Chapter 120

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Dragonball: Unforgotten

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

Pain. There was such a nagging pain in your chest that it was almost like you'd gone back in time; a time when your heart had slowly been failing. Your head felt like it was filled with a heavy stuffing. And your body ached from laying in bed so long. Yet you made no move to get up. You'd hurt the one of the only people in your life that had been unequivocally kind to you. Though you hadn't seen Gohan's face the entire time you'd explained what happened, your imagination painted a vivid picture. The hurt and pain, the confusion, the disgust, and the hatred.

He hated you.

Oh gods you made Gohan hate you

You squeezed your eyes closed tighter. Your tail was tucked between your legs as you hugged onto a pillow. It might have even been the one you'd thrown at Gohan not that long ago. There was no way of knowing at that point. Your breath caught in the back of your throat, like a misbegotten hiccup, when you heard footsteps getting closer. With how messed up your mind was, trying to sense energy was pretty much useless. It didn't matter to you who it was either way. They would see your pitiful weakness and turn away; out of disgust or awkwardness it didn't matter. They'd finally know you for who you were. Chichi had been right all along. You were a whore.

The door opened slowly. You held your breath and kept your eyes closed. There was nothing inside of you that wanted to see the reaction of whomever had opened the bedroom door. When they got into the bed with you, you ended up releasing your breath in a great shudder.

"He doesn't hate you," Goku said in an awkward tone as he laid behind you.

You felt your skin crawl everywhere he touched you. It wasn't that he disgusted you. Oh no. You were upset with yourself. You had hurt him. You had hurt Gohan. So much so that he just...left. All of his things were still in one of the extra rooms. He hadn't even been able to concentrate enough to use Instant Transmission either. He'd just reacted and flown away. Not that you could blame him. You were a homewrecking, weak, whore.

How long would it be until Goku realized that? How long until he left you too?

"I'm not going anywhere," Goku said quietly but firmly as he wrapped his arms around you.

He was reading your mind. He had to have been. There was no way that he would have been able to say the exact opposite of what you were thinking if he didn't. How was he able to read your mind?

You felt Goku burying his head into your hair. You clenched tighter to the pillow.


The next morning you woke up to the smell of food. The bed was warm all around you. Which felt a little stifling with summer peaking in to say high. There was a small, non opening window above head height on one of the walls that let in enough sunlight to tell you that it was well into the morning. Your stomach churned and clenched to remind you that you hadn't eaten the night before. The scent of food in the air didn't help with that.

Despite the fact that your stomach was screaming at you, you stayed in bed. You weren't ready to face the world. Even if that world was just Goku in the kitchen. Actually, especially since it was Goku. It was due to him that you'd hurt Gohan so badly. He'd broken so many of his not-promises yesterday. And in doing so you'd cheated on Gohan. Or had you been cheating on Goku the whole time?

It was too much to take. Too much to think about. You turned over on the bed and tried to go back to sleep. At least if you were sleeping you couldn't hurt anyone. You couldn't break anything.

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