All in Your Head

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Christian's POV

"I want to stay here with you and my kids babe," Christian said as we started going over to Cody's house. "Cas let's just not go?"

"C he's your friend. He invited us over to make your day somewhat fun. Just for a few hours we can hang out?" He nodded and continued driving. When we got to the house, Christian grabbed Brielle, and the twins walked while holding my hands.

Christian knocked and then Cody opened the door. "What's up?" Christian asked and I chuckled a little.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled and Christian jumped a little. After a couple seconds, he smiled at Cody and I. Everyone started giving Christian hugs and then Cam was one of the last people. "Dude, we got you!" He yelled and Christian hit him.

"My daughter is sleeping, stop yelling." Cam nodded and then looked at me. "Cas come get a drink with me." I walked over with Christian and he looked at the bar. "You want something?"

"I'm driving babe. You go ahead though." He kept giving me that look but I reassured him it was fine. I tried to take Brielle from him but he didn't want to let her go. Watching Christian be a girl dad had to be my favorite thing ever.

"Party at Cas and Christian's place tomorrow," Ricky said as he pulled me into a hug. He smelled like Christian which I loved.

"You can come over but I am going to the school to fill out paper work and then I have a meeting with softball students. I'll be done after but Christian will be there with the kids. Just let Cam and Christian know what's happening."

As I looked away from Ricky, I saw a tall blonde girl start walking over to us. I had no idea who this was and she smiled as she stood a few feet away from me. "Cassie?" She asked and I unwrapped my arms from around Ricky. I nodded and then she smiled again. "I'm Chase, Cody's girlfriend. It's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you. And Christian always says good things about you." We shook hands.

"Oh you've talked to him before?" She nodded and then I smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you too. I hope we get to talk some more and get to hang out soon." She nodded and then I went back to talking to Ricky. "Is it bad I'm kinda upset, that Christian has talked to her before and didn't tell me?"

"Hey, you're fine. There's nothing to worry about. You don't even understand how crazy he is about you. The other day when I first saw you two together, the look in his eyes doesn't even compare to anything I've ever seen before. It's all in your head."

"You're right," I said and looked at Christian as he was drinking and still holding onto Brielle. He was talking with some of his family and friends. Seeing Christian be a girl dad had to be my favorite thing ever. "Hey actually, I do need you and the guys to come over tomorrow. Christian and I need to talk to you."

"You're scaring me," He said and I laughed. "It's nothing bad right?" I shook my head no and he continued to look at me.

A couple seconds later, I could hear the twins starting to argue somewhere in the house. I left Ricky and went to find them. "Bit-" Noah started but I covered his mouth. He tried to take my hand off but I picked him up and took him outside. "Mommy!" He yelled when I took my hand off.

"If I ever hear another bad word come out of yours or Mason's mouth, you will be in so much trouble. I'm sick and tired of you two saying those words. Your Dad defended your brother when he said that and you see where that has gotten us. So stop saying it." He started crying as I took him back into the house. I finally had enough of him and I set him by Alecia. He grabbed onto her leg and cried. "Don't baby him please."

"Cas," She said and picked him up. "Noey, are you okay?"

"Mommy mean," He said and I laughed a little. I caught Christian staring at me and his eyes were everywhere.

I went over to him and he moved Brielle a little. "You want to feed her? Or I can do it. " He asked and I pointed to him. "What's up with Noah."

"He started using bad words and I told him I'm not dealing with it anymore. I'm glad you're dealing with them tomorrow and not me." He rubbed my back as I made a bottle. "Are you fine with this? Usually you're drunk now, jumping into the pool or just being loud."

"I have Bri, and I don't want my kids seeing me like that. If it was just the two of us, I would probably be drunk because you know how to handle me and how to get me to calm down." I nodded and then handed him the bottle. "I love you Cas. Thank you for everything today."

"I love you too Christian. Thank you for coming into my life." He smiled and kissed me for a couple of seconds before he pulled away. "I told the guys to come over tomorrow so we can talk to them about our situation." He nodded and then started feeding Brielle.

I went around and tried to talk to some of Christian's family because I was still kinda shy around them. When I heard my brother's voice, I quickly turned around and stopped talking to Christian's cousins.

I hadn't seen him since Thanksgiving so I was surprised he was here. He was with Larisa and he went and found Christian. I got paranoid of what might happen. "Excuse me," I said and walked away from the group. "Hi Ry," I said and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Let me have a second to talk to Christian." I went to say something. "This is when you separate yourself from being my little sister and being his wife." I scoffed and took Brielle from him and then walked away.

Christian's POV

"What's up?" I asked Ryan and then took a sip of my drink. He didn't seem too happy with me.

"I don't know the full story, Cassie is right about that. But you're cussing at my dad now?" I kinda squinted at him to see if he was serious.

"Well when Cas tells you the full story, you can come back and we can discuss this again." Ryan left me alone and I watched him talk to Cassie for a few minutes. When he finally came back he gave me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry he tried to choke you." I nodded and then looked towards Cas. "So you guys aren't going on the trip anymore?" I shook my head no and handed him a beer.

It was kinda awkward between the two of us. My mom had called me over so that saved me. Noah wanted me to hold him so I took him from my mom. As much as I enjoyed being here right now, I would love to be back at home with my family. Something small.

After another hour of just talking with some people, Cas, Cody, and Chase got everyone's attention. "So I just wanted to wish my husband a happy birthday. Getting to be with you for the past four years has been the best. He's the most incredible man I've ever met. The best dad Mason, Noah and Brielle could ever have. You're just a very good person and I can't wait to spend more birthdays with you," Cas said and she walked over to me and hugged me and then kissed my lips.

"Christian where do I even begin? Maybe becoming great friends with you in 2019 during the MVP race. I've watched you change so much since getting older and since dating Cassie. She's changed you for the best. Thanks for bringing my favorite kids into this world. I hope you had an awesome birthday today bro." I nodded and then gave Noah to Cas so I could give him and Chase a hug.

When I took Noah from Cassie, she walked over to the cake and got some candles and put them on it. After everyone sang happy birthday to me. I thought about what to wish for, and I finally got an idea.

I wished that Cas would continue to be on board about having another kid. I smiled at her after and she laughed a little. I put my finger through a little bit of frosting and licked it. "Delicious," I said and then watched her cut the cake.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now