C**k Blocker

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Cassie's POV

Christian groaned when he heard my phone go off. I moved his arms and he groaned again. I looked everywhere for my phone and it was in between us. "Cam?" I asked confused.

"I need a ride, I can't walk." I got annoyed. "Ricky, your shirt."

"Give me a little bit and I'll be there," I said and ended the call. Christian pulled me back into his arms and I woke him up. "I have to pick up the guys babe." He groaned for the third time and let me go. I grabbed my purse and left.

When I finally got to Cam's location, I saw him and Ricky drinking some more. I grabbed the two of them by their ears and they weren't happy. "Cassie," Cam said and I didn't let go. I got both of them in the back seat and then I got in my seat.

"Why are you mad?" Ricky slurred and as I drove.

"Because it is two in the morning and I had to come pick you two up. You guys came to help me with the kids and you just left me. And you two better be up and ready by the time we are leaving for the game tomorrow."

When I got back to the hotel, I had to help both of them walk up to the room. When they got their clothes off and got into some regular shorts, I made sure they made it to bed and I went back to our room. Christian was on his phone and then he looked at me. I got back in bed with him and he smiled. "I can't stand your brother. I'm going to punch him."

"I'll talk to him," He lifted my head and started kissing my lips. I was going to pull away, but then he started tugging on my shirt. When he finally removed it, I stopped him. "Are you alright?"

"The real question is are you alright? You didn't want to do this earlier."

"I know, and I feel horrible for telling you that. The hormones are out of control sometimes so I thought that I didn't want to, but now I do."

"I promise to work on it Christian." He pulled me onto his body, and then I felt him get hard under me. I let him flip us over and he was so happy.

Christian got his shirt off and I pulled him back in so I could kiss him. I got a call again, and without breaking the kiss and I reached over for my phone and it was Cam. I stopped Christian and he looked to see if I was serious. "I can't find my wallet," Cam said. "And I'm hungry."

"Cameron I swear, I am going to send you back to Newport." He laughed and I hung up. "I'm sorry," I said as I grabbed my shirt from the other side of the bed.

"He's a fucking cock blocker."

"Christian how about in the morning maybe? Or maybe even when I get back?" He nodded and then kissed my head as I got back up. I went to Cam's room to try and find his wallet. It was in his pocket. "I'm going to get your food and I don't want to hear anything else from you until I come and wake you up." He nodded.

Christian's POV

"No I don't want to be touched," Cas said as I woke her up by kissing all over her. The boys wanted Cassie up, and Brielle was crying as well. "Why is everyone so upset?" She asked and got up. The boys clinged onto Cas when she went to grab Brielle.

"Mommy!" Noah yelled and she picked Brielle up and she started screaming. She looked like she was about to lose it. She left the room with Brielle and then came back without her.

"She loves Cam more than she loves us." Cas laid back in bed and the boys cuddled up to her. "What's wrong with you two?"

"I don't want go," Mason told her and she groaned. "We go home."

"Buddy, we are going to be out for the rest of the week. I'm sorry." He got upset with what I told him. "Mason there's nothing we can do."

"Mom we go home." She ignored him and paid attention to Noah. She rubbed his head and then gave him a kiss.

"I miss seeing you as a little baby." Mason got jealous and he went and cuddled up to Cas as well. "Both of you are my rainbow babies." I smiled at that term. We've only called them that like one other time. "I love you two so much." The boys kissed her and she was happy. "Mase I want you to be able to see your dad as much as you possibly can. That's why we're here with him. Plus it's super fun to swim at the beach right?"

He nodded and then got up and came over to me. "When we just stay home all the time?" He asked and I looked at Cas. We've avoided the topic of an extension on my contract. If that was something that the Brewers wanted, or even moving to play with another club.

"I'm not sure yet, but I promise I'm doing this because I want to provide for my babies and your mommy. And if daddy loves the sport, he should be able to play as long as he can right?" I asked and he nodded slowly. "One day, this could be you, and your mom and I are going to be so proud of you. Regardless of what you do, we will be proud of you and support you."

I kissed his cheek and then looked at Cas again. "It's something we'll talk about when we have alone time." I nodded and I watched her get up and start getting ready. There was a knock on the door and I opened it and it was the guys with Brielle.

She ran over to me and hugged me. "Doggy," She said and I ignored it. I got up with her and started getting her dressed. While I did her hair, she tried to turn around. "Dad!" She yelled at me and I was confused. I gave her my phone and she was happy. When I finished with her I got the boys up and they didn't take too long.

After everyone was ready, we went out to eat. "I really hope that everyone knows, that the entire house will be going on a diet when we get back home," Cas said and I couldn't blame her.

"No McDonald's?" Mason asked and we shook our heads no. I looked at Cassie and glanced at her stomach. We finished eating and then Cam and Ricky helped us take the kids to the mall. It was Cam, Ricky and Brielle. Then Cassie, the twins and myself.

"So how are you feeling beautiful? Any pain?"

"No pain at all. I'm kinda worried babe."

"We can always go check on the baby, if you want." She nodded and then got on her tippy toes to reach my face. I leaned down a little and kissed her. "When we get back to Milwaukee, we need some alone time." She nodded and then grabbed Mason's hand and started walking with him.

Cas got the boys some new clothes and then she took me into Victoria's Secret. I held up a thong and she hit me. "Christian that's embarrassing."

"You act like you're not wearing one right now. Don't act like you don't like me taking these off of you every other night."

"Christian someone is recording," She said and picked Mason up and he got upset.

"Stop!" He yelled and tried covering his face. Cas covered it for him and then Noah got freaked out and started getting close to Cassie too.

"I'm asking you nicely, please don't record my kids," I said and the girl continued. "They don't want to be recorded so please stop." I picked up Noah and I covered his face.

"Mommy tell them stop." She started walking out the store and then we went out to the car. We got the boys in their seats and then waited for the guys and Bri.

"I can't wait to go back home," Cas said and rubbed both the twins heads.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now