I Can't Believe It

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Christian's POV

The ultrasound tech moved the probe around and I watched her facial expressions. "Christian and Cassie. Here we have Baby A, and Baby B." Cas sat up and looked at the screen.

"I'm about to throw up," Cassie said and looked around for one of those bags. The tech grabbed one and handed it to her and Cassie started throwing up without hesitation. I rubbed her back and tried to comfort her. After about a minute, she hit my hand away.

"So another set of twins?" I asked and the two of us looked at Cassie who couldn't keep anything down at the moment. She nodded and then pointed to the screen.

"Fraternal twins," She said and I laughed a little. When Cassie stopped throwing up. "Are you okay now?" She shook her head no.

"Another set of twins? Christian I'm stressed already. That's five kids babe." I was stressed too but twins, I was getting the big family I wanted with Cassie. "Wait so how far along am I?"

"You are measuring at 5 weeks and 3 days. Your due date if you go the full 40 weeks, will be December 3." The amount of birthdays and events we had in December, was about to be more crazy. We asked a bunch of questions and then we left our appointment. As Cas got dressed again, I looked at her with a big smile.

"CY, I'm nervous as fuck. How the fuck do we tell our families that these ones weren't planned and we conceived two? How do we tell the twins we have now?" I covered her mouth and grabbed my keys out of my pocket.

"You know we will figure it out. Now what do those babies want for breakfast? Daddy is very hungry, so I know mommy is as well." She smiled and put her shoes on. As we waited for our pictures, I looked at her stomach. "I hope I get two boys again. But could you imagine if we get two girls. You'll be beating us in the house."

"I don't know babe. These male genes are strong on your side of the family. Whatever happens, I'll be happy since we got our baby girl. But we need to talk about after we have these two, you're getting a vasectomy." I furrowed my brows. "Fine I'll get my tubes tied. I just know how hurt you were after you answered my phone last time."

"Well because we hadn't discussed it together. I'm fine with it either way. We could finally go raw all the time." She hit me and then the tech had came in. She gave us our pictures and then we left. As I got onto the freeway, Cas gave me a look.

"Wait Cas, try to hold it in." I tried pulling over and she finally just grabbed a bag she found in the back seat and threw up in there. I leaned over and rubbed her back a little. When I found a gas station, I stopped there and threw the bag away. "Hey, you alright?" She shrugged and then grabbed my hand. "I love you."

"I love you too." I got back into the truck and took her to a restaurant I loved going to. The second we walked in, heads turned and I panicked.

"World Series Champ!" Someone yelled and everyone cheered. I laughed a little and then put my hand on Cassie's back and moved her, so she could stand in front of me.

Cassie's POV

"That was a long breakfast," Ricky said when I walked through the front door by myself. Christian came in a few seconds later.

"Nosey just like Cameron. Hey, I haven't checked the guest house since you guys have been in Milwaukee, I swear it better be clean." I walked out the back door and I could hear them panicking. When I opened the door to the guest house, the kitchen had been filled with empty alcohol bottles. "Christian you don't check this house or what?"

He came in a few seconds later and chuckled. "I always saw them carrying big bags on the camera. This is priceless." I went to each room, and Josh had the cleanest one. Ricky was decent. Cam kept his room in the house, spotless. As we looked at the rooms, I thought about how we weren't going to have enough room for another set of twins.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now