Chapter 87

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Eighty-seven

You looked up from where you were cuddled into Broly like a small child. You had been far too lost in your own worries to notice when another energy signature appeared. What you noticed was the fact that instead of simply holding you as you asked, Broly's arms went to cover as much of you as he could. As though he intended to side you from view. Even with how much bigger he was than you that didn't work. All it really accomplished was making you feel embarrassed over the situation.

When your eyes finally refocused on actually seeing what you were looking at, you heard Gohan calling out your name. He sounded cautious, questioning, as his eyes took in the situation. Broly was holding you protectively...posessively. And you didn't seem to be alarmed in the least. It almost took the air out of his lungs. He felt like he'd missed something, something really important.

"Was it him?" Broly asked.

You shook your head. You could have sworn you'd said "she" when you were talking about the fact that you were homeless now. But you supposed that Broly had only focused on the fact that you'd been "hurt". The gender of whom had done that hadn't mattered to him at the time. You felt Broly's thick tail fall over your legs as though he meant to cover even more of you from Gohan's gaze. Though considering that you weren't really thinking straight all you could actually think of was that you kind of wanted to pet it. And if it wasn't for the fact that you knew how good it actually felt to have a tail petted, you might have done just that.

The action of using his tail to cover more of you didn't go unnoticed by Gohan. He narrowed his eyes but held back the jealous monster that wanted to come out to play. It hadn't helped him last night over Sharpner and he knew it would help the situation right now with Broly either. But he really was starting to understand his dad's actions when he finally remembered you. All he really wanted to do after seeing Broly hold you was beat a lesson into him. The two problems with that was that it would upset you and even if it didn't, Gohan knew that he wasn't strong enough to do that. Not yet. He might be acting all calm with you in his lap right now but Gohan distinctly remembered how strong Broly really was. The worst part was that he'd be stronger now; he had been beaten and then he healed up. There was no way that Gohan could take him on by himself. Not by a long shot.

Gohan called out your name once more. His gaze softened when he looked from where Broly's tail was to were your face was. You looked so scared and vulnerable that it made Gohan feel weak. This was because of him...because of his mother. And no matter how much he wanted to he couldn't turn back the clock to undo the pain his mother had caused you.

Instead all he could really do was hold out his hand with a pleading look in his eyes. "Come here. Please. I'll fix it. I promise. I'll make everything all right again."

He meant what he said. You could see that he honestly believed that he would be able to do what he said. But you had no idea how. He wasn't in a position where he could get you back the apartment his mother ripped out from under you. He couldn't clean your record so that the school didn't expel you. He couldn't make it so that you wouldn't be charged with evading arrest. He could offer you a place to sleep that night but you'd rather have your organs ripped out again before you slept under the same roof as that bitch.

"How?" You asked quietly, turning slightly in Broly's rather restrictive embrace. "How will you make this right?"

Gohan was quiet at that. He tried to think quickly but he couldn't really come up with anything. At least noting good.

"You can't," you told him bitterly. "The whole situation is fucked up beyond repair."

You almost flinched when you felt Broly shifting underneath you. It almost felt like he was about to stand up. You turned your head back into him and whispered that he should relax. That Gohan wasn't the problem. Because he wasn't. He just wasn't the solution either.

Gohan was left a little speechless as he tried to figure out what to do. He knew that he couldn't force you to move. That would only make the situation worse (Broly not withstanding). But he also knew that if he left you along...well, he'd be the next Son to see you slip out of his grip. He had been there to comfort you after his dad had left; he'd rather have his head bashed in so that Broly could do the same when he "left".

"We can go see Bulma. See if the spaceship is ready," Gohan brainstormed, still holding out his hand. "By the time we get back, there will have been plenty of time to figure this out."

Time was not on your side. You didn't have many days before you needed to have all of your stuff out of the apartment. You were pretty sure that it would take longer than the three days they'd given you. You weren't an expert in space traveling but you figured it would probably take a long, long time to get to another planet. And—oh wait. Shit.

"I can't go," you said with wide eyes, panic and guilt running through your body in equal measure.

"Why?" Gohan lowered his arm in a sort of defeat.

"I'm pregnant. I can't travel to another world. I can't...I forgot about how much time it would take. "

"Oh. Don't worry about that. It probably won't take more than a month round trip," Gohan explained casually.

The time you turned your attention back to Gohan. "Really?"

The half-saiyan nodded with a small smile as he looked at your surprised face. "Yeah. Bulma and her dad have gotten really good at building spaceships."

That stunned you.

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