Renew Our Vows

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Cassie's POV

"Uncle Baker is waiting on us, come on guys," I said trying to get them out of the hotel room. The baby was up and Christian was trying to hold him but Brielle wanted the attention of course. "Bri please. Let's go."

The twins were looking at her with a dirty look. "Come on!" Mason yelled and hit her in the back. That set Christian off and he handed me the baby and grabbed Mason's arm and took him to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Brielle cried into my leg and I rubbed her back. I got the baby into his car seat so I could hold Brielle, but Christian came out right after. Mason was crying and ran over to me and wanted me to hold him.

I didn't though because we were already running late. As we got to our Uber, I got all the kids in  and Christian sat in the front. This time, we went to a Hibachi restaurant. As we got out of the Uber, I held Mason and Noah's hand, and Christian held Bri and got Cam's car seat. Mason sat next to me and Noah. Anytime Christian would look at him, he put his face into my side. "Uncle B," Noah said as soon as Christian and him were done talking. He looked over and saw that he wanted a hug. Noah got off his seat and walked over to him and he picked up and they did what he called a bear hug. "Hi Auntie Em," He said and continued going around the table and saying hi to everyone.

Everyone thought it was the cutest thing and waited for Mason to get up and do the same. But he wouldn't leave my side. I rubbed his head and he managed to get onto my lap. "You need to tell Bri you're sorry, and talk to your dad." He shook his head no. "Come on babe," I whispered to him. "It wasn't nice. I know she was crying but you didn't need to hit her. We've talked about it many times before."

He got off my lap and didn't want to apologize. I shrugged because then Christian would deal with him when we got back. I got the baby out of his car seat and passed him to Emily because she's been dying to meet him. She showed him to Baker and they both admired him. "Definitely looks like Christian," She said and rubbed his cheek. He smiled a little and opened his eyes. "So Mason and Cameron are a copy of Christian. Brielle and Noah have Cassie's eyes. But have the rest of his features."

"Yeah, his genes are really strong I guess." Christian smiled and wrapped his arm around me. Mason let go of me when he saw Christian's arm. I looked at Christian and he was smiling at me. "I love you," I said and he kissed me for a second.

"I love you too," He said and rubbed my side. Christian knew how to make me feel good about myself. For the past week, I was sorta in a funk and he didn't leave me alone in the house with the kids. Cam or his mom would come over while he went to workout and if he had to go to the store, he took the kids with him.

Everyone took turns holding the baby and then when everyone got a chance to hold him, they gave him back to Christian. "I hold him," Mason said and Christian ignored him. I shook my head and he was about to cry but I got up and took him to the bathroom.

"Mason you can't hold him because we aren't on carpet. If you drop him, he could get really hurt. Wait until we get back to the hotel." He started crying against my leg and I rubbed his head. "You and your dad need to talk it out. That's one of the reasons you're acting like this."

"Mommy," He said and I picked him up and I rocked him and eventually he fell asleep. I started walking back out and ran into Christian.

"I was about to come check on you. I was worried," He said.

"I was just putting him to sleep. He missed his nap so he's really grumpy." He nodded and we walked back to the table. I held him while we ate dinner and then after Christian and a couple of the guys started to drink. Although, it wasn't like how he usually was when we came down here. Probably because the kids were here and the kids have never seen Christian that messed up.

"You want something to drink?" He asked and then kissed my cheek. I shook my head no. One of us needed to be sober in case something happened with any of our kids. "Are you sure? I'll get you a margarita."

"No I'm fine babe. Tomorrow I might have a drink. I'm not sure yet." He took that answer and then got Brielle to sit with him.

"You smell bad," She told him as he tried to kiss her. The entire table started laughing.

"It's just my drink," He said and showed her. He tried to kiss her again and she covered his mouth. "Brielle,"Christian said and laughed.

"No!" She yelled loud and proud. At least I knew she could stand up for herself.

"Can you give me a hug at least?" He asked and she nodded and did it. "Thank you beautiful." She played with his hair. "Are you going to style my hair for me?"

"Yes." Brielle looked for my cup of water and she found it and put her hand in it, causing everyone to laugh. She put her wet hands on his hair and played with it. "I like it," She said after she ruining the complete style of it.

"Thanks baby. Can I get a kiss now?" He asked and she shook her head no again. Christian held her for a while after, and then she fell asleep.

Christian's POV

The kids were asleep as we sat down on the couch together at the hotel. "This is the first Cleveland trip where we haven't hooked up right before dinner or I haven't even got drunk at dinner," I said and rubbed her side and pulled her close to me.

"I know, maybe we should bring the kids more often." I was shocked but laughed. "I'm just joking, but it's nice to bring our babies with us."

I nodded and then she got up and changed into some pajamas. "I'm a little tired. I'm gonna lay down."

"No stay up with me for another hour." She smiled and sat back next to me. "So I want to renew our vows."

"Babe, wait until we've made it to ten years at least. But like why do you want to?"

"We've had two more kids and I just think we should include them in this."

"Okay, also I've been wanting to get a new mom car. We've put so many miles on the one we have now. And I just think we need that extra seat in the back, so we could fit with Cam and Ricky when we go places."

"Okay we can definitely get something. Do you want to look when we go back to Milwaukee?"

"Yes that's the best option." She leaned in and pecked my lips. "Also my family, wanted to talk about a vacation with your family. I totally understand if you don't want to go."

"No we can do it." She looked surprised and disappointed that I said yes. "Cas we need to spend more time with your family. All we ever do is spend time with my side. They probably feel left out and want to be with you and the kids."

"I know but everything runs so smooth for your side. That's why I enjoy it so much more."

"As much as things go wrong on your side, I love going to your family's events. It's fun, I promise you."

"Okay well we can talk to them when we get back home." I leaned in and kissed her for a second and she pulled away. "Brielle was right, you do stink." She laughed a little. "I'm only joking. I know that it's your drink."

"Hey I have a question," I said and she looked down at my hand and nodded. "Were you surprised when I proposed to you?"

"Of course, I didn't expect it at all. I promise you, you caught me off guard. Like I can't even explain it."

"Why does every other girl know when they're getting proposed to and you're clueless babe."

"I honestly have no idea babe. But that made it more special." She laid down on the couch and gave me her foot. "Actually go change first." I got in my pajamas and then sat back with her. I started rubbing her feet and she let her eyes close. But she kept making small conversation with me. And when her foot dropped, I knew she was asleep. I got up and moved Brielle over and, went back and got Cassie and put her in bed.

I turned off the light and then got in bed next to Brielle. When she felt me, she cuddled up close to me. I felt her tap on me. "What's up baby?" I whispered to her.

"I love you."

"I love you the most Brielle." I rubbed her head and then the both of us went to sleep.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now