Chapter 5

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Five

You avoided what promised to be the most awkward conversation yet like a pro. Given the fact that Goku had been genuinely concerned about you, you didn't bring up the fact that you were in different clothes. Nor anything related to that fact. You didn't bring it up. You didn't even mention it. You supposed that hindering you naked and possibly getting you dressed was the least of your worries.

Especially when he personally introduced you to the man named Kami. You'd been expecting an old man or something. What you got wasn't that. Well he was old but...everything else was more important. To start off with he was green. Not like "going to be sick" pale shade of green. He was legit a dark, inhuman green. He was both the most fascinating and scary thing you had seen. And considering that the world had dinosaurs that was saying something.

"Are...are you a humanoid dinosaur?" You asked in a quiet voice, instinctively staying really close to Goku.

You were pretty sure that what you'd asked had been offensive. Oops. Too late to take it back. But Kami took it with stride. To be fair humans were nothing more than humanoid great apes. Even Goku for how amazing he was. The ironic thing was that no one had an idea of how true that comparison was in his case in particular. Not yet at least.

"I am the guardian of earth."

That didn't mean he couldn't still be a humanoid dinosaur. Then again you'd never seen a dinosaur with those sort of dangly things off the top of their head. Maybe he was more like a bug then. But that, at least, you didn't ask. You got the distinct impression that asking if he was a pod person would be way more offensive than if he was a Dino-human.

"Pleased to meet you," you mumbled politely.

The guy still looked kind of creepy. He was probably an awesome guy, but he was still creepy. His head was shaped weird. He had weird antenna things. Large shapely wrinkles. Weird eyes. The whole shabang. He definitely wasn't human.

Goku put his arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner as you continued to shy away from the strange man. It was comforting and insulting all at the same time. He was right - you wanted to feel comforted but did you really seem that needy? Obviously the answer was yes or he wouldn't have done it.

"You should return her to her home Goku. Sooner is better."

You agreed with him. Sooner was better. There was something about being at the lookout which made your head spin. You felt excited and scared all at the same time.

"Okay Kami. Thanks again for helping."

"Any time, Goku. It's the least I could do after everything you've done for Earth."

Was he talking about defeating the red ribbon army or demon king Picollo? You contemplated the choices as Goku lead you out of the main building. Kami followed behind which made you kind of nervous. But you forgot all about him when you got outside.

Sky - that was the first thing that struck you. You were in the middle of the sky. There was absolutely nothing else around you. Goku smiled as he saw your awestruck expression. It amused him to see your emotional shifts. Especially all of the good ones. He didn't really like the bad ones like sadness and that unhappy look you got at bad smells. It was nice to see you smile even if your eyes were still puffy from crying.

"You ready to do something fun?" He asked, almost about ready to rock back and forth on his toes.

You looked up at him, "Like what? Go skydiving off the side without a parachute?"

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