Sleeping Arrangements

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Cassie's POV

I was watching Christian, the kids and the guys get ready to leave. Cam and his friends were making me so nervous. "It's too late to back out of this job isn't it?" I asked Christian. He nodded and held Brielle. "I'm nervous babe. These guys don't know how to be parents."

"Let's take shots!" Ricky yelled as they were recording a video of them getting on the plane. I bit my lip. As much as I loved these guys, they worried me. Christian rubbed my back a little.

"We will be fine. The guys will be fine. Don't worry babe. I'll see you this weekend, alright? I love you." We kissed for a few seconds and then I kissed the kids. Cam and his friends got off the plane and acted like they were one of my kids. "A hug is the best you'll get."

I hugged them and then I looked at Christian one more time. "I love you so much. I love you guys too," I told the kids. They all got on the plane and I headed back to the car. My first time driving by myself since the accident. I started driving back home and when I got there, it made me nervous.

I didn't want to be in this house by myself. Of course I had no friends either, so this was going to be a long couple of months. "Babe," I said as he answered my FaceTime.

"Yes Cas?" He asked.

"I miss you already," I said and he laughed. "Everything is funny to you."

"I'm sorry. I miss you too. But you know we have a few days and we will see each other again. Don't worry about us. You have a team to go coach today. I love you."

"I love you too. Call me when you land." He smiled and nodded. I hung up and then started cleaning up the house. Christian and the boys needed some cleaning lessons. Another reason I was worried about having everyone at the house in Milwaukee. Without me there, I wondered how the house would look.

After cleaning for a while, I got my stuff ready to go to practice. At the end of the day, I had to make sure the girls had uniforms and everything they needed for the season that started next week.

When I got down to the school, the kids were just getting out, as I walked onto campus. "Hey, are you single?" Some kid called out and I gave a disgusted look. I continued walking to the field.

The girls were out there by 3:30 and we started practice. In the middle of me hitting ground balls, I got a call from Christian. I dropped the bat and answered the call. "Hey," I said and I could hear the girls groan.

"Whatever you do, please don't look in my sock drawer at home. I forgot something and you can't see it. It's for you, so don't worry. But next time we see each other, bring it with you."

"Okay, I have to go because I'm in the middle of practice." We said our goodbyes and we continued practicing. "Who are all these kids here?" I asked looking into the stands.

"You didn't know?" Mikayla asked and I shook my head no. "Half of the boys in our school think you're gorgeous." I made a disgusted face. "They think you're a student, that's why they keep hitting on you. They don't believe any of us, when we tell them you're a coach."

I laughed and grabbed a sip of water. We finished off practice with some hitting off the pitchers and then that was the day. As I was on my way home, I went to Alecia's place. I didn't want to be home by myself.

Sometimes, I felt like I put too much stress on Alecia. She already had three kids and I acted like her fourth, which probably annoyed her sometimes. When I was walking up the driveway, the garage opened. Her and her husband were about to leave. "Hey Cas, what's up?" She asked.

"I was going to hang out. I don't want to be home by myself. But you guys go, I'll go to my brother's place if he isn't busy. Have fun." She gave me a hug and then I got back into Christian's car.

I didn't want to interrupt Ryan's time with his family, so I decided to go back home. I started to make myself dinner and then Cameron called me. "Hey pretty girl," Cam said.

"Hi," I said and sat down. "How are my kids?" He turned the camera and the kids were talking to Christian while laying on the couch. "So sleeping arrangements? Figure it out yet?"

"Boys are sleeping with Christian, Bri is taking the twins' room. Ricky and Josh are sleeping in the guest bedroom. I'm on the couch." I nodded. "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"It's nothing. I already have the sleeping arrangements for Milwaukee." I said to change the conversation. "You obviously have your room. And then the guys can have the guest house. But they need to take care of it." I heard Ricky talking in the background, and then he grabbed Cam's phone. "Hi Ricky."

"Cas, can you hear me?" He asked and kinda slurred his words. I nodded and waited to hear what he had to say. "I need one of your cute friends. Unless you break up with Christian."

"Ricky!" Christian yelled and the other guys continued to yell at him. The call ended and then I finished making dinner. As much as my kids and Christian annoyed me, I missed them.

Christian's POV

"Daddy," Mason said waking me up from my sleep. I turned over and he crawled over Noah and laid next to me. "I miss mom."

"I know buddy. She's coming down in a few days. She misses you too. You're gonna have fun with Uncle Cam and the guys right?" He nodded and sat up. "What's up bud?" He grabbed his stomach. "Bathroom!" I yelled and picked him up quickly.

We barely made it and he started throwing up. "It hurts. Soup?" He asked after he finished. I wasn't like Cas, who could just whip up something when this happened. "Mom do it."

"I know, I don't have the skills like your mom does. I'll just grab you a water. You don't need to eat this late." I went out and the guys were all asleep on the ground. I laughed and then went back to my room. Mason drank a little bit of water and then he laid back in bed.

Cas started FaceTiming me as I was about to go back to sleep. "You sure I can't look at what you got me?"

"If you look at it, I'll return it." She groaned and then smirked a little. "Did you look at it already?"

"No I promise I won't look until I go down to Arizona. But look what I bought." She showed me it and I gasped. "I've been so bored without you so I have to entertain myself."

"I've been gone for about twelve hours and you're already replacing me?" She shrugged. "I'll make you feel better than that will."

"Let me tell you Christian, this is pretty good. It was a very good investment." Lowkey jealous she was comparing me to a toy.

"Friday night. Be prepared. You'll be spending all weekend in bed because you're gonna be sore." She smirked. Mason looked at me. "You want to say hi?" I asked and he nodded. I gave him the phone.

"Hi baby. I miss you." He started getting teary eyed. I rubbed his head a little and he leaned into my side. "I'll cuddle with you this weekend alright babe? And I'll make you some cupcakes and whatever you want. I love you." He nodded.

"I love you," He said and then handed me the phone.

Cas showed me the toy again and I made a face at her. "You should've known this was going to be the outcome since I took the job. I can't have you, this is the closest thing to you."

"I guess," I mumbled and put her on pause. She let out an irritated sigh and then I went back to the call. "What?" I asked.

"I called you to talk and show you something I was excited about. Can you just be a little happy for me?" I nodded and didn't say anything. "Okay well I'll talk to you later Christian." She ended the call and then I set the phone down.

"You mad?" Mason asked and I shrugged. "Why?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry bud." He nodded and then started falling back asleep. Noah started moving around this time and I watched him. He finally stopped moving and then I was able to go back to sleep.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now