Thanksgiving Here?

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Cassie's POV

"Stop!" I heard one of the boys yell. I tried to ignore it because I was helping Christian with some paperwork. "Mason!" I looked at Christian and he just shook his head.

I started reading through the paperwork once again when I heard the boys come downstairs. "Dad!" Mason yelled at Christian. "Noah won't give me toy."

The two of us looked back and it was Noah's toy. "Mason you have a bunch of toys you can play with. That's Noah's, so stop." He started throwing a fit and I couldn't even focus. "Tonight we can continue to work on this," Christian said and I nodded and then sat down on the couch.

"Your family is coming tonight right?" He came and sat next to me. He nodded and laid his head on my lap. "We need to go to the store." I looked at the boys and they were still fighting over the toy.

Noah punched Mason in the face and Christian got up to break their fight up. I'm surprised Noah punched Mason and it wasn't vice versa. Mason ran to me crying. "This is what happens when you guys fight," I said and rubbed his head. He fell asleep in my arms a couple minutes later.

Christian came back a few minutes later with Brielle. She babbled a lot while she was in his arms. "Drop them off at my mom's in a little bit so we can go to the store?" I nodded and then turned on the TV so Brielle could watch one of her shows.

Christian started falling asleep a few minutes into her show. "Wake up," I said and hit him gently. He did one of his groans he did when he was really tired. "CY." He did another groan and I laughed a little. "You stay here with the kids and take a nap, and I'll take Cam or Collin with me."

"I'll go, give me like forty minutes." I shook my head and watched him fall asleep within a few seconds. Mason and him snored together. These two were alike in so many ways. Brielle started babbling in Christian's face but he didn't even hear her.

She went down to his nipple and thought it was mine I guess. "Christian," I said and hit him. He woke up and moved her. He went right back to sleep and she touched his face but he still slept through it.

He must've been very tired. When his alarm went off, he woke up. "You ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. "Noah didn't come down?"

"No he might be sleeping." Christian got up and went upstairs. He came back down with Bri and Noah. I grabbed my purse and Christian's wallet and then we walked out to the driveway to my car.

Mason woke up when we put him in his car seat. "It's squished."

"I know babe. We are going to get another car soon."

He started throwing a fit again. Noah woke up from Mason complaining and they looked at each other. "Stop!" He yelled and they tried to fight each other. I looked at Christian and he didn't even know what to say.

He shrugged a little. "No CY, I don't want to go in separate cars." Christian nodded and then he started driving. I rubbed the back of Christian's head as we drove to his mom's house. "How was your nap?"

"It was really good except when Brielle thought I was you." I laughed a little. When we got to Alecia's house she was outside with the garage open. "Hey mom," Christian said and got out and hugged her. She waved to me and I waved back. The kids got out with Christian's help and they went inside.

"Remember all the times we fucked in this car?" Christian asked and I looked at him. "Recreate those times?"

"Christian, if you can make it work I am so down." He smirked a little bit. "Babe are we done?"

"Kids?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm not sure yet, we said we'd revisit the topic when Brielle turns one." I nodded and then watched him drive.

Christian's hand rested on my thigh and I watched him move it closer every couple minutes. When we got to Costco, lots of people wanted pictures and Christian took a couple before being over it. He looked at me as he started pushing the cart.

"Don't worry about it babe." We went down to the meat section and Christian started picking out a bunch of different meats. "Ew I don't want that tonight."

"Are you pregnant?" I shook my head no. "Then I'm making it." I groaned a little and he looked back at me. His eyes made their way to my stomach and then back at the cart.

I felt like Mason right now but I wanted something different to eat. I went down the wine section and started looking at different wines to put in our wine cellar. As I was looking around, someone tapped on my shoulder.

When I turned it was someone I didn't recognize. "I'm sorry do I know you?" They shook their head no so I was confused.

"I just want to know if that's your husband or brother? Because he's really cute."

"He's my husband." She gave me a dirty look and left while I continued to look at the wine. Christian came up behind me after and tried to pull me away. "I know you're going to say we have enough wine but still."

"Let's look at the hard stuff babe," He said and started walking to the whiskey but I looked at his pants. "Cas!"

"I was confused I'm sorry." He laughed a little and I walked right next to him.

Christian's POV

"Thanksgiving here?" Cam asked Cas and I as he walked in.

"Don't make suggestions," I told him and handed him some food to take to the grill outside. When we went back in to grab some other stuff, my mom came in with the kids. "Were they fighting?" She nodded and then gave Brielle to Cassie.

Cam put the meat on the grill and then came inside so we could watch the football game. Cas brought Cam and I a beer and got herself a glass of wine. "We haven't seen Baker in a while, maybe we should plan a trip down there next weekend and watch him play," Cas told me and I nodded, "No kids." We turned our attention to my mom.

"I'm out in Arizona next weekend."

"Your parents Cas." She nodded and then sat next to me. More of my family and a few friends started showing up. All of them being super surprised on how nice the house was. After Cas came and sat on my lap.

"You look really beautiful,"I told her and she smiled and then kissed my cheek. The two of us watched the game for a few minutes before getting up to start making other things.

When we went to sit down for dinner, the kids started fighting again. I had to hold Mason and Cas had to hold Noah. "What's up with the twins?" Cam asked us.

"They are mad at each other because of a toy," Cas told him and then she started feeding Noah. The monitor started going off and I looked at Cas and she was annoyed. She set Noah down and went upstairs and came down with Brielle a couple minutes later.

She made her a bottle and then sat down with her and put Noah back on her lap as well. I will never understand how she was able to multitask. I continued to watch her as she looked at Brielle.

Love filled her eyes as she watched our daughter and it made me really happy. When Brielle was done with her bottle, she gave the baby to Cam and finished helping Noah eat. He ate most of his food and then he wanted to get down. "So Thanksgiving here?" My mom asked us and we glanced at Cam.

He chuckled a bit. "If you guys would like. I don't mind," Cas said and then I nodded my head yes.

"It's settled then."

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now