So About Tonight

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Christian's POV

"You ready?" I yelled as I walked into the house. I heard her coming down the stairs and she saw me holding a bouquet of flowers and smiled at me while putting her earrings on.

"Stop, are these from the new florist I've been seeing everywhere?"

"Yes," I said and handed them to her and she smiled and smelt them.

"They are gorgeous, thank you so much babe." I handed them to her and she gave me a kiss. She quickly found a vase and put the flowers in there with some water. "I love them." She went into the cupboard and grabbed a box of cookies for me and there was an envelope on top. I opened it when she handed it to me and there were tickets to a football game in Arizona. "I know you were talking about going out with some friends, and I don't want you to feel like you can't go out because of our kids. So after that football game, you guys are going to Florida again, and hanging out for the week."

"Babe, you didn't have to do this." She shook her head. "Well can I tell you something?"

"Oh gosh, what is it?"

"We're staying down in Malibu tonight. Having dinner at the restaurant we were at before we got engaged."

"Are you for real?" I nodded and she jumped into my arms. "Oh my gosh, I love you so much." We kissed for a few seconds and then she got down. "Did you pack my bag?"

"Yes, now let's get going. I'm hungry." I smiled at her and grabbed the keys and the box of cookies because I was going to snack on these throughout the drive. "So we're gonna drop the car off at the hotel and then get an Uber to the restaurant so we can drink." She nodded and grabbed a cookie for herself. "Some milk would be good with these." I smirked and looked at her and she finally got it.

"Christian!" She laughed. "That's for our son." We sat there for a couple seconds. "Maybe for you tonight, because they will get a little full." I smiled.

Cassie's POV

I had a glass of champagne while Christian had a glass of wine. "So like babe. Vacation next month is super exciting, but like what do you want to do for your birthday. That's approaching fast."

"Just have dinner with the family. I want to stay in, no surprise parties this year. Just you, maybe the kids." I knew where he was going with this.

"Maybe," I said and we laughed. "You don't want to do Hawaii?"

"No babe." Almost every year, we've done something, and he's always kinda pushed me to do something for my birthday. "Stay in, and have dinner and cake." I nodded. "You make the cake though. And maybe dinner."

"Okay I'm fine with that. Whatever my husband wants." He grabbed my hand from across the table and looked at my ring.

"You need to get that thing cleaned." I didn't like taking it so he knew he'd be the one to take it for me. "I'll take it sometime this week." He admired my hands for a couple seconds before I pulled it away. "Okay, so I've been looking at new cars for you. And honestly, I think I'm gonna get rid of the truck, and then we trade in the Tahoe as well. You want another Tahoe? Or you want something else babe?"

"Let's not talk about this right now please. I'd have to look first." He nodded and took another sip of his wine. "Also, I call no on top tonight." He chuckled.

"That's not fair though."

"Guess you'll have to tell me that tonight Mr. Yelich," I said and the waiter approached with our food. Christian kept his eye on me as his food was put in front of him. I smiled and then looked up at the waiter. "Thank you and can we get two glasses of the wine he's having?" He nodded and then left the table. "Eat up Christian." I cut into my steak and he hadn't even touched his food yet. "If you eat, I might change my mind." He grabbed his fork and started eating. When the waiter came back, he set our glasses down and left.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now