Chapter 61

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter sixty-one

Gohan seemed just as uncomfortable as you felt. You had a hard time digesting what you heard. There were so many ways to take that. So many different option. Only two options out of the ones were possible were viable. Well three maybe but the idea of counting having sex with Broly early to get pregnant sounded frightening. Which was why you could only think of two possible ones.

Your mouth, however, started talking before you could stop it. "I don't think that's a good idea. I mean I don't have money for invitro, not to mention that there's no time for that. Or the money it would got for male convince them to not wear condoms. And I wouldn't even know where to look! I mean I could try sleeping around with guys at school but that would mean any sort of life I'd want to have after would be over. There'd be no way I could get good recommendations from my teachers to get into college. There'd be no way I could get into a trade school either because I can't pay for them right now; I go through so much food. And if I'm having to pay for Broly to make sure he doesn't go rawr everywhere...not to mention the baby if it's born. I mean there's no guarantee that I can even get pregnant by human sperm. I know that your mom and Bulma were able to have you...but let's face it the human defense systems are probably no match for saiyan sperm. This little guys originally had to swim upwards against a gravity that's ten times that of earth. So my natural defenses inside are probably equal to the challenge of only letting healthy male saiyan sperm alive. Oh I'm so off topic again."

"How long have you been thinking of all of that? I never even thought about it like that. Wow no wonder Goten was conceived so quickly. And Trunks too," Gohan said quietly, looking slightly baffled after the word vomit that spilled out of your mouth.

"I..." you really didn't know what to say to any of that. Your eyes flickered down as you felt Broly's energy rise a little bit. And his little bit was like almost your full power level. He was getting agitated. "...short point - I don't think that's likely to happen."

"...yeah, I see that. But I meant," he stopped and shifted nervously. "Me. I meant me."

"Goku would kill you," was the first thought out of your mouth.

You really had no way of knowing how true that was. You'd been thinking figuratively at first until you remembered the sight of Gohan's battered body when he came to you to help him with his arm. Which healed up remarkably fast once you helped him get it back into socket. Yay saiyan healing genetic stuffs. You started to imagine what Goku would do to his son if he found out that you were pregnant with Gohan's child. None of it seemed pretty.

"Gohan this is so messed up."

"I know. I know that. But do you have a better option? Do you want Broly rape you?" weren't actually sure if it would be rape if you went into heat. At least not entirely. You could accept your fate and try to arouse yourself as much as you could before he did anything. Which might make it easier. Sure the whole size issue was scary but...maybe if you got him to like you enough to start slow it would be so bad. Or if you got him to realize not to go full force. The later would be harder but of a higher priority.

The fact that you were having to think about this scared you. A lot. You were only eighteen and you were facing the very real possibility of being a mom, again. And you were still in High School with no job. No security. Hell most of your money was already spent between rent, food, and miscellaneous. You were down to 15,000 Zenni that was supposed to last you till you got out of high school in two years. The damned fake ID had cost a lot at the start.

"Either I get pregnant with your child or Broly's within the next four weeks. Those are my only options? And what about Goku? If we wish him back...After what I saw last time...He will kill you or die fighting Broly. But let's say that we do this...and not bring him long till he talks with some of the Namekians that remember him? How long until they wish him back?"

"I don't have all the answers yet. But as for my dad, I can train in the hyperbolic time chamber a few hours a day to get stronger before you start showing. I bet Goten would enjoy going in once or twice. Vegeta might be happy too."

"Are you forgetting about the aging thing?" You demanded. "School isn't even out for the summer. We have to go back on Monday Gohan! If you show up every week with another year on you and double your muscle won't have a normal life. You will get noticed. Your name will get to the press. Especially after the tournament stunt."

Judging by Gohan's face, he'd forgotten all about that. But you watched as he became resolved. "So then what? We do nothing? Wait for my dad to come back and eventually try to take on Broly? Like you said - the Earth probably wouldn't survive that. Best case scenario is that Broly and my dad can stay separated for a month. Just long enough for you to get pregnant with my sibling. And then the fight happens that destroys my father. Again. I don't think Goten and mom could take any of that. Not to mention you. What would you do if you were pregnant with my dad's kid and he was fighting Broly? You'd try and stop it! I don't want you to die okay?!"

Seemed you weren't the only one getting aggravated by the fear that built up in the situation.

"How would me carrying your child instead change any of that?" You asked in a weak, unsteady voice. 

Gohan ran his hands through his hair. "It stops you from getting raped by Broly for one. It might also help me stop Goten from wishing back dad if he knows that we' Which just means that I'd just need to convince the Namekians not to wish my dad back no matter what he tries to tell them. Without dad back that stops Broly and dad from destroying everything in their fight. It also buys time so that I can train with Vegeta and find a way to get stronger than Broly if the worst happens."

"You're still forgetting that to get stronger fast'd have to age in the hyperbolic time chamber. You'd be giving up a good portion of your life. Because of me. And you and Goten wouldn't have your dad. Because of me. On top of'd be a father in like nine months or whatever...all because of me."

Your reputation in the grand scheme of things seemed unimportant.

Gohan lowered his hand and smiled lightly, the look making you nostalgic. "Yeah I know but it's the best I can think of."

Before you had time to answer, the door the the rooftop opened up. Broly moved out into the sunlight looking aggravated.

"Sorry Broly, this took longer than I thought," you apologized as you realized how much time you'd been hashing out the future with Gohan. "We'll go get dinner after we get you a shirt. My treat."

Broly nodded, his eyes not leaving Gohan. The two stared each other down. Which you felt was rather pointless. You and Gohan had just gone over how Broly was stronger than his dad, and beat down recovery or no...Gohan wasn't stronger than his father yet. So instead of staying around you grabbed Broly's hand to Get his attention. It barely seemed to work.

"Come on, we should go," you spoke as you moved into the air. You looked towards Gohan with a very conflicted expression. "Give me like a day to think about it okay?"

Gohan nodded as he tucked his thumbs into his fabric belt. "Be careful."

You tried to manage a smile before you convinced Broly to start flying with you.

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