It Popped?

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Cassie's POV

I watched Christian wake up. He was in my arms for a few hours now. "I feel terrible," He told me and I shrugged.

"You were very crazy. I couldn't get you to stop drinking and then when we got back, and you really thought I was going to help you out. Pulled down your boxers in my face and everything." His eyes went wide.

I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter trying to show him all the crazy tweets. "You didn't ruin our bond C." I didn't believe him. If everyone said they could tell they didn't seem as close, I could believe it. "Just because I started fucking Cassie Braun, doesn't mean shit."

I laughed a little and then watched him read through the tweets again. "Christian I feel like I did. And now half of the Brewers community hates me." He slapped my ass. "CY, I feel so horrible. You don't even understand."

He pulled me onto his body and then I looked into his eyes. "I promise everything is still the same." I nodded just so we could get out of this talk right now. He didn't let me get up. "I want to make you feel good right now."

Christian's POV

"Ow give me a second," Cas told me and she got up slowly. I closed my eyes for a couple seconds trying to control my breathing. "CY," She said and then I opened my eyes and looked at the bed.

"Fuck, did we do this?" I asked her and she turned around. "Cas what happened?" I got out of bed.

"I guess finally after four years, it popped?"

"No that happened the first time we had sex, I just didn't want you to be embarrassed." Her eyes went wide and I laughed a little. I picked her up and set her in the shower. "Are you okay Cas?"

"I'm embarrassed."

"Hey I'm not making fun of you." She turned away and I was sad that she was embarrassed by that. I didn't care, as long as she was feeling alright. "I'm going to call housekeeping, stay in the bathroom C." She nodded and I shut the door. I got dressed and called the housekeeping people.

When they got up to the room, the lady looked at me. "Tell your wife it's okay, it's a natural thing," The lady told me and smiled. She was really nice about the whole situation so I hoped that would make Cas feel better.

When she changed the sheets, and then left, I knocked on the bathroom door. "I need you to run to the store and get pads please," She said and I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

I went down the street to CVS, and grabbed a small box of the ones she likes. I got back to the room, and she opened the bathroom door. "Thank you CY," She said and shut the door to put one on. "I'm so embarrassed. If we ever come back to Cleveland. we can't stay at this hotel."

"The lady said not to worry. Don't be embarrassed." She put on a pair of ripped jeans and a Cleveland Browns hoodie. I got into the shower so I could get ready too.

"I'm sorry we didn't even get to finish." I laughed a little. "Christian it's not funny."

I didn't respond and just finished showering. Cas and I matched with our hoodies so that got her mind off of the situation. "I love you C," I told her and picked her up.

"I love you too Christian." I made sure everything was packed and we left. As we got to the stadium, Cas and I got many stares. It wasn't like it was anything new, but this time I think it was for the reason that she was Ryan's sister.

We got into our private room with a few of my friends. We talked for a while and then before the game I went down to talk to Baker for a few minutes. "I think you should come down more often. It's fun seeing you drunk," Baker told me.

"Man I can't keep doing that. Maybe we can have Cas be the life of the party." The two of us laughed a little. We talked for a few more minutes and then I went back up to our room.

During the game, Cas and I sat next to each other. She wasn't very talkative and I knew she was upset, embarrassed, and just not like her normal self. "Are you okay?"

"No not really," She said and let out a chuckle. I was surprised she said that. "Did you want me to lie?" I shook my head no.

"Talk about it on the flight home?" She nodded and then grabbed my hand.

Cassie's POV

As we got on the plane, I sat across from Christian and just looked at him. He looked around and then finally made eye contact with me again. "Talk to me Cassie."

"Everyone on social media is making me feel so guilty about this whole situation. And how can you keep from me that it popped during my first time?" He shrugged.

"It's not that big of a deal Cassie. It's been four years. We don't need an argument right now." I scoffed a little and put my AirPods in. I mean it's my body so I thought I had the right to know. But apparently it's not a big deal. "Okay maybe it is a big deal. But it was our first time sleeping together and I didn't want you to be embarrassed. It didn't bother me but I know for a fact you would've been bothered by it."

"Yes you're right but I didn't think you would keep it from me. Especially now that we've been married for almost two years." He leaned over the table that was separating us, and then kissed my lips.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be a big deal to you." I nodded and then puckered my lips again because I wanted another kiss.

When we got back home, we picked up the kids who were asleep. "This is nice," Christian told me as we sat on the couch by ourselves and had a glass of wine together. "Look at those toes. Please Cassie."

"I give up with you. Do what you want." He got excited and put my foot in the air. As he was about to start, the doorbell rang. He dropped my foot and grabbed his phone to look at the camera.

We didn't recognize the person so we watched until he left. He tried to grab my feet again, and I stopped him. I lifted my wine glass and he got up to pour me another glass.

I started drinking out of my glass when he sat back down. At this point, I really didn't want him to be in a bad mood so, I let him.

The feeling was weird but I literally let him do this only once, so I know I should let him do his interests more. Even if I thought they were the weirdest things.

After about ten minutes, I needed him to stop. "I'm sorry, I can't do it any longer." He nodded and then just stared at me. "Let's watch a movie?" Christian grabbed the remote and put on something that was on TV. Before I knew it, I was laying on top of him watching the movie.

Christian's POV

"Daddy," I heard someone say and I opened my eyes. The twins were standing there. I looked at Cassie who was still asleep on top of me. "I hungry."

"Okay, what do you want to eat?" I asked and they looked at Cas now. "Let me guess McDonald's?" The two of them nodded. "I need to go put your mom in the bed and then I'll be down and we can leave."

I managed to get up without waking her up. When I picked her up and took her upstairs, she put her hand in my hair. "You're leaving me?"

"I'm just going to get the boys food. I'll be back in like fifteen minutes." She nodded and then snuggled with my pillow. I went back downstairs and grabbed my car keys and got the boys outside.

"So were you guys good for Grandma this past week?" They nodded and I smiled. I feel like everyday they started looking more identical. "Did you get in the hot tub?"

"Yes, it fun," Noah said to me. I looked down at my phone for a second and saw Cassie was texting me.

"Boys we need to stop at the store for your mom too." They didn't say anything back to me. Before getting them food, we stopped and got Cas some fruits and candy she wanted. "That was fast right?" I asked as we got back to the car.

The two of them nodded their heads yes and then got in their seats. We went to McDonald's around the corner and then went back home. "I feel so horrible," Cas said as I went into our room.

"I'm sorry babe. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Get Brielle up. She was crying a little but I was in the bathroom so I couldn't get her." I nodded and then left the room to get Brielle.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now