Let Your Ego Come Down

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Cassie's POV

"Hey, you know who I saw today?" Christian asked me as I answered his call. There was a silence, and then he continued. "The ultrasound tech that we had the last pregnancy."

"Okay, you're excited about that?"

"No, but here's the thing, she asked how our baby girl was doing. Except the thing is, we were told we were having a baby boy. So Leah got us the wrong stuff and never told us that she got us the wrong stuff. So now I'm freaking out about if we got the gender reveal stuff right this time!"

"Oh shit," I said and my jaw dropped. I was nervous to say the least. The nursery was already done and it would be a hassle to change it up in the next week and a half. "I think this one is right though."

"Just make sure on your next appointment please." I nodded and then continued eating out of the bag of chips. "One more week until I'm home," Christian said.

"I know, I'm excited." I didn't sound excited at all and it I'm pretty sure Christian noticed.

"Are you?" He asked and I laughed.

"I am, but this is the most pregnant I've ever been. You're gonna see me and be surprised how big I am. My stomach hasn't even dropped."

"Well I will still love you no matter how you look."

Christian's POV

"OPENING DAY!" I yelled with the twins. Cassie laughed at all of us. So far Cassie wasn't even dilated, her due date was today, and I knew she was getting nervous.

"I'm so proud of you," She said and kissed my lips.

"Please be careful at the stadium today," I told her and she nodded. "I need you to be as safe as possible for you and our baby." I kissed her one more time before getting breakfast ready.

Ricky and Cam woke up not too long after and came inside for breakfast. My mom came in a few minutes later as well. "I can't believe you're at your due date. I've never seen this with you."

"I know. He's too comfortable in there." They sat next to each other and then talked a little. When breakfast was ready, we all sat together and ate. This was always my favorite thing to do when I had the chance.

After, the guys and I cleaned up and I took a shower. I got dressed and took some pictures with everyone because Cassie wanted that. And I wanted to make her happy. "I'll see you at the field," I told her and gave her a long kiss.

"I will see you there. Have fun." I left the house and went to the stadium. Putting on my uniform, felt so nice. I missed being able to play in an actual game in Milwaukee.

Cassie's POV

When we got to the field, I walked in holding Noah's hand. Alecia helped me by holding Mason's hand, and Cam held Brielle. The kids were so excited to be back and watch Christian play. "I have to go to the bathroom real quick, can you get the kids a snack. And then we can go find our seats?"

Cam nodded and Noah grabbed his hand. I went to the bathroom, and waited in line. While I was there, a few people asked to take pictures with me so I did. It probably came as a shock because this was the first time I had been out since the bump was this big.

After probably a total of ten minutes, I found the family, and we all went down to our seats. "I love you," I told Noah as I fed him.

"I love you too," He said and I kissed his head. "Daddy play?"

"Yes babe, he's going to be starting in left field." Mason was sitting on the other side of me and he tried cuddling up to me. "Let me finish with Noah, and then you can get comfortable." Noah took about ten more minutes and didn't finish the little bit of fries and chicken strips that were left.

I got Mason to cuddle up to me and he smiled. "You excited for the baby."

"Yes," He said with his little grin. "No more!"

"Mason we know," I said with a laugh. We started paying attention as all of the guys had their names called. We cheered for Christian and then not too long after, the game started. When he got up to bat, he had a couple of hits, so I was already proud of him.

After the game, we met Christian and got a few pictures with him. "How are you?" He asked me and rubbed my stomach.

"I'm decent. I really think he's waiting until the end of this week to make an appearance. Maybe he's nervous because he can hear the boys yell at each other already." He laughed and then I gave him a hug. "I am so proud of you."

"Thank you. It was a very decent day. I'm not mad about the loss as much as I thought I'd be." I was glad because I wanted to go out to dinner with everyone and I didn't want him to be in a bad mood.

"I'll take the boys and you can go with Cam?" He questioned.

"Let's just make it back to the house first, and we will figure it out then." He nodded. "I love you, don't take too long."

"I love you too, I should be home in like 45 minutes to
an hour." I nodded and we left. We all got back in the car and then went home. I laid in bed and got a little comfortable while waiting for Christian. I assume I fell asleep because I could feel someone rubbing my back and someone trying to wake me up.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Do you still want to go out and eat?" Christian asked and I shrugged. "You tell me so I can let everyone else know."

"Sure," I said and then I opened my eyes. He kissed my head before helping me get up. "I'm so exhausted. Like how are you not after this long day?"

"I am tired, but I'm not also growing a baby inside of me. I'm proud of you. You have the right to be tired every day. You're always taking care of the kids, cleaning the entire house, growing our kids. You do it all. So that's one of the many reasons I love you."

"Well I love you too." He helped me put my shoes on then we started walking downstairs. On the way down, he slapped my butt. "CY." He laughed and then we saw everyone downstairs.

"So Cas and I will take the twins in the truck. And you guys can take Brielle in the Tahoe?" Christian asked.

"No why no Bri?" Mason asked.

"Fine then we can take the Tahoe but you're sitting in the back by yourself Mason. You can take the truck, just be careful." They nodded and got up. We got the kids in their seats and then I got in the passenger seat.

"You're so fucking hot. We need some car sex again." A smirk appeared on his face and I grabbed his thigh. "I need you tonight. Anything to get the baby out, I will try."

"What we did for Mason and Noah then." I didn't even care at this point, I just can't do this for another week. "You okay with that?" I nodded. He held my hand as he drove. I missed the smallest things when we were apart. So getting to hold his hand, made me the happiest person ever.

Christian's POV

"Round two?" I asked Cassie as we laid and looked at each other.

"No, I'm so tired." She took a couple of minutes to get up.

"Are you sure?" I asked her and she nodded. I don't think I've ever been rejected when asking for round two.

"Let your ego come down a little bit." I watched her get into the shower and then went back to watching TV. When she got out, I hopped into the shower. By the time I got out, she was still awake. "Are we sure about the baby's name?"

"Yes, I love it." I smiled at her and she cuddled up to me. "Hopefully that'll get you going, and speed up this process."

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now