You'll Be in Over Your Head

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Christian's POV

"He thinks he's going to take Cassie and the kids," I told my mom as we sat at the table. Cassie took a sip of her water, and looked out the window to make sure the kids were good in the hot tub. "And the fact he put his hands on me, makes the situation worse."

"So you're not doing Christmas with them?" She asked and the two of us shook our heads no. "You want to come over here then?" I nodded and Cassie got
up to go outside. "How is she taking this?"

"She's pissed but she agreed with me." Cam and Collin just sat there listening. The doorbell rang and Cam got up. A few of his closest friends came in.

"Hey Christian," They all said and I got up. "Long time no see."

"I know right," I said and Cassie opened the door and I kinda fell back and hit the door so it ended up closing on her.

"Fuck," She said and grabbed her forehead. I opened the door and grabbed her hand to help her in. Cas finally opened her eyes and saw the three guys standing there. I moved her hand and rubbed where she was holding it.

"Oh so this is Cassie who took my friend away this past year," Josh joked and we all laughed but she was in too much pain to laugh.

"Hi, I've never met any of you guys in the five years of knowing this family," She said and went to shake their hands and she looked down. "I need to throw up."

I followed her to the bathroom that was down by my mom's office and she threw up barely making it. "I swear to God, if she is pregnant, I'm going to punch him," I could hear my brother say.

She rubbed her head when she was done. I found a pack of toothbrushes and got her one. After a couple minutes, we went back to the kitchen. "I'm not pregnant. I think it's from being hit in the head," She said and then stuck her hand out to shake the guys.

"This is Josh, Ricky, and Andrew," Cam said and she smiled and shook everyone's hands. "So now that you finally met, I think you need to try her baking since that's all we've talked about."

"I'm not going to the store by myself, so y'all are coming with," She said and pointed to Cam and his friends. They nodded. "My car is at the shop down the street, can we walk down there and pick it up?" Cam nodded and then grabbed her purse for her and they left.

Cassie's POV

"So I warn you now, she sucks at driving," Cam told his friends as I got the keys. "She's not the worst driver but just be prepared because she doesn't drive often. It's either me or Christian." We all laughed a little and and got in. I adjusted the seat from Christian's legs. I pressed the button to turn the car on and it wouldn't start.

"I'm so over this damn car." I pressed the button again and nothing. "This car is putting more stress on me than the kids." Cam and his friends got out and I popped the hood.

"Try it again," Ricky said a few minutes later and I pressed the button and it turned on. They all smiled and put the hood down. After they put their seatbelts on, the car started beeping.

The damn key fob was about to die and I felt like I was going to lose my shit. Cam looked at me and he could tell I was stressing right now. "We will get a battery for the keys at the store," He told me and I nodded and started driving. I glanced at Cam who was trying to connect to the bluetooth. "What the fuck is wrong with your damn car?"

I pressed the screen and it connected. When we got to the store, Josh grabbed a cart and we started walking around grabbing stuff for cupcakes and the key fob. At the register, Cam pulled his card out and paid for it. "I have money Cam."

Cam's POV

"Cas seems to have a lot on her mind. I feel like at any point, she's going to lose it," My mom, brothers, and my friends looked at her.

When she put the cupcakes in the oven, we made eye contact. She furrowed her brows and then turned back around. "I think I'm the biggest reason right now," Christian said and put Brielle in Collin's arms. He got up and went over to her. "I got it Cas. Go lay down on my bed." She went upstairs, and we heard the door close. "Did you see the bump on her forehead?" Christian asked and chuckled a little.

"Christian Stephen don't laugh when you're the one who did it to her," My mom said. He started washing the dishes. "I can't believe this is your first time meeting her since they've been dating."

"I know, it's crazy because I've seen the boys and Brielle multiple times, but she's never here," Ricky said. "I can see why little Christian bragged about her even when she blew him off after the first date."Christian got embarrassed and we all laughed. "Let me ask you this Christian. If she would've played hard to get, would you still have went after her."

"Hell no," He said and my mom rolled her eyes. "Okay yes but have you seen her? She's perfect all around. She was perfect while giving birth to our kids. I need her in my life."

"She was mean while she was in labor," I said and Cassie came downstairs. "Are you alright?"

"I threw up in the bed," She said and I tried to hold my laugh back but I couldn't. My mom got up and hit me in the head. "I'm sorry Alecia, I don't feel good at all."

"Don't go to sleep. You might have a concussion." Cassie grabbed her stomach. "Take her to the bathroom Cameron." I got up and took her to the one down the hallway.

"This isn't a good first impression on your friends," She said and put her head on my chest. "I need a do-over." I laughed.

"I think it's alright," I told her and she wrapped her arms around me. I rubbed her back and she started closing her eyes. "You can't sleep pretty girl," I told her and she smiled.

"Do I go to the hospital then? I want to sleep Cam." I looked at the time on my phone.

"Yes Christian will have to take you. And the guys and I will stay here and watch the kids for you. The frosting for the cupcakes, what am I supposed to do with it?"

"Put it in a piping bag and frost the cupcakes. And if not use a butter knife and put the frosting on. I need to go right now Cam. I'm hurting." I helped her up and took her to the kitchen. "Babe, I need to go to the hospital."

"I feel so guilty Cas," Christian told her and grabbed his keys. "We will be back." All of us nodded.

"Will she be alright?" Andrew asked.

"I mean I think so, but I think she does have a concussion. To be honest, I think she is just more embarrassed as well. She thinks she needs a do-over for meeting you guys."

My mom came down with the sheets. "That poor girl can never catch a break. Go get Mason and Noah out of my room please. And see if Bri is awake now."

I went upstairs and the boys were sleeping on the bed. "Mason and Noah, it's time to wake up." They moved a little bit and then finally opened their eyes. "Ricky, Josh and Andrew are here. We are going to eat dinner and then we can go for a drive?"

"Okay. Where Mom?" Noah asked and I knew he would start worrying if I told her she was going to the hospital.

"She went to get something with your Dad," I said and picked the two of them up. We went downstairs and the twins were excited to see the guys. "Bri," I said as soon as I saw she was awake. I picked her up and she played with my face.

The twins were sitting at the table already talking to the guys. They definitely got the ability to be very chatty from Cassie, which I thought was funny. "I want to hold her," My mom said and I handed Bri to her.

"So I've obviously seen pictures of Cassie but damn, in person she's ten times as beautiful," Ricky said and Collin and I laughed.

"You like mommy?" Noah asked and pointed at him and Ricky got embarrassed. We all laughed at Noah calling him out. "Mommy loves Daddy," He said and I patted him on the back.

"Just think she's beautiful that's all. It doesn't hurt to compliment."

"Don't compliment because you'll be in over your head," I told him.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now