down within a few minutes of waiting. A lot of people had noticed Baker and Christian and it started getting loud.

I laughed a little and continued looking at the menu. Once I decided what I wanted, I checked my phone. There were many notifications from different social media apps.

kylieee17- Is it just me or does Christian Yelich's wife look very familiar?

The tweet had about fifty thousand comments and I was scared to check. After four years of being with him, people finally have figured it out. And I knew at some point it would come out but I never prepared for it.

brewersfan70- She's Braun's sister

My heart felt like it stopped for a couple seconds. I got stares from everyone at the table. "The secrets out. Everyone knows that Christian is married to Ryan's sister." No one knew what to say.

"It'll be fine Cas," Baker said and I nodded. Christian tried to rub my back but I didn't want everyone to see that. I gently moved his hand. I continued looking at comments.

martinmartinez- You could definitely tell the bond between Braun and Yeli was different. Now we know it's because of her.

I freaked out and I looked at Christian. I tried to get his attention but him and Sammy started taking shots. There was no getting him to pay attention. I sat there kinda jealous but I wanted all of us to get home safely.

After a few shots, I watched Christian talk loudly and start saying stuff that was way outta pocket. "Christian I need you to calm down a little," I told him and he tried to kiss me. "Babe."

"Do you want a sip?" He asked me and I shook my head no. I'm glad the kids didn't come with us because I didn't want them seeing their Dad like this. "Why not C?"

"I'm driving home babe. You need to stop talking so loud. And I think you should be done with the drinking." He shook his head no and I just stared at him. I didn't have time to argue so I just let him do what he wanted.

When we got back to the hotel, Christian could barely walk and talk. "Cas." I was surprised he got my name out. He pointed to his pants and he was getting hard. I groaned in digust and grabbed the key from his wallet.

I laid him on the bed and got some clothes to change into. "Help." I didn't know if I was dealing with Christian or Mason right now. I ignored him and kept changing into pajamas that wouldn't be easy for Christian to take off of me. "C!" He yelled at me.

"Christian shut up," I said and got under the blanket. I watched him try to get up, and he fell. "I can't stand you right now," I told him and got up. He was holding his head, so I'm assuming he hit it on the nightstand. I helped him change and while I did that, he pulled his boxers down. I put them back up.

I managed to get him up after and get him in bed. Once I turned off the light, he tried to find my body in the bed. "Christian, go to sleep please. Another day."

"Now." I turned the light back on and he got upset because it was bright. I didn't mean to but I started to raise my voice.

"Christian go the fuck to sleep. I need some rest. You need to sleep this off. And maybe tomorrow, we can make it happen." He groaned and turned the other way.

I know I got crazy when I was drunk but now I had to deal with the same craziness from him so I guess it could be payback.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now