It's Happening?

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Cassie's POV

As I was standing in the kitchen, having a drink of water, and watching the game on the living room TV, I could feel a little bit of liquid trickle down my leg. Cam had just walked into the kitchen, so he saw it. "It's happening?" He asked excitedly.

"Either that, or I peed on myself." He jumped up and down. It was the eighth inning so I decided I would just wait until the end of the game and call Christian. "Alecia, you're gonna have another grand baby in a day or two!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs.

"What?" She asked and I could hear her follow me.

"My water broke." She got excited and then went into the room with me. "I need to leave a message for Christian, to rush home after the game."

"Just call him now," Alecia said.

"I want to shower first. So can you call and see if you can get a hold of him?" She nodded and then left the room and I got in the shower. It took about ten minutes and I got out. I put my hair up and then grabbed our bags and put them in Christian's car.

I laid in bed and everyone came into the room. "He's on his way. Why are you laying here?" Cam asked me.

"I'm not leaving until Christian gets home. I'll be fine for twenty minutes."

Christian's POV

When I got home, I rushed in the house. Cas was laying in our bed and she was awake scrolling through her phone. "Hey gorgeous, you ready to go?" She nodded and started to get up. "Let me just check."

"Not dilated a lot." She laughed at me. "Maybe like a two or three." I helped her up and we said goodbye to the kids. My mom agreed to come in a few hours when she was closer. Cassie's mom was staying at a hotel with her dad as well. So when we get to the hospital, I'll call them.

"I know I am going to annoy you so much, but just know that I am proud of you no matter what. And you're going to do amazing." I kissed her hand and she smiled.

"Soaking up these last few moments like this. I don't think this will ever happen again." She got sad. "You don't know how amazing it is to carry your babies. They are just so amazing and I'm glad we get to have these kids together."

"It will be sad but we have everything saved just in case for the future." When we got to the hospital, we got to our room and I rubbed Cassie's hand as she had her contractions. She wasn't acting as bad as she had before. "You want to talk to me?"

"Yes. You were doing good out there today. I'm proud of you." She kept closing her eyes and grabbing my hand harder each time. When she was dilated to a nine, I had called our moms and they came. We waited for another hour before she was fully dilated. Cassie started freaking out when everyone came into the room.

"You're going to do good," I said and kissed her head. She grabbed my hand and when the doctor told her to push, she did as he said.

"Cassie you're doing great," He said and I looked down and didn't see anything. "Okay three, two, one, push again." As I watched, I saw the baby's head. "Very close. One or two more pushes and he will be out."

"Are you okay?" I asked wiping her sweat on her forehead.

"Yes," She whispered and let her eyes roll back into her head.

"Cassie stay with us," The doctor said and I freaked out. "Cassie, can you give me a push right now?"

She nodded and started pushing again. The baby slid right out and he got the baby and put him on Cassie's chest. I kissed her head and rubbed her arm. She started crying as she looked at him. "He's so cute babe," She whispered to me.

After holding him for a few minutes, the nurses took him and started weighing him and Cassie got taken care of. Both my mom and Cassie's mom, gave me a hug. "I'm proud of both of you," Diane said to me. I smiled and looked back at Cassie who looked like she was in so much pain.

"I need to throw up," She said and the nurse got her one of the bags. She took no time and started throwing up. She did so good, and the entire labor lasted about four hours. Which was definitely her fastest ever.

Cassie's POV

Ricky, Cam, my dad, and the kids all walked into our room. They all looked at the baby. "Brother," Bri said and we nodded.

"Oh he is absolutely adorable," My dad said. "Do you have a name for him?"

"We do, but we want the kids to hear it first, so Christian is going to take them out really quick and tell them." He took the kids out and about a minute later, he came back in. The kids continued to look at the baby. "You guys ready?" Everyone nodded.

"His name is Cameron Nathaniel." Cameron looked up at us and he got teary-eyed. He eventually started crying and hugged Christian and then me. Alecia had started crying as well.

"That's too freaking cute," She said wiping her eyes. "I really thought long and hard about what the baby's name would be, and not once did this cross my mind."

"What made you come up with this?" Ricky asked us.

"He's just been my best friend ever since we met. I just felt a certain way this pregnancy and I told Christian that I feel that the baby was meant to be named after Cam."

"Well this makes me so happy, you don't even know," Cam said to us. "I love you guys." He washed his hands and picked up the baby. "Little Cameron, you are such a cutie. You sure do follow in my steps."

We all laughed and then Christian got some pictures of him holding the baby. Everyone took turns holding Cameron and then Collin came and brought me some food. "So little Cameron?" He asked and then picked the baby up. I got to eating and I shared with the kids because they always wanted something to eat.

"He's adorable right?" I asked the kids.

"He is," Noah said and Mason and Brielle kept eating.

Christian's POV

As we got home, Cassie laid on the couch and she got the baby out of his car seat. "I can change him," I told her and took him. "I'm still so proud of you." I kissed her cheek and then sat down with Cameron. I started changing him when he started crying.

"He misses me already," Cassie said and got up. She came to get him but I stopped her. "CY."

"You go take a shower and even take a nap if you want. I'll take care of him for now." She smiled and nodded. I got up and walked to the kitchen and made myself something to eat.

Cameron started crying so I got him a bottle ready. I took my food to the couch and then picked him up and held the bottle to his mouth, and started eating my food as well. "Daddy!" Brielle yelled while coming down the hallway.

"Shhhh!" I said and she got wide eyes. "He's starting to fall asleep babe. What do you need?"

"I hungry," She said and came up and sat back down with me.

"Tell Uncle Cam or Ricky to make you something. I'm taking care of him baby. If you can wait for another fifteen minutes, I can make you something."

"Okay," She said and then left me by myself again. When the baby was down, I put him in his crib, and I got the kids to make them some food. "Mommy" Bri asked.

"She's resting. She just had a baby. Let her be for a few hours." Noah and Mason sat at the table quietly while watching a show on their iPad together. And somehow Cam and Ricky were no where to be found. I went and checked on them in the guest house, and they were knocked out. "Can you two at least come sleep in this house?" They started moving slowly and then got up.

They fell back asleep on the couch and I laughed at them. With the way they were acting, I would think that they had the baby. "Come get your food," I told the kids and they all got up.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now