Coach Braun

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Cassie's POV

"Why the hell is my daughter dressed like this?" Christian asked bringing Brielle downstairs. "Her little butt cheeks are hanging out. Who said her back could show?"

"They are not, stop being dramatic. Brielle can wear this. I think she looks absolutely adorable. I need to get going, I'm going to be late." I kissed his cheek and ran out to Christian's car. I drove to the school and I finished the paperwork and then I met the girls at the softball field.

I don't know why but these teenagers just wouldn't shut up. "So do we call you Coach Braun? Coach Yelich?" Someone asked and then it became quiet.

"First I'm going to need you guys to stop talking so much. I just need to get the basic facts out there first. I would like to go by Coach Braun," I said and they looked around surprised that I said that instead of Christian's name. "We will get back to that. Conditioning starts January 17, yes I know that's a Friday and we all like to go out or relax."

"If you know it's a Friday, why are we starting then?" One girl asked with an attitude.

"Would we like to start over winter break? I have things going on but I don't mind moving them in order to start this conditioning." I think I embarrassed the girl because she moved around like she was uncomfortable. "I have personal things going on. I'm not going to be here to start the first week of January. I have a family to take care of. So if we could gladly just start on that Friday, it will be appreciated."

"Okay," They all said and I started passing around a schedule I made.

"The first two weeks consist of conditioning. It will be cold, bring a sweater, water, running shoes, and a good attitude. If you have bad attitudes it won't be a good look." They nodded. "I'm really sacrificing a lot to coach this season, so can we be really nice and have a good season?" The girls nodded their heads yes. "I'm a very nice person, but if you want to treat anyone out here bad, I will let you go. I just want a positive season. My email is on the paper if you need to reach out."

I continued to answer questions and then I went back home. Cam and his friends were at our place. "Tell me Cas!" Cam said and picked me up. "Where are the brownies you made this week?"

"Cam I haven't baked just for fun because I put Christian and I on a diet." All the guys groaned and then he set me down.

Christian gave them a told you so look. After waiting in silence for a couple minutes, I finally looked at Brielle. "Hey you know my niece isn't supposed to wear that. She's not even one yet." I took Brielle out of the bouncer and she babbled. "Her buttcheeks are hanging out Cas."

"If I want to dress my daughter like this, I will. I even got a matching top, let me try it on," I said and went upstairs. I changed and then went back down. When Christian saw me, he smiled and kept his eyes on my chest. "It's cute right?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and continued to stare at my boobs. "Stop," I said and tried to get out.

Brielle started crying so I handed her to Christian. I went back and changed and I could be more comfortable. "So why are we here?" Ricky asked while coming out of the pantry.

I sat down on the counter and looked at Christian. "We need your help." The four of them looked confused. "None of you know, but Cassie accepted a job coaching at Westlake for the softball team. Softball season is the same time as Spring Training, and the first couple months of the season. So we need to know if maybe you can come down with me to Milwaukee and help watch them?" Christian asked them.

"Where would we even sleep? Like a hotel?" Andrew asked.

"We have a guest house. You guys can sleep there, plus you can use our cars, except the truck. You get to eat our food." They all looked at each other.

"I'm down. We will be living hella good in Milwaukee. It's fun," Cam told his friends. They all nodded their heads and I got off the counter and hugged them.

"I'll try to be down every weekend to visit my kids and Christian." They nodded again and then I watched the twins come downstairs. "Hey what did Daddy make you for breakfast?" I asked and they shook their heads.

Noah stuck his arms out for me and I picked him. "I wake up," He told me and I was surprised. The twins sleeping habits changed so often. "McDonald's mommy."

I looked towards Christian and he shook his head no. "I'll make you something here babe." He groaned and then I rubbed his face. "Please Noey."

"Fine," He said and I kissed his cheek before setting him down. I got out some eggs and some chicken bacon and chicken sausage. The boys hadn't been eating the best lately so I've been trying to get them to eat better.

When the food was done, I set the boys at the table and watched them eat. "Hopefully I can make it out to a game this season," Christian said and I shrugged. "You don't want me there Coach Yelich?"

"I asked to be called Coach Braun," I said and he gave me a look. "I don't like the way either name sounds. I think I might just go with Coach Cassie. We start conditioning on the 17th so I'm excited."

"I'll make it out there with the boys to the first game and Christian if he can make it," Cam told me and I got excited. I got up to start cleaning up the mess and Christian wrapped his arms around me. He always did this when I tried to do stuff.

"CY," I said and he moved his arms. "Later, this house is a mess and I need to clean it."

Christian's POV

I rubbed Cassie's back as she was looking at something on her phone. She put her phone down and then turned and looked at me. When she leaned in to kiss me, I smiled. "I love you so much," She said and finally kissed my lips.

As I tried to move her onto my lap, she stopped me and pulled away from the kiss. "What Cas?"

"I just know we will go a couple rounds. I can't do that right now. I'll be sore for the next couple days." I smiled and watched her get up and walk to her closet. She came out in a tank top and some shorts.

"So I was thinking about the vacation thing we were talking about. What about Hawaii?" She nodded and then looked down at my shorts. "Cas stop. If you're not going to do anything, don't get me excited."

"Babe, I'm really nervous to have another one," Cas blurted out after a couple minutes of silence. I pulled her into my arms and let out a deep breath.

"Cassie I'm leaving it up to you. You tell me if you want another one. I don't want our relationship to have any issues over this baby thing. I really do think the only reason I want another one is because I don't like the idea of an odd amount of people. Plus I do really want another son. But your body and the pain you have to go through, don't make this easy on you. So you say the magic words and we will stop."

"I'm not sure though. It changes everyday. Like I want a big family with you. And the same time I want to give you all the kids you want."

"Stop right there. I'm not going to be upset if you don't want anymore. You don't realize that all I do is get you pregnant, and you go through all the pain and actually give birth to our kids. I don't like seeing you in pain. Don't worry about me babe. I have three kids I need to give my attention to."

"I love you Christian," She said and got off of my lap and laid under the covers. I kissed her head and then laid down as well.

"I love you too Cas." As I was about to turn off the light, the door opened and the twins were standing there. "What's up?" I asked.

"We sleep here?" Noah asked us and I looked at Cas and she smiled.

"Yes, just close the door behind you," I said and then Mason did that and they climbed over me. They laid in between us. I checked Brielle in her crib and then laid back down. Cas fell asleep pretty fast while the boys laid in bed and tried to have a conversation. "Let's go to sleep now guys," I said and they nodded.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now