I Miss Daddy

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Cassie's POV

"I'm going to miss you so much," I told Christian and he groaned a little. "Why did we have to be due so soon?"

"I really want you guys with me." I leaned on him and hugged him and I didn't want to let go. "Promise to be really careful, and not do anything dumb."

"I will try my best. Just know when you get to Milwaukee, our baby's room will be ready, and we will be ready for our final baby." He nodded and kissed me for a few seconds. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Cas." He helped the kids into their seats and then he helped me sit down in my seat. We said our final goodbyes, and then he said his goodbyes to Cam and Ricky. We got on the road and I mostly just stayed on my phone making sure everything for the nursery was going to be there in a few days.

"You hungry?" Cam asked and the kids all got excited.

"McDonald's?" Mason asked and I got disgusted.

"We can go there for the kids, and if you want something else, we can go there." I nodded and waited for him to take the exit. We got there and I got Bri out and the guys, took the kids. We went to the bathroom and then grabbed their food. We went back into the car and I watched the boys while they ate.

Cam's POV

"Only four days and many stops later," Ricky said as we walked into the house.

"I'm sorry, it's really hard to travel when I'm super pregnant," Cas said while carrying Brielle in. The boys went to the couch and they were already super tired. "Go to your rooms, and I'll get you in pajamas. I'll be upstairs trying to get my life situated." We nodded and took our suitcases to the guest house.

A few minutes later, we had for ourselves settled down and sat in the living room. When I felt myself getting tired, I had got a call. I answered it and it was Cassie. "Are you alright?"

"I'm having Braxton Hicks I think. Can you come sleep up here with me? Ricky can stay in the room downstairs if he would like."

"Yes I'll be up there in a minute." We both got up and then went to the house. Cas was laying with Brielle and holding her stomach. "You think it's gonna happen soon?"

"I'm not sure. I really want to wait until after Spring Training, so Christian doesn't have to leave so soon. But when the baby is ready, I have to be ready."

Brielle moved over and started cuddling me. "Do you ever wish you didn't live the life, you have right now?"

"All the time. Sometimes I even think about if I never met your brother. It would lowkey be nice, but then I think back at this whole life we have together, and the lives we have created, and it just makes me so happy. It's just a complicated life, but I love seeing him happy when he plays."

"I totally get it. It seems like you're just ready to move past this chapter of your life."

"Only because I have to share my husband with the baseball world. It's hard wanting to be with him everyday, and not being able to." She groaned and then held her stomach. "You don't even know how thankful I am for you and Ricky coming out to help us all the time. I truly do appreciate you guys." When her contraction stopped she laid under the blankets and looked at me.

"You're sleeping in here right?" I nodded and got Brielle a pillow to put her head on. She stayed asleep while I got comfortable. Cas watched me and then turned over after. I went on my phone for a few minutes before starting to feel tired.

Cassie's POV

I woke up to it being an empty bed and it being pretty quiet. After going to the bathroom, I went downstairs and saw the boys playing catch outside on the grass. Cam and Ricky already started on the nursery. "It looks amazing already," They both jumped and I laughed.

"I'm gonna make a career out of painting," Cam said. Brielle got off the floor and then I picked her up. "We're finishing up the last coat of paint and I can come out and make breakfast. I was thinking biscuits and gravy."

"Yes sounds perfect. Take showers, before starting." They nodded and I walked out with Brielle. We went outside and sat on the couch. "You guys happy to be here in Milwaukee?" Noah shrugged his shoulders and Mason nodded. "Well Noah why aren't you happy and Mason why are you happy?"

"Baseball!" Mason yelled and then I smiled.

"I miss daddy." Every season it seemed to get more tough for me to hear the kids say the same thing.

"I know babe. But we say this every time, he's doing it so he can give you guys the best life. Let him enjoy his last few guaranteed years. After the baby comes, we can go as much as you'd like, to watch daddy play."

"Okay," He said and threw the ball back to Mason. Brielle tried to get to my boob but I had to stop her. She had her moments where she still thought she was breastfeeding.

A few minutes later, Ricky walked through the back door and went out to the guest house. "Cam, take a shower in our room!" I yelled so he could hear me. He came out and then went to the guest house to grab a change of clothes. Bri wanted to go with Cam when he came back out but I stopped her.

"I have to shower and then I'll come get you baby," He told her and she nodded. After we got a call from Christian.

"How's the room coming along?" He asked and I got up with Bri and showed him. "Love it," He said. "I miss you guys already."

"We miss you too. We can't wait until Spring Training is over and you get to be with us."

"Dad!" Brielle yelled and Christian raised his eyebrows and waited for me to show her again. "Ice cream?"

"Me and you?" She nodded. "Only if you're a good girl for your mom and uncles." She laughed a little. "Oh you're being a bad girl?"

"Not yet," I said and Christian laughed at me. "What time are you leaving for the field?"

"In like thirty minutes. Can I talk to the boys?" I went back outside and got them to sit on the couch so Christian could talk. While they did that, I got Brielle to run around a little, so she could use up most of her energy. She's been off her nap schedule, so it's been rough driving with her. When the boys were done talking, they brought me the phone.

"Dad talks to you." I looked at the screen and then saw him and I smiled.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and that I would call you when I get back to the apartment."

"I love you too, and I can't wait to see you." We finished talking and I ended the call.

"Uncle Cam is going to make us breakfast. Biscuits and gravy. And I think I can convince him to make some waffles and pancakes, what do we think about that?"

"Yes!" The twins yelled and I smiled. A few minutes later, Ricky walked out.

"I'll start on the biscuits," He said and I nodded. I got the kids to come in and when Cam finished showering, I got all the kids to shower. By the time, they were all done, the food still wasn't done, but I made them sit at the couch and play on their iPads.

"Handsome men," I said walking into the kitchen and touching Cam's side. He laughed and I could see him blush. "Cammmm."

"What's up?"

"I am so excited we get to spend the entire season with each other," I said and hugged him. "I'm sorry if this isn't what you want to do."

"No I don't mind. This gets me out of being in the real world, and I get to spend time with my nephews and niece. And you of course." I smiled and poked his side before sitting back down.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now