Full Time Mom

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Cassie's POV

"It's the semi finals and we need to win to make it to state championships next week. So I need you guys to show me how bad you want to win today," I told the girls as they were about to take the field.

No matter how they performed today, I was going to be proud of them. Granada was already out, so that was also a lot better for this situation. When the game started, after the first inning, they were already down by four.

I didn't think they would end up winning this game. As we made it to the seventh inning, we were down by one. When the other team got the final out, my heart broke for these girls. They worked so hard and I wanted them to experience the joy of winning state.

The only good thing about this, is that I got to go be a full time mom again, and get to rest for the twins I will be having.

"Hey I saw you get back to Milwaukee. I can't wait until I get to be back tomorrow and I get to see your face. I don't wanna wake you up at like one in the morning," Christian said when I answered the call.

"I can't wait to see you as well. I miss laying with you all the time." I could feel myself start to smile and then I heard someone call Christian's name. "Call me after the game CY."

"Alright Cas," He said and hung up. It was me in the empty house because Cam and the guys, took my kids out to New York to go to the games. The house was very clean, so I was happy about that. As I was going back downstairs, I got dizzy and slipped and fell down the stairs. I laid there for a few seconds and tried to get up. I was in so much pain.

I tried to call Christian but he didn't answer. When I finally decided to call Cam, he answered after a couple of rings. "Hey whenever you get time to talk to your brother, can you tell him I fell down the stairs? I'm hurting Cam."

"Do you need me to catch a flight with the kids?"

"No I think I'll be able to tolerate the pain until you get back. Just have him call me please. I'll talk to you later Cam." We said our goodbyes and I got off the phone.

I laid on the couch, and decided to call Collin. He was only about twenty minutes away, and since I was pregnant, he really wouldn't mind. Most of Christian's family had keys in case they wanted to let themselves in, so that's what he did when he got here.

"You probably shouldn't take a nap if you fell. Did you hit your head?" I shrugged because I can't remember anything after feeling dizzy and then I was on the ground.

I started falling asleep anyways. When I woke up, I could hear Collin talking. "She's still asleep?" I could hear Christian ask. I opened my eyes and he looked at me. I could feel my shorts and I was soaked.

"God Cassie get off the couch!" Collin yelled and I looked down and I was bleeding a ton. I freaked out and started to scream. I could hear Christian start to freak out.

When I got up, I had blood dripping and Collin got up and grabbed a towel from the laundry room. "Christian I have got to take her to the hospital. I'll call you whenever we know something." He hung up and took me to my car. As we got there, the emergency room wasn't busy, so I was able to get in very fast.

When I went to get an ultrasound done, the doctor looked at me. "Mrs. Yelich, I'm sorry to tell you but during your fall it caused you to miscarry one of the babies." I couldn't even speak. My throat got tight, and I started crying.

The thought of going from here and having to tell the little bit of family and Cam's friends that I miscarried a baby, was another terrible part. No one knew we were even having twins, so to tell them that was going to be crazy. When the doctor kept talking about everything with me, I felt the exact same way I did, when I miscarried the first time.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now