He Touched Me

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Cassie's POV

"Oh Christian," I said and he peaked his head out of the bathroom. "Come here." He jumped on the bed and started kissing my neck. "Oh yes, how'd you know what I wanted?"

"Why wouldn't I know my wife?" He asked and then continued kissing on me. The door swung open and I gently pushed Christian off. They showed us their swim trunks and I looked at Christian. He nodded and they got excited and left the room.

I scoffed a little and he laughed at my disappointment. Christian kissed me one more time and then got up. I went to my closet and put a bikini on as well. Brielle was still asleep but I was going to wake her up and put her in a bathing suit.

When I walked out in the backyard with her, Christian looked at us. "Damn my girls are beautiful." I smiled and then went to grab sunscreen when he smacked my butt. I gave him a death glare and he continued to stare. "You need my help?"

I nodded and put Bri down. He sprayed the sunscreen on me and then put it on the boys. Christian put it on himself as well and then jumped in with the boys. I debated on getting in for a couple minutes before Christian got out and picked me up and threw me in.

The boys stayed in the shallow side while I continued to swim around for a few minutes. I got out and laid on a pool chair so I could tan a little. I ended up falling asleep after a few minutes later.

Christian's POV

"Baby?" Cas asked after waking up from her nap. "How'd I get in bed?"

"I brought you in here so you wouldn't get a sunburn." She put the blanket back over her face. "I want you to come lay with me." I stood by her side of the bed. "Christian don't play right now."

"You need to shower first." She groaned and then got up. About thirty minutes later, she came out and looked at me. "You ready?" She nodded and then got in and cuddled into my side. "Are you sure you're not pregnant? You've been sleeping a lot?"

"I'll take a damn pregnancy test to prove I'm not. I can be tired without being pregnant C." Her eyes shut and she ran her fingers through my hair. "Disneyland tomorrow? And then we go to Bora Bora right? And are we still going to see Baker when we get back?"

"Yes, yes and yes." She nodded and then closed her eyes. Cassie's phone started to ring and she was going to ignore it until she saw her mom's name.

"So I heard you are doing Thanksgiving at your house?" Her mom asked and she rolled her eyes in my direction.

"Yes with Christian's family," I hit her.

"Well why aren't we invited?" I really hoped that they wouldn't get into an argument. "We never exclude your family from coming to any events."

"I don't need the drama here. I've invited some other people as well and there would just be too much conflict."

"Like who? And you better not say Ally. You need to forgive her, that's your cousin," Cas and I made eye contact with each other.

"Yes I am talking about her. I don't need her bringing Nico or drama. So therefore, I will take my family to your house for a little bit if you'd like." The phone call ended and I let out a deep breath.

"You should just invite them. Now we are going to be in an argument with them. My mom is going to chew us out for not inviting them."

"Well Christian you know they are just drama. And we can talk about this later." She tried to fall asleep but then I woke her back up. "Fine but when your family thinks my family is insane, I'm going to be mad at you."

She turned the other way and let out a sigh. I seen her open the message app on her phone and she texted her mom. "Thank you," I said and she scooted further away from me. I laughed a little and then pulled her back closer.

"I sounded like such a bitch. I know you're thinking the same thing."

"I mean yes it was rude but I just don't want them to think we don't like hanging out with them. Your family is very cool except when they take Ally or Nico's side over yours." She turned back over and smiled at me. The boys came in the room and got on the bed and they cuddled Cassie.

I laughed a little because Cas and I were supposed to be cuddling. "Are you two ready for tomorrow?" She asked and they nodded. "I'm not. You guys better act good."

Cassie's POV

"Mason," He turned around and looked at me as we were about to get on the ride. "Sit with your Dad on this one." Noah came over to me and a few minutes later we got on the ride. Seeing Christian's tall ass get on kid rides made me laugh.

"I'm crammed in here C," I could hear him yell and I just laughed. The ride started a few seconds later and the boys were really enjoying it.

When we got off of the ride, I looked at Christian and he was grabbing his leg. "Did you hurt yourself CY?" He shrugged a little. We found a spot to sit at for a few minutes. "Christian I don't need you getting hurt babe. I'll tell your mom to come over here to ride with one of the boys."

"I want these memories with the boys. That ride was just no space. I'll be fine on the other ones." I nodded and then watched him get up and pick up the boys. When we started walking around, people took pictures of Christian.

I knew a lot of people weren't focused on me but I was getting anxiety. "Cas," Christian said as I grabbed onto his arm a little. "Are you alright?"

"No, I think I need a few minutes babe." He stopped walking and looked down at me. "Christian." He set the boys down and felt my head a little. "I have anxiety."

He texted someone and then about ten minutes later, his mom and brothers came and got the kids. "I think we need a little bit of alone time for Cas to calm down." They nodded and then Christian let me hold his hand. "You don't like all the attention do you?"

"No it's scary. Especially being with the kids. I don't like calling their names or having their pictures taken. If it was just us, I wouldn't mind." He nodded and then leaned down and kissed my forehead. We stood in line to get something to eat. Something about Christian in sunglasses, turned me on.

We ate and walked around to find a ride we wanted to go on together. When we got onto Splash Mountain, he looked at me and I grabbed his hand. "I love you," He said and kissed my hand.

"I love you too C," I told him and looked at our hands. After going on a few rides by ourselves, we met up with the boys again. "Were they good?"

"Yes, the real question is, are you good Cas?" Collin asked me. I nodded and then held Noah's hand. We walked down to get the kids something to eat and drink. When we stood in line, I felt a hand graze against my butt.

I looked back thinking it was Christian, but it hit me that he was standing to the side of me talking to Alecia. I saw an older man, maybe fifteen years older than me. "It's nice," He said and I pushed Cam behind me. Cam gave me a dirty look but then stopped when he realized I was creeped out.

"He touched me." Christian all of a sudden stopped talking and looked at me.

"Hey, I'm asking you nicely, keep your hands off my wife." The boys looked at Christian and I could tell he was about to let their hands go.

"Or what? Even better, tell her to cover up." He let go of the kids hands, and Cam tried to stop Christian. 

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now