Chapter 45

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A/N: Between writing the last chapter and this rankings for the story on Wattpad fell drastically. It made me sad.

  If you guys like the story please review. I wanna talk with yooooooou!  

Dragonball: Unforgotten

Chapter Forty-five

The events started to unfold rather quickly. Piccolo told everyone exactly what he overheard the evil raisin say. Apparently Namekian hearing was spectacular. Go figure. You were happy, however, that his ears just weren't for show although how they were stronger than anyone else's when the actual part that heard things didn't seem to be any bigger than yours was a mystery. You were decent at biology and anatomy but you weren't a scholar. Maybe Gohan knew...huh, alien taxonomy. Maybe you could make that a thing. It'd be fun.

"Let us see how this plays out," the Supreme Kai said.

Those words would bite him in the ass. Debura quickly got over to the cliff face and with his hand in Kibito's face, he sent the large pink man to the other world. Or as far as anyone could tell that's what happened. There wasn't really a body left after all. Goku and Vegeta jumped into the fray, throwing a few quick punches but they seemed to back off. Which...was confusing to you as it gave Debura time to target Krillin. His next attack you might ask? Spitting on the small Earthling.

"Oh no! I should have warned them!" you heard Supreme Kai say.

"Warn us about what?"

By the time you'd gotten your question out, Piccolo had also tried to charge the devil man and was spat on for his efforts. It seemed like such a weird thing to do until a crackling sound filled the air. White stone erupted and grew from the phlegm that Debura had spit on two of the warriors.

"It turns them to stone. It's one of Debura's special attacks."

"Wow," his level of incompetence was frightening you.

And while you didn't know about the fact that the Supreme Kai was telepathic, you weren't really sure if you would have cared at that point. Your mind was your safe place. If he was in there and didn't like what he found...well, that was his own fault.

"We can do nothing for them now." Goku rushed forward towards the stone version of Piccolo at the Kai's words. "Wait! Goku! Don't touch him. If you touch him now, he might break. And then there's no possible way to put them back together."

This time when Gohan got fired up you didn't reach out for his hand. You didn't try to stop him or comfort him. He had a good reason to be pissed. Especially with the taunt that Debura said as he flew off.

"I leave you one chance to run. Take it unless you'd rather end up like your friends."

"Can we put them on their backs so they don't get knocked over at least?" You asked the Supreme Kai.

He nodded slightly, his hand flickering out. There was this sort of energy that you were pretty sure wasn't exactly Ki. It wrapped around both the stoned Krillin and Piccolo, putting them onto their back as gently as possible.

"Hey, Supreme Kai. You said we can't put them back together if they break. Does that mean there's a way to return them back to normal?" Goku asked

The purple one nodded. "They will only return to normal if we are able to defeat Debura."

Well, he just seemed to make Goku's day. Or at least he made it better considering the fact that he thought he found such an easy way to return his friends to normal. And that was such a sexy smirk he had on. You smiled at that; he did confident very well. Goku really was in his element right before a fight. It was going to be nice to actually see him fight. Like a real one. Not just some street thugs.

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