I'm Afraid

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Christian's POV

"I'd like to see her too," I could hear Cassie's dad say. When he walked in, I looked at him. "So what, the Jeep is totaled now?" He asked and I gave him a dirty look.

"Seriously your daughter almost lost her life, and you're worried about a damn car?" I asked and almost let go of her hand. She squeezed my hand a little and I sat back down. I looked at the door and Ryan and Larisa were waving for me to come outside. "You two can have a few minutes together."

As I stood out in the hallway, I watched her dad talk to her. When he walked out, I went back in. She went to grab her face but I stopped her. "It hurts Christian," She told me and then tried to open her eyes. "Why can't I touch it?"

"Your bone under the eye is broken. How does your thigh feel?" I asked and looked under her gown. She shrugged a little. "Better?" I asked and she nodded.

"I wish you were in between my thighs," She said and that made me laugh. "No but like whenever I get out of this hospital, no matter what condition I'm in, we're fucking."

I shook my head a little and smiled. "Disgusting," Ryan said and Cas gasped a little. "I know you can't see but damn you can't hear as well?"

"I can see," Cas said and tried to open her eye. "See there's Collin." She pointed to Steve out in the hallway. All of us just went along with it. We didn't want to tell her every time that she was wrong. "What time is it?"

"It's like one, I'll go grab us some food, and I'll be back to feed you," I told her and bent down and she kissed me. I left the hospital and got her some Mexican food because that's all she had asked for. As I was walking back to my car, there were fans asking for pictures. "I'm sorry but I can't sign anything or take pictures. I have to get back," I said as I got in my car.

When I got back to see Cassie, she was holding Noah's hands. "Cam, you were supposed to keep the kids home. I don't want her parents seeing them right now." Once he finally looked at me, he nodded. Cam and the kids said their byes and then they left.

I started feeding Cassie and I chuckled to myself. "I feel like I have another child." She laughed a little and reached for my hand. As she ate, she continued trying to open her eyes. "You can't force it babe. I'll let you know when someone's here." She started crying and I set the food down. "What's wrong beautiful?"

"I can't see my husband." I rubbed her cheek and she continued to cry. "My beautiful kids I can't see either, and I'm afraid I won't be able to see any of you again." She held onto my arm as she cried. "Christian make this stop."

"I'm sorry babe. You know I would if I could. I promise, everything will get better. As long as it takes, I will be here everyday." I cleaned her face up and she tried one more time to open it. She smiled when she got a glance of me. "Still as handsome as you remember?"

"Ever more handsome." I smiled a little and continued feeding her. "Babe you know you need to go home with our kids. I'll be fine by myself." Cas told me as I finished feeding her.

I opened my food and then gave her a dirty look. I didn't want to leave her side longer than I had to. "The kids are with Cam and the guys." She shook her head. "Fine when I'm done eating." Cas just talked and talked while I ate. I found it funny because she's been like this since the night we met. I let her finish talking until she noticed I was done eating.

"Christian you can't let me blab on." I laughed and got up and grabbed my stuff. "I love you, tell the kids I love them too. Also tell them they can come see me tomorrow." I nodded and leaned down and kissed her. As much as I didn't want to leave her, I knew I needed to go watch the kids as well.

Cam's POV

"I want her out now," Christian said as he walked through the front door. "This is the absolute worst."

"We know." I opened up a beer for him and he shook his head no. Instead he took Brielle from Ricky. "Does she feel any better?"

After he finished giving Brielle kisses, he looked at all of us. "She still can't see. She cried to me about it. Her thigh feels better. But she moved around a little in bed. So that made me feel a little better." Just then Cassie called me and everyone looked at me. "Answer it dumbass!" Christian yelled at me.

I put the phone on speaker when I answered it. "I need a fucking shot of tequila Cameron. Hook me up and bring something for me?" I laughed a little and my mom hit me in the back of the head. "Cam come on."

"Everyone's listening Cas." The call ended and Christian shook his head. "This is your wife Christian. This is what you married."

"I know," He said while raising his eyebrows. "I knew what I was in for when I proposed." My mom smiled at him. "I need to go get her a new car. But we need a family car. I know that's not what she wants to drive though. I'm fucking stressed."

"Fuck," Mason said and we all looked at him. Christian walked over to him and picked him up by his arm. "Ow Dad!" He yelled as he took him down the hallway. After a couple minutes Christian came out with Brielle in his arms and Mason was walking right behind him while crying. "I want mommy," He said to my mom when she picked him up.

"She's hurt right now," My mom told him and rubbed his head. "Christian don't grab him like that. You could've seriously hurt him." Christian gave my mom a look and she instantly gave him another look back. "I'm not trying to be like Cassie's dad, so watch it young man." I tried to hold my laugh in but I couldn't. "Cameron stop."

I nodded and sat down next to Ricky. "How about you give her your car? And you get a family car and you drive it? Or better yet, you guys bring that car back to Malibu? And just take it back and forth." Collin told Christian.

"I don't want to drive all that way with three kids. And I sure as hell know Cas won't drive that far." He groaned a little and Brielle grabbed his face. "Bri what do you think we should do?"

She leaned in and kissed his face. We all smiled. "So like any idea when she will start walking and talking?" Ricky asked.

"No idea. The twins did both did it at around ten months. She's only eight months right now. She's still tinier than she needs to be. So I'm not sure she will be doing the same thing as the twins." Brielle tried to kiss him again and she licked his face. "Definitely Cassie's daughter." We all laughed and then he looked down at his phone.

"How about you trade your car in? Get Cas another Jeep, you drive a Tahoe." My mom waited for Christian to acknowledge her suggestion. "As much as you love that car, you can get rid of it Christian."

"I'll just have to talk to Cassie." Just then his phone rang and he got up to answer Cassie's call. I took Bri from him and he walked outside.

"He's obsessed with that car. There's no way he's giving it up," Collin said. "He better make a decision quick because having all three of those kids in the backseat is going to be crowded and we know how the twins get." We laughed. "He's stubborn. Cas is stubborn. They'll have to make a decision soon."

"He'll give in to whatever she wants. He's too in love with her to do otherwise." My mom agreed with me.

"I mean if I had a wife that was that beautiful, I would do whatever she wants." We all looked at Ricky. "Sorry, Cam you know you had a crush too."

"Cameron what?" My mom asked and then gave me a dirty look. There was no way of getting out of this one.

"I mean yes, from the moment we met her that morning. I was jealous of Christian. Now there's no feelings. You know we are both troublemakers and just very good friends." She shook her head a little.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now