Is That a Threat?

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Cassie's POV

"You sure I can't help you?" Christian asked while I wrapped gifts.

"I'm very sure. Have you seen the way  you wrap gifts?" He seemed to get a little offended by that. "If you work on your skills, then yes you could help me." He nodded and continued to watch me.

After a few more gifts, I decided to call it quits and lay in bed with Christian. I was on my phone when I heard Christian start to snore a little. I hit his side and he stopped but didn't wake up. A couple minutes later, he woke up and looked at me. "How long have I been asleep for?"

"Ten minutes," I said and laughed. "Is that the energy you need to make it through today?"

"I think so," He said and got up and put on some shorts and a sweater. "I'm taking your car to the shop and you have to pick me up while they fix whatever is wrong and we can go get lunch." I nodded and then got up and grabbed a pair of leggings and a sweater. Christian grabbed my butt, and I laughed a little.

The kids were already at my parent's house so we didn't have to worry about dropping them off. I followed Christian to some car shop. I had no idea what to say about cars, so I'm glad I had a husband who knew more than I did. Christian came after a few minutes, and we switched seats. "Do you ever get tired of driving?"

"Kinda but it's you or me driving. And I'd rather it be me. Like what happened, when we met and you drove to my house after the bar, like you drove so good and then all of a sudden it changed." I watched him put his hand on my seat and he started backing up.

The biggest turn on. "Well rehab probably did it to me," I said and we laughed a little. "I don't think I've ever formally apologized for not telling you about it. I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to hate me or stop talking to me."

"It's fine Cas. It doesn't help that I was a complete dick the night before you went. And every time you wanted to talk about it, I managed to talk about something else. As long as you're better now, and understand why none of us liked seeing you that way." I nodded and then he placed his hand on my thigh.

We got to the seafood restaurant we first ate it when we first went into quarantine. We sat at a booth. Christian helped me figure out what I wanted. I leaned over the table and whispered in his ear, "Since we have until eight o'clock tonight until the kids come back, I say we have some car sex. We haven't done that in a long time."

I looked at his face and he had a smirk. "I'm so down." I felt like Christian started rushing everything. Our food was there very fast and he started eating fast as well. "Cas you're being slow, hurry up."

"Christian you're going to choke. Take you time." He laughed a little and still ate the same. Ugh men. They never listen. I was still eating my fish when Christian finished his food. "I'm taking my time so I don't know why you did that."

"Okay," Christian said and took my bread off my plate and ate it. I gave him a look as he chewed it. "You know you probably weren't going to eat that." Even if I wasn't, I would've liked to offer it to him." Once I finished my food, he got the bill and instantly put his card in there and the waiter took it.

"I don't think I've ever seen you be this impatient other than when you're drunk."

"Well you have me excited." He acts like we never had sex. Christian laughed at me. "You said that out loud C," I looked around to see if people were around us. A few feet away so I don't know if they heard me.

The waiter came back and Christian handed him a one hundred dollar bill. "Thank you so much sir," The teenage boy said and went to shake Christian's hand. "I'm a big fan of yours."

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now