What a Relief

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Cassie's POV

"Anything yet babe?" Christian asked after getting home from a game.

"Yes, I've been waiting for you to get home so we can look at the email together." He grabbed the laptop and he opened the email. We both let out a sigh of relief. "I went to my doctor and he said it was just a clogged milk duct."

"Only a clogged milk duct? You better throw Brielle on that to suck it out." I laughed a little and went to go get her. Not ideal for me, because I didn't want to keep her on breastfeeding.

When I got her, I took her back downstairs, and sat on the couch with her. "No!" She yelled at me when I tried putting her on it.

"Then you need to go take a nap. Mommy needs help!" Christian yelled at her and I looked at him crazy. He took her upstairs. I went up to our room and laid in bed. "I can help you," Christian said and I laughed. "How do we want to do this?"

"Just do it how you always do it." He got into some comfortable shorts and came and laid on the side of me, and then he started. "Be careful, it hurts." He was enjoying this way more than I was.

"Daddy you play good," Noah said walking in and I pushed Christian off. "What you doing?" He asked and started climbing into bed. I put my boob back in my tank top.

"I'm helping mommy with something," Christian said and I cuddled Noah into my chest.

"Daddy is going to help me with something, and when we are done, we can come get you." He nodded and got out of bed. "Close the door for mommy please." He shut it behind him. Christian laid back down and continued. "Only like twenty minutes tonight, I don't want to do this long."

I ran my hands through his hair and he laughed a little. "Don't think we are going to fuck or something."

"Well why not?" He asked stopping for a second.

"Christian just help me, I'm in pain." I watched him and he enjoyed this so much. "Maybe after a glass of wine or something, we can have plenty of time to ourselves." He smiled and grabbed onto me.

Christian's POV

"You don't even know how much of a relief it was hearing that it wasn't breast cancer. I couldn't have imagined losing you babe."

"Well you don't have to worry about that babe. You will not be losing me any time soon. You're stuck with me for a long time." I leaned in and kissed her. "So are we going to buy tickets to go to a Vanderbilt game with Mason?"

"Yes, I'll look to see if their schedule is out any time soon. You should open a bottle of white wine babe," I said and finished what was left in my glass. She got up and looked through the different wine bottles.

I went on my phone and then waited for Cassie. "Mom!" Noah said and came downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"You little monster, what do you need?" She asked and I glanced back at them. "Daddy and I are just watching a movie babe." I looked at them again and he whispered into her ear. "No, you go back up to your room. Dad is leaving tomorrow night and I want some time with him." He started crying and I got up and took him back to his room.

When I went back downstairs, she was pouring the wine, so I sat on the couch. "Here you go handsome," She said and then kissed on my neck from behind. She came and sat on my lap. She continued to kiss on my neck.

"After I finish this glass, let's go to our room?" She nodded.

"Mom!" We heard and she groaned.

"Why did you give me twin boys Christian. They're a blessing but oh my gosh, they are too much to handle." Noah continued to cry but I didn't let Cassie get up.

"They've got to learn babe. They have to cry it out sometimes." She agreed and then kept looking at me. "I'm jealous, I want to drink babe."

"Soon babe, you have got to enjoy your last pregnancy." She nodded and looked down at her stomach. "So if you're still on board with this being our last, I will get a vasectomy over the off-season."

"I don't know, I want more babies with you in the future."

"Cas, we are going to have four. How many do you think we are going to have?"

"I don't know, but I love having your babies. I want as many as we can make before my body is not able to have anymore. Having your kids is the best thing."

"I mean I'm flattered, but we can have a few eggs saved and go from there. Or maybe even in the future we can get it reversed."

"Your body, your choice Christian." She kissed me one more time before getting up. "I'm going to check on the boys and Bri. Then I'm going to start some laundry, and maybe run myself a bath."

"Maybe I'll join you," She smiled before heading upstairs.

Cassie's POV

"Your baby bump is so cute Cassie." Christian said as we looked at it while we showered.

"You're gonna be late, hurry up."

"I have another thirty minutes. Let me admire your bump. Like I'm still amazed that we created this." I laughed and finished rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. "You sure you don't want to come with?"

"I can't travel by myself with these three. I want to keep a low profile so no one knows that we're having another one. I want our family to know first. I think I am just coming to the rest of the home games."

"Alright, well if you change your mind, let me know," He said and kissed my lips before getting out. He started drying off and then he saw me getting ready to get out of the shower, so he helped me.

"I'm going to be heading out, you'll be fine?" I nodded and then watched him finish getting dressed. "I'll see you after the game."

"Alright, go tell the kids bye and check on them." He nodded and then left the room. I got dressed into some leggings and then grabbed a sweatshirt because those were the only things that covered my bump. "When you're done, please come back Christian."

"Yes?" He said coming in holding Brielle and his coffee.

"Christian I didn't want her up for another hour." Brielle was a very grumpy kid when she woke up and I didn't want her awake just yet. "Tell me can you see my bump?" I asked and he shook his head no. "Alright thanks."

He nodded and then I took Brielle from him. "Okay beautiful, what do you want to wear today?" I asked her and she started crying. "Bri, I'll put you back to sleep." When I laid her in the crib, she stopped crying and she fell back asleep. The twins were still sound asleep as well, so that was good. I went downstairs and did a little bit of cleaning and caught up on some TV before Brielle started crying again.

I went upstairs and got her and she calmed down when I started feeding her breakfast. After making a mess, she started playing with toys, so I started cleaning again. The boys woke up as well, and came downstairs. They ate their food and then they went outside and played for a little bit. "Daddy is FaceTiming , come here guys."

"Have them dressed nice please. We're getting our picture taken."

"As in the boys matching?" He shook his head no and I could tell he was frustrated with my question.

"Did I say that Cas?" I ended the call on him and looked at the boys.

"Mom you wear a dress," Noah said. "I help you." I laughed a little.

"Okay, we will go in the house, in a little bit and you guys will shower and then you can help me."

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now