Just Take it Slow

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Cassie's POV

"Are you serious? Just get dressed and we can go out," Christian said and rubbed my back as he laid back down in bed with me.

"I want to stay with the baby," I said and he shook his head. "Christian why do we have to go out? We can lay here together."

"Cas I know you want to stay with the baby. But you also need time away. It'll only be a couple hours. Our kids are in great hands. We have nothing to worry about babe." I got up and went to my closet.

"Can I wear jeans?" I asked and he laughed and nodded. "Can you wear jeans too?"

"Yes I can." He walked to his closet and then changed. A few minutes later, I was ready and then saw Christian. "You're really beautiful."

"Thank you handsome." We finished up and then went downstairs. The twins ran up to me and I held their hands.

"You're leaving?" Mason asked me and I shrugged. "Stay please." He started whining.

"I'm trying baby. Dad doesn't want me to stay. When I come back we can hang out." He started crying and all the guys gave him a look. "Mason I'm going out regardless of how hard I try to stay home." I told everyone my goodbyes and then we left.

"Why don't you ever like going out anymore?" Christian asked before shutting my door for me. He got in and then looked at me. "I love taking you out when we have the time."

"I'm just tired Christian." I grabbed his hand when he started driving. "Can we just get something from a taco truck?" He nodded and then looked at me. "I want you tonight," I whispered in his ear.

"It hasn't been six weeks," He said and let go of my hand. I could tell he was flustered because he moved around a little bit in his seat. "Only been, not even two weeks."

"I want you. Actually I need you."

"I'm not going to take advantage of this Cas." Christian found us a taco place to eat at, and then ordered our food. I took a bite and then looked at Christian with a disgusted face.

"You hate them too?" He asked after he finished chewing. I nodded. "You want to go to a restaurant?" I nodded again and gave him my stuff to throw in the garbage.

When he came back, he looked at me and then my pants. I knew he wanted it just as bad as me, but after Bri, he knew that we were out of control, so this would stop him.

When we got to the restaurant, I called and ordered food and then when it was ready, I went in and got it. Christian went to a quiet area, and we sat and ate. As he finished eating, he started the car. "Wait babe. I really want it. Please."

"Cas, don't do this to me." I set my food down on the dash and looked at him.

"Christian I promise that I will be fine. We just have to take it slow. And the second I start to hurt, I will let you know." He shrugged and thought about it. "Let me finish eating and then we can attempt?" He nodded and then I grabbed my food and quickly ate. After we started off slow, by kissing.

I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled. When my hands made their way to his jeans, he stopped me. "Cas I can't do it."

"Seriously Christian?" I was annoyed but mostly embarrassed. I put my seatbelt on and turned away from him.

"I'm sorry I don't want to hurt you," He whispered and I ignored him. He started driving home and then he stopped at an ice cream place. "Do you want something?"

"Does it look like I want something?" He nodded and then got out. A few minutes later he came back with a couple bags. I'm assuming he got something for the kids and everyone else.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now