Chapter 8

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Eight

Goku passed around the small capsule house multiple times. He really wanted to go in and sleep but everytime he went in, one of the local girls started to push him back out! They told him that he couldn't go in there because you were in there. That wasn't fair!

And it was too cold to sleep outside. He tried. But he just could sleep in the snow like he could on some warm grass no matter how hard he tried. And he was tired and hungry!

They wouldn't even let him in so he could eat! Girls could be so mean!

"Goku, why are you pacing? I thought you were out having fun?"

He knew you were in pain. He saw you rubbing your body a lot. Especially your ribs. Like your heart was beating you black and blue from the inside. He tried to tell you that rubbing bruises didn't help but you told him you weren't bruised, that it just felt like everything was sore. That's why he didn't just ask you to switch with him.

"Naw, That was hours ago. I'm hungry and tired and the other girls wouldn't let me in."

He was whining and rubbing his arms to get warm. The wind blew goosebumps onto his skin, causing him to yelp quietly. You frowned and moved so that he could get in through the door. Which he did in such a hurry it was almost comical.

"How long have you been out there?"

"I don't know, the sun was still up?"

It had been dark for a while. You frowned as you looked at him. He looked really cold. Had he seriously been out in the snow for that long? And  in just his normal Gi no less.

"Get out, you shouldn't be in here," one of the younger woman said from her spot at the table.

From what Goku could see, she was idly stirring some soup. Almost like she didn't plan to eat it. His better sense got a hold of him at the yummy smells. He hurried over to the big pot you'd made even as one of the old women scolded him and demanded that he get out.

You frowned from the closed door as you watched what was happening. You knew that the village that you were taking shelter in during the storm was conservative but damn. You started to understand why Goku had been so cold and hungry. The gaggle of curious females you'd let into the small dome to look around while you were sleeping (not that they'd given you much choice...damn social pressure) had obviously been bullying him to stay out. And Goku was too nice to argue with his elders. Which most of the other women currently in the small capsule home were.

"Out!" The old woman barked as she hit him with the plastic stirring spoon.

Okay. Nope. Not okay.

"Hey! Stop! That's not okay!"

As you spoke you moved over to the whole mess. Goku cringed away from the old woman. Not out of pain or anything. More like a social fear if you had to guess. Especially with the way that he hid behind you when the old woman raised the spoon like a weapon again. He peaked over your shoulder in a childlike innocence despite the fact that he was clearly larger than you.

"Don't hit him! He's just cold and hungry!"

"He shouldn't be in here!" The old woman snapped.

"He has every right to be in here. This is his home too," you defended him.

You felt, more than saw, Goku nodding his head from behind you. Your statement and his agreement apparently didn't sit well with the village women. You could tell by the way that they all looked back and forth between one another. Like you had just said something so offensive they weren't even allowed to talk about it.

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