Chapter 59

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter fifty-nine

"What is that?" Broly asked.

You held up the capsule so he could see it better. The area around you was flat enough and isolated enough that you were confident no one was going to storm out and demand you stop squatting.

"This is called a capsule. It compresses large objects to fit in a small space with very little weight. It makes things really easy to carry around. This capsule has a house inside of it. I know you had a hard time sleeping last night," you admitted, though he looked passive still. You hadn't been in the room with him but you had felt his energy fluctuating all night. "I thought you might sleep better without a lot of people around."

Broly made a humming like sound. You took that as a form of acceptance as he stared at your hand.

"When I click this and toss it, there is going to be a sound. And there will be gas released. A house will kind of just appear. I promise it's not an attack."

His brows furrowed in thought. Though what those thoughts were you didn't know. He wasn't exactly the most vocal of men. Or the most expressive outside of that sort of concentrated look that shifted into anger. So instead of prying you did what you said you were going to do. You clicked the capsule and tossed it to the area that you picked. Within moments the half circle of a house appeared. And it made your breath hitch.

For all the fuss you'd put up and all the pain seeing him again brought, you missed Goku so very much. Seeing the house that you had shared with him for the majority of a couple months reminded you of just how much you missed him.

Broly continued to look down at you as he registered your distress. His eyes went to look behind you, then slowly around. You felt his energy spiking as a look of aggression started to overtake the passive expression he had on a moment ago.

"Broly," you called out his name softly. "There's no threat. Just...memories. Have you ever gotten upset from a memory?"

He looked back at you and nodded. The start of the aggressive look on his face not really leaving. You took a deep breath as you moved towards the capsule house. Even in his base form, Broly still had to duck to get in through the door. It was almost comical actually to see such a large man stoop over. He made everything look small.

"I's small for you. Everything probably will be for a while. But it's what I have right now."

"You could rule this world and have what you want," Broly spoke as he stood in the middle of the place.

That was possibly the longest sentence you'd heard him say yet. It made you smile. With a bit of a bounce in your step you moved to get in front of him. Your tail waved behind you as you smiled at him.

"I don't want to rule. That's too much work. Besides for the most part I like this world. I mean there are some things I'd change but overall it's not a bad place to be if you give it a shot."

"What would you change?"

You blinked a few times as you looked up at him. You realized that this was actually turning into a conversation and that made you happy. At least it was something peaceful that he was engaging in.

"Well...I guess it could be better if there was no poverty."

"What's poverty?"

"Uhh," you tried to think of a way to explain it to him. "Poverty is when someone has very little compared to people that have a lot. Like houses, clothes, food. It's usually measured by amounts of money someone has each year to pay for things. Those who don't have much tend to be in poverty."

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