Chapter 13

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Thirteen

Goku felt his body coil and spring up as he lept up to the second floor of the event building. This was the one where all the interviews and meetings were held in. It wasn't really all that big but to Goku it felt like a large place for just one building. He liked his Grandpa's house better. Or the one Bulma leant then to use. Or the hotel you and he had been sharing for the last few days. That was his favorite right now. He got to fall asleep with you on the bed in that place. And that was a nice feeling.

But that wasn't what he should have been focused on. Instead he needed to focus on his current goal. Which was looking into windows to see if he could see the one star Dragonball. So far he hadn't been having much luck. Goku lifted himself over the lip of the window and pressed his face into the glass. The glass fogged up pretty quickly but had enough time to look about pretty well.

"He did you hear about the chick that's downed six of Mik's spiked lemonades?"

Goku looked up when he heard some of the people he beat coming his way. Oh Man...they were going to ruin his plans. He knew that hanging off the side of a building didn't look right to most people. It didn't matter if he was ultimately doing it to save your life, he knew that people would be upset with him.

So as the voices got closer, Goku dropped down to the ground and leaned up on the building instead. He kicked at the ground with his feat, just a little upset that he had to stop looking.

"Dude, no way. I'm wasted after two of those. No way some chick has downed six of them."

"I'm serious. I watched her drink five of them and go for her sixth. And get this, she was still walking straight."

"Man. That girl can hold her alcohol huh? She still at the tent you think?"

Goku watched as the two soccer players passed by. They pretty much ignored his existence. Which was probably for the best.

"Yeah, I bet. I heard her boyfriend left her there and walked off. Bet she's drinking because they broke up."

He really didn't understand half of what the guys were meaning. At least not until that last part. That was easier to understand. The poor girl must have gotten into a fight with her guy friend. He just didn't understand the part where lemonade and how much she was drinking was something to be amazed at. Last thing Goku knew when he left you in the tent, you'd been drinking the lemonades too. He had even had one and there didn't seem to be anything special about them.

"Is she hott?"

"She's got that good girl thing going on for her. You know, the fresh faced girl that you can actually bring home with you."

Huh, that sounded like you. And when everything was over with, Goku really did plan to bring you home with him. It would be nice to have a friendly face to talk to. And wake up with. The fact that you cooked made it even better!

"Definitely out of your league."

"Not with that many drinks in her."

What did drinks have to do with brining a girl home? Was he supposed to get you drinks or something? Goku tilted his head in confusion as he tried to listen in to what the althetes were saying to one another. But another, more familiar voice, caught his attention.

"Goku! Hey Goku! Man you really have gotten tall!"

Goku looked to see the guy in white that was creating him. It took him a minute to recognize him but when he did, Gohan grinned.

"Hey Yamcha!"

"Good to see you man," Yamcha said as he slapped Goku on the shoulder in greeting. "Heard you were looking for the dragonballs again huh?"

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