Chapter 47

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Dragonball: Unforgotten

Chapter Forty-seven

At some point in life you were sure that you held life in higher esteem. You must have cared what happened to others at some point because you knew that you weren't a heartless monster. But you felt very little as you contemplated the fact that you had killed twice in one day. Twice. And non-sentient animals aside, that had been the first time you killed anything. You knew you should have felt something deeper than you did, that it would only be right. But you didn't. You felt next to nothing as you thought back on the murders you committed. Maybe it was the fact that they'd been looking to destroy Earth (or so said the negligent Kai) that made your actions feel consequenceless. Or it might have been the fact that neither of your victims looked remotely "human". But whatever it was you felt no guilt. Which was odd because you felt guilty over not feeling guilty. How messed up was that?

"Looks like we're done here," Vegeta said in a gruff, unhappy tone.

"No," you said quietly. "There's still the demon king guy. Otherwise the other two stay as stone."

It seemed as though you'd given Vegeta a small present when you told him there was still a fight to be had. Gohan and Goku, however looked less than thrilled. And the Supreme Kai looked to be on the verge of passing out. He probably couldn't handle the fact that his understanding of the universe had been drastically altered so quickly.

"Aw man, but that means I don't get a turn," Gohan sounded so disappointed that you couldn't help but laugh.

His pout was cute in that amusing way. Especially when he crossed his arms over his chest. It was easy to see his age in his pout. And there was also the fact that he looked like he'd been denied his turn on a video game more so than a fight to the potential death. Then again maybe you didn't quite understand what it felt like to not have someone nearby to challenge you. Fighting at their level no doubt shook things up so they needed to find an excuse to participate in that level of destruction.

"Hm, take on the demon king then boy," Vegeta practically ordered. "I thought that these weaklings could at least be entertaining but so far they've been nothing but a disappointment. I have something more important to waste my time on than these rejects."

"What could be more important than Bobidi's henchmen?" Supreme Kai asked.

No one answered that verbally. But all eyes turned to Goku. Said saiyan didn't look the least surprised as Vegeta strode forward. The two of them had an intense stare off and for a moment you wondered if Vegeta and Goku had like a thing. Other than the rivalry of course.

"Yeah, why not?" Goku finally spoke. "I could do with a good warm up before I go back to the other world."

"Big talk for a man that let himself get blown up," Vegeta returned.

"We'll see Vegeta."

You had a feeling that the match between Vegeta and Goku was going to be one for the century. Almost every part of you wanted to go watch but you also understood that it wasn't a spectator match. You didn't want to get in the way of either of them. You would likely end up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. reasoned that you probably shouldn't stay around Goku while he was in the living world in case you slipped up. There was still plenty of time screw up while Goku was temporarily alive. As much as it hurt knowing that he didn't know you, you weren't sure if you wanted to know what would happen if he did. If he remembered and wanted to stay with you, one day was too short. If he remembered and didn't love you anymore then that might break you. It was just bad situation all around.

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