Get Your S**t Together

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Christian's POV

Cassie came out of the closet in some red lingerie and then started crying. My smirk disappeared. "What?" I asked and got up and she cried with her hands in her face. "I won't know what's wrong until you talk to me."

"I hate the way I look." She mumbled.

"Cassie, you're growing a baby. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that you look gorgeous. Your body is doing amazing things right now. I love you no matter what you look like, so you should love the way you look."

"Give me a couple minutes to get myself together and I'll be back." I nodded and sat back down. When she came out she smiled at me. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said and she almost sat on my lap but then we both shook our heads no. "We have to be careful."

Cassie's POV

Once Christian and I came down from our highs, we looked at each other. "The headboard, it's broken already. Your mom just got us this."

"Well we have to ask where she got it from so we could get another." She would probably be so disappointed in us. "You want to go another round?"

"You just rocked my shit Christian. Give me a couple of minutes." He nodded and then looked at my baby bump. "Second thought, give it to me right now please." I got up and was about to kiss Christian when my phone rang. It was Alecia, so I answered. "Hey, what's up?"

"Have you seen it yet?" She asked me and I was confused. "Judging by the silence, I'm assuming no. They want to take it to court."

"Fuck. I got to go and figure this out with Christian." I hung up and got into the shower. Christian got up and looked at me. "They are finally taking it to court." I could start to see him stress out already. And when he stresses out, he's been taking it out on me lately. "We have to stay together on this."

I got out and Christian got in. I got changed and waited for him so we could go to Alecia's to pick up the kids. When he was done getting ready, I grabbed the keys from the counter and went out to the garage. I was about to get in the driver's seat but he stopped me. "I'm going to drive."

"I have it Ch-"

"Just give me the fucking keys so I can drive! If you scrape my shit or your shit, I'm gonna be pissed. And you don't need to be driving after your accident." I just gave him the keys so I didn't have to hear him anymore.

"I'm capable of driving," I said when he got on the road. He looked at me and was annoyed.

"Well when we go down the road of you getting in a fucking wreck again, and I have to tell the kids their mom is in critical condition or dead, then I'm gonna be pissed and sad. And you won't even know the position I'm in, until it happens to you!"

"Stop being a fucking jerk!" I said and he looked at me.

"You have nothing else to say now. As I thought." I got emotional and was about to cry. "And you're going to fucking cry. I should fucking know because that's all you're good at." I hit him and he didn't waste no time on hitting me back. I started crying even more, because it felt like this point of our relationship, we were more divided than ever.

When we got to Alecia's place, he looked at me. "Get your shit together please." I sat there for a minute and wiped my eyes. When we got out, he looked at me and rolled his eyes. Alecia opened the front door and she looked at us.

"Everything good?" We both kinda shrugged and walked in. Cam was taking a nap on the couch, so I am glad he didn't see me like this.

"I'm kinda tired, can we just come back tomorrow, and talk about this?" She nodded and I gave her a hug. We thanked her and took the kids out to the Tahoe. Christian didn't even look at me the whole ride home. I sat on the couch with the kids as Christian ended up leaving again.

"Is he mad?" Noah asked and I nodded. "Why?"

"It's nothing babe. He just needs his time to cool down. It's a normal thing babe." When Christian got back he was all sweaty and he was shirtless. He didn't say anything to the kids or me once again, and I could hear him turn the shower on. "Do you guys want to sleep in the guest room with mommy?"

"Yes," They twins said and Bri nodded. We all got up and I took them to the room down the hallway. I could hear Christian coming down the stairs, as the kids fell asleep in bed. When he opened the door to the room, he chuckled and looked at me.

"Stop playing, come back up to the room." I shook my head no.

"I'm sorry for hitting you and everything but you won't even talk to me. You and my dad need to work your shit out because every time something goes wrong, and you get stressed because of it, you take it out on me. And frankly I'm just tired of it. You haven't even apologized for hitting me. That was a pretty solid hit too Christian. We can't go on like this, so either we really fix this shit or we need time apart. This isn't good for us, it isn't good for the kids to see us like this. I'm tired of being the one who takes the fall for your behavior and mood swings every time. Go to sleep please, and we can talk in the morning. I love you."

"I love you too," He said and shut the door. I kept checking the kids to make sure they were comfortable and still asleep. If Christian wasn't willing to try to fix the relationship with them, I don't know how we could continue.

Christian's POV

After I knocked on the front door, it was opened a few seconds later. "Christian what are you up to?"

"I wanted to come have a talk with you and your wife," I said and he let me in. When I saw her, I gave her the bouquet of flowers. We hugged and then we sat on the couch. "So this thing we have going on, it really needs to stop. It's causing so much tension between and Cassie. I know this whole thing was over Mason using those words, and we've talked to him multiple times about it. And you know, maybe I shouldn't have went off the way I did, but in that moment I was very upset. And Cas and I we just don't want to bring them around because of what happened between you and I, Joe." I stopped really quick to take a breath. "And we just want things back to normal. I can tell this hurts Cas so much. She wants you guys around the kids, she wants to be around you guys. And I just want to put this behind us and start fresh. I know for a while, we snuck around, and I feel like I didn't do the whole thing right, but I truly do love your daughter."

They looked at each other. "I do take full responsibility about the whole situation. I should've never put my hands on you. I promise to never do that again. We just miss being around your family, and we miss seeing our daughter. I know you love her so much and you take good care of her so I would love to put this behind us as well."

I shook his hand and got up and hugged Diane. "This makes me feel so better. In a couple days, we could get together with Ryan and his family and Steve. Maybe barbecue or something."

"Yes, I will talk to Cassie about it. It was nice having this talk, but I'm going to get home so I can be with her and the kids." They nodded and then I said my goodbyes and then went home. Everyone was still asleep when I got home, so I started making breakfast for them.

I heard the boys coming from the hallway, so I peaked my head around. "Hey guys," I said and they came and hugged me. "Mommy still asleep?" I asked and they nodded. "Bri?"

"She's coming." She appeared a couple seconds later and I picked her up.

"Stop!" She yelled as I tried to kiss her so I put her down. Definitely Cassie's kid.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now