That's Scary

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Cassie's POV

"Welcome home," I could hear a few people say as Christian helped me walk through the house. I looked in the direction of the voices but couldn't see clearly. My vision improved a lot but still could be much better. As I sat on the couch, I saw Christian stand in front of me with something.

I reached out and they were my glasses and it's like my vision was one hundred perfect better. "Oh my goodness," I said and hugged him. "Hi Ricky, Cam, Ryan, and Collin." They all laughed.

Christian told me that I was always getting everyone mixed up in the hospital. I grabbed my phone and looked at myself. My eyes went wide at my red eye. "That's scary," Mason told me.

"I'm sorry babe." I kissed his cheek. I tried to get up but everyone stopped me. "I'm going to pee on this couch then." Christian helped me up and took me to one of the bathrooms. He stayed in there and helped me. "I really feel like one of the kids now." The two of us chuckled together and then went back out to the living room.

"So we have to have a discussion." I looked at everyone and they sat around me. I got nervous, I don't know why. "We want to know what you want to do about this car situation. Would you like my car and I get a Tahoe? Would you like me to trade my car, and you get a Jepp? And I'll get the Tahoe?"

I looked at everyone and they waited for a response. I shrugged and everyone shook their heads. Everyone has helped a ton with watching my kids, since I've been in the hospital. "Cassie we need a decision now." Ryan told me. I just shrugged again and he got annoyed. "I'm gonna go. Let me know when she makes a decision." Ryan kissed my head and then left.

"Give us a few minutes," Christian said and everyone went outside. "What's wrong? Why can't you make a decision C?"

I didn't want to tell him but he wouldn't accept a shoulder shrug. "I'm afraid to drive. I feel like the next time I get behind a wheel, I'll end up dead. I'm just afraid babe." He nodded and rubbed my back.

"I won't force you to drive, but I just need you to decide what we want to do with this car situation?"

"I'm fine with whatever. Actually why don't we just bring the Tahoe back to Malibu? I don't want another car if I'm being honest. We can just rent a car for now. I don't know when I'll use it but you know."

Christian thought about it and shrugged. He would have it figured out within the next day or so. The guys came back in and then looked at me. Ricky put Brielle in my arms. She went to grab my cheek but I stopped her. All the guys started making dinner and they raised the patio doors, just to make it easier to watch Bri and I.

Christian's POV

"She looks a lot better," Collin said and I agreed. "You still think she will be able to go out for the coaching job?"

"Definitely. She's not quitting now. Have you met her? She's able to walk, maybe not one hundred percent. She's just got that broken arm. And she has about a month." Brielle started crying and I went to go check on them. Cas was asleep and Brielle was trying to get Cassie's boob.

"Daddy will make you a bottle Bri," I told her as I grabbed her. She continued to cry when I tried to give her the bottle. Cassie started groaning and finally woke up. "You want your Mom?" Cas took her from me and Brielle tried going for the boob again.

"This might be a weird question, but is there still milk in there?" I nodded and she laughed a little. "I'll just let her right now." I thought they were mine now but I guess they still have an actual purpose.

I helped her with her shirt and she started feeding Brielle. The guys walked in and Ricky freaked out. "Why am I always the only one who's freaked out about everything?"

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now