Chapter 60

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter sixty

You looked at Gohan as he nervously looked down. You knew that he was imagining Broly moving about your apartment. And that being so near a person he considered dangerous was not his idea of a good place to talk.

"Hey, calm down," you spoke up towards Gohan, moving close to him. "You keep calm, he keeps calm."

Though as far as you could tell, Broly couldn't exactly sense energy. He never really had to. There had never been anyone stronger than him. He had never needed to check energies to gauge his victories. Plus the fact that as far as you could tell, no one taught him. You weren't sure you wanted to either considering that it might set him off. Plus you'd rather he not be able to track you. Not yet at least. Not until he proved that you could trust him like you trusted Gohan.

"I don't like the fact that he's still here."

You gave Gohan a half smile as you stepped into a comfortable distance. "Well I did try to set up a place where he could be by himself. But he came back with me. Apparently he wants me to show him the city."

"He could hurt you," Gohan frowned.

"You could hurt me. You haven't; he hasn't either."

"It's not the same," the half-saiyan tried to argue.

"Why? Because he's a full saiyan? Like me? Because he tried to kill you? Like Vegeta?" You tossed at him challenging. You took a deep breath as Gohan faltered for words. "What was the important thing about your dad that you wanted to talk about Gohan?"

It was the weirdest thing to call Goku a "dad" even after doing it for as long as you had. Especially since you were talking to someone who looked your age. But it was what you needed to do. You needed to get it into your mind completely. Maybe it would help ease the painful longing. You doubted it but at this point you'd try anything.

"My dad wants to come back," Gohan said in a conflicted tone. He started to cross his arms over the tight expanse of his chest as his eyes took on the conflicted tone that his voice carried. "He's been dead for so long that I don't know if the dragon can do it. I know that Dende's dragon is different from Kami's because we get two wishes but I don't think it can wish someone back again. We tried once didn't want to come back. So it didn't work."

"What about the Namekian ones? The original ones?"

Gohan nodded slowly. "As far as I know, those don't have a restriction on how many times a person can be brought back. It's just sent Goten to get the Earth's dragonballs."

"...he did what now?" You asked in a very confused tone, shifting your weight from one foot to the other.

"Yeah, I know. It surprised me too. But seriously, he had King Kai help him communicate with Goten while he was sleeping. I bet it was so Goten didn't get confused. He hasn't heard dad talk a lot so he might not have recognized his voice if he didn't see him. It was a good idea but I don't know why he didn't just try to talk to me."

You had a feeling you knew exactly why. And based on the frown Gohan had an idea why too. He just didn't want to say it aloud. So you did.

"It's because of what happened that morning. He's jealous of you," you said with a certain type of guilt. "I'm sorry Gohan. I never meant to get between you and your dad."

"I know you didn't. I just don't know what to do now. If I don't go to Namek and wish him back...he might try and get Goten to do it. I think that's why he wanted him to get the Earth's first. Because there's no way that mom would let Goten go to Namek by himself. It would take a week at least to get there and that's assuming Bulma has a ship that fast ready. I still can't believe she let him and Trunks go off with Videl to find the dragonballs to begin with!" As he exhaled he dropped his arms after his small show of disbelief.

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