Best Birthday Present Ever

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Christian's POV

"You look so fucking good," Cas said as she rubbed sunscreen on me as we sat on the beach. "This is the best birthday present ever."

"Is it?" I asked and she laughed. "I'm being serious babe. I intend to make every birthday together, better than the one before."

"Christian just spending time with you, makes my birthday great. Although, next birthday, I just want a wine tasting day." I laughed. Every year, that's what I always tried and it felt like she was pregnant every time.

"We can definitely do that." She finished putting my sunscreen on and then we both got up and went down to the water. Cas tried taking my sunglasses off but I didn't want a lot of people to see my face. "So were you surprised about this whole thing?"

"Yes, I just wanted a day away from the kids. Just you and I talking, watching TV uninterrupted, being able to sleep in our own bed without three extra bodies joining us. But this is just as great, if not better." I leaned in and kissed her for a few seconds, and then we both went into the water. Cassie swam out a little and then I followed her.

Cameron's POV

Cassie came in to get the kids. "Hey," I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She hugged me and then sat on the couch. "How was it?" I asked.

"It was great. Very great." She winked and then I made a disgusted face. "Where are the kids?"

"Ricky is outside watching football with them." We got up and then went out. The kids ran up to her and she bent down and kissed all of them.

"I missed you little monsters." She went to pick up Noah and hurt her back in the process. "Noey, let go."

"You know you can't hold them right now. Just go to the car and I'll bring them out." She left and I grabbed their bags and took them out. And then after, Ricky and I took the kids.

"Thank you," She said. "I sent more money to both of you guys. You are lifesavers." She got out and gave both Ricky and I kisses on the cheek. "I'll see you guys in a few days or something."

We nodded and I opened the car door for her. She drove away and then we looked at each other. "Damn, I am never washing my face again," Ricky said and I laughed.

"So what's stopped you before?" I asked and we both started laughing and he hit me gently.

Cassie's POV

"I already have everything we're taking to Milwaukee, packed up. I'm not getting up early unless we are going to the gym." Christian rubbed my back.

"We could go on a walk if you'd like." I felt him start kissing my neck and then my back. "Maybe after we finish this."

"Christian, I'm a literal whale right now. I don't have time for this. Let's go on a walk so I can get back." I got up and sat there and looked at him. These last couple of months, are what really killed me. I tried my best to stay relaxed but it never seemed to go that way.

Christian helped me get dressed and tied my shoes for me. "I miss being able to touch my toes." He laughed and then gave me a kiss. "I love you so much, I'm sorry for being grumpy."

"You're fine, don't worry." We went outside and waited for the kids to come out. We put Brielle in her stroller and the twins wanted to walk with us. "We're gonna be a family of six soon."

"All because you can't keep it in your pants," I said and he laughed. "Good thing you didn't though, because these are my biggest blessings." I pushed the stroller and had to stop every so often. I know everyone else didn't want to stop but my feet were hurting so bad.

"Mommy hurry up," Mason said and I looked at him.

"Mase I'm trying babe. My feet hurt." I got back up and continued to walk and Christian kept checking on me. When we stopped at the boys favorite park, Christian took the kids to the playground while I sat and rested. I ended up just scrolling through Instagram until Christian was ready to go home.

When we got there, I went up to the shower and instantly got in. I felt so disgusting and I couldn't sit in my filth for any longer. "Cassie, are you alright babe?"

"Yes, just tired," I said and started washing my body. "I'm gonna soak my feet in some epsom salt after." He nodded and then went and sat on the bed. After about thirty minutes, I went to get out and Christian came up to me with a towel. "I need your help in a few days." He knew exactly what I was talking about already. When I was finished, I put on some of Christian's shorts and one of his shirts. "Fuck, I'm in so much pain."

"Wait for me," Christian said while getting undressed. "Are you sure you're fine?"

"I'm just so tired and in pain." He looked at me one more time. "I love you," I said and let out a tear.

"I love you too Cas," He said with a chuckle. I sat there holding my stomach with my eyes closed. When I heard the water turn off, I tried my best to stop crying. I took deep breaths and when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, I opened my eyes. I leaned back against Christian. "I'm sorry for putting you through this again."

"It's not your fault I feel like this. I told you, I love having the opportunity to carry our babies." He rubbed my shoulders and back for a few minutes. We went downstairs and the kids were eating dry cereal out of the box on the couch.

"You take long," Noah said and I laughed. I cleaned up the pieces they spilled and laid on the recliner. "When you have baby?"

"When the baby can't grow any bigger inside of my belly." Christian came over and chuckled while handing me vitamins to take. "I want a bowl of fruit. Can you make me one?" He nodded and set my water down next to me.

"Babe, you want to have a barbecue here before we are leaving again? It can be a few friends and our families."

"It sounds like a good idea, but I don't think I can really help you that much."

"I know. I can get stuff done with Ricky and Cam. They love it here." A few minutes passed, and then I was given a full bowl of fruit.

"This tastes so good," I said and closed my eyes. Brielle crawled up on the chair and sat with me. She wanted to eat some too so I fed her. "You look so beautiful Bri."

"I do?" I nodded and looked at her. She had my eyes, and her little bit of hair resembled Christian's color but I wasn't too sure. She looked at me and continued to until Christian started talking.

"You are the most beautiful little girl ever Brielle. You definitely get it from your mom. You are the most beautiful blessings in my life."

"Go give your dad a kiss," I told her and she got up and I could hear her run to him. I finished my fruit and then got up. I started washing dishes, but then Christian stopped me.

"Gorgeous women such as yourself, don't have to do anything around here. I can do it," He said and leaned in to kiss me. I just watched him and then he stopped. "I have to do all the work?"

"I thought I was getting some neck kisses." He laughed and then leaned in and started kissing my neck. I held onto his waist and then moved his face. He looked at me and I then started kissing his lips. We moved quickly together until I heard one of the boys.

"Ew." I pulled away and wiped my face and Christian chuckled. I tried going back to the dishes and I got stopped again. He slapped my butt as I walked away and I know he was happy.

All Yours; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now