Chapter 19

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Nineteen

You felt like 100% shit. Forget asking what the license plate of the car that hit you was, you just needed the planet to stop trying to throw you off. It felt like you were on a bucking Bronco. As you roused you heard Goku talking to someone.

"I'm sorry Goku. That's all that we can do for now."

As you opened your eyes you recognized the big green man as Kami. But only after you tried to push yourself away from him instinctively. You hadn't meant to be mean or anything, it was just that unlike Goku you grew up around humans only. Anything else felt like a monster to your instinctual brain. Not that Kami was a monster of course. And you recognized that once you didn't feel like you were still trapped in a nightmare.

"You need to find the Dragonballs. And soon."

"I know," Goku said with a very serious expression. "The last two...I can't figure it out. But...they keep moving."

"I will see what I can do to help her. But you need to talk to her too. She's awake."

He hadn't even looked at you despite being at the doorway. His eyes hadn't turned towards you or anything. You shivered as you thought about the guardian of the Earth being just like the myth of Santa Claus. Sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake. Stuff like that. Which was creepy.

You tried to sit up and put a brave face on as Goku came into the room. But you stopped smiling when you saw that he looked very upset. To the point that he seemed like a completely different person to you.

"We need to talk," Goku said as he sat down on the end of the bed you were on, body turned so he could look at you.

"Okay," you whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me that you weren't eating? I wouldn't have eaten all the food. And I would have gotten you more food."

"I wasn't hungry," you said quietly. "I mean I was eating but not enough I guess. I just wasn't hungry."

"You can't not eat enough. You have to take care of yourself too."

"I was eating as much as normal people eat," you tried to defend yourself. Goku's look told you he was having none of your excuses.

"And what about the fact that you were in pain? Huh? I mean more than normal."

"...didn't seem important until it was really bad?"

He said your name in such a way that you felt like a child. Which was stupid. You were the same age as him. You looked down at your hands, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Kami told me that your body is rejecting a lot of your organs. Like your heart, liver, kidneys.... And senzu beans won't regrow things that are still there. I don't know why your body is rejecting your organs but it didn't sound good."

"And it gets worse the more I move around and exercise," you confessed. "Especially my heart. It's not strong enough."

As you spoke, you vaguely rubbed the hairline scar between your breasts. It was a constant reminder of the fact that your body wasn't long for this world. You might not remember getting them and they might seem really faint compared to modern surgery standards, but you weren't stupid. Your parents might not have talked about it but after a while you realized why you had those scars. You must have had your organs replaced before; the other ones must have been rejected too. You were already on your second chance at life and until you met Goku you'd been squandering it. At least that's what it felt like. And without the dragonballs you doubted you'd really get another chance.

"So every time we had sex, it was making it worse," Goku concluded.

You felt like a stone had dropped all the way down your stomach as he fell silent. He felt angry to you. The last thing you had wanted after all of this was to make him mad at you.

"You should have told me."

"Goku, I'm so sorry," you whispered.

"You should have told me that I was making it worse," Goku said as his jaw clenched in time with his fists. "I would have stopped."

"I didn't want to make you upset," you confessed. "I thought after we got the fifth ball that the next two would be found quickly. I didn't think that I'd almost..."

"Die. You almost died," a Goku's voice dropped. "I barely got you here fast enough. Kami says if I'd been a minute later the sensu bean wouldn't have worked. You'd stopped breathing when I got you here."

You wrung your hand as you felt yourself start to choke up. You looked at the cream colored bedspread underneath your hands as tears fogged up your vision. You didn't see the cover for long as Goku pulled you in for a hug. You were stiff in his arms for a while until you slowly reached up to fist your hands into his Gi.

You didn't want to die. You wanted to live with him in the stupidly large house he wanted to make. You wanted to laugh with him and argue over how many kids he wanted you to miraculously pop out. You wanted to explore the world and try new things. You even wanted to take him up on his offer to train you. But you were running on narrowed time and he'd already shown you so many miracles that you didn't believe you'd live to see another.

"I'm going to fix this. And when I do, we're going to live happily ever after Okay?"

You wanted to believe him. But it felt hopeless right now. You felt like such a weak fool. Like you were a disgrace.

"I will find the other two dragonballs. But you're going to stay here. So Kami and Mr. Popo can watch over you."

He was leaving you. You knew what he said but that's what it felt like. You clenched at his orange Ki as tightly as you could, mentally begging him not to leave you. You didn't trust your voice. And you didn't want to seem that selfish. Even if he did decide to save your life there was no guarantee that he'd want to stay with you after all the fuss you had made. Even your own parents barely liked to spend time with you. Goku was no doubt finally understanding why.

"I'm going to find them and then I'll come right back. That way we can make the wish together."

You nodded against his neck and chest, wanting to believe him. It was hard but you really wanted to.

"But before I go, we have something to do."

You were silent as Goku pushed you away just far enough that he could see your face. He smiled that lopsided goofy grin of his.

"We're going to get married. That way you know I mean it when I say that I want to stay with you."

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